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Status Updates posted by adept

  1. I haven't attempted to read it yet as I think I needed a Huayan 101 to start me off. I can e-mail it to you if you don't have it, but beware it is a massive file.

    Look forward to hearing from you. There is much to discuss.

    Best wishes


  2. Looking into Zen and Ch'an, it became obvious that the foundation came from Huayan. It takes the prajna-paramita sutras so well suited to Zen, to a whole,new, deeper level. The depth and scope of Huayan thought is unfathomable. Utterly mindboggling. I don't think it's possible to ever totally understand it, at least in this life.

    I have a PDF of the Thomas Cleary translation of...

  3. I switched my meditation to shikantaza and noticed an immediate change. 'Just sitting' without any goal, or expectation of any kind, letting everything come and go without having to 'work' with thoughts, feelings, noting of every nanosecond of activity etc etc.

    I feel much better for the switch in meditative practice. More vibrant but with a sense of lightness that was miss...

  4. Even though Huayan is a highly metaphysical form of Buddhism, I believe it to be accessible through meditation. The story of how I came into contact with it was firstly through vipassana. Reflecting on impermenance and seeing the constant flux of all life in daily activities. This led me to emptiness and the Mahayana. Arousing and developing Bodhicitta became an important aspect of my life.

  5. Hi 2netis.

    I'm actually reading the Garma Chang book at the minute. I think it's a good overview of Huayan thought but also does go into detail on some important points . I'm not finished reading it yet so I'll give a more detailed response when I'm done.