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Everything posted by adept

  1. Time Table of the Tao Te Ching

    There's no evidence to suggest that a person named Laozi ever existed. The DDJ is rumoured to be the work of many hands.
  2. Book Sale

  4. Evangeline Lilly is so damn hot !! Thanks for that pic, it made my day.
  5. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Exactly. This is one of the reasons that people who practice meditation, qigong, and other Eastern disciplines are sometimes described as 'weird', by those that take mainstream media for the absolute truth.
  6. Does Anyone Have Power?

    I think I remember reading somewhere about some zhan zhuang practitioners dying early.
  7. Meditation infographic

    All you need to know. Brilliant !
  8. Does Anyone Have Power?

    I rest my case.
  9. Does Anyone Have Power?

    But then again, life in the PL is without any birth, aging, sickness and death, so it would be a million times better than reincarnating back here.
  10. Does Anyone Have Power?

    You have used the word bullshit in replying to two of my posts in the last 24 hours. You seem to have a problem with me.I'm sorry if what I post doesn't fit with your superior worldview. You're another one who disses every other practice apart from your own. Your ignorance of the validity of other methods shows in the manner of your posts. Its obvious that power has also corrupted you.
  11. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Same here ! But for those with that inclination, maybe that's (PL) the way.
  12. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Pure Land Buddhism seems an easier way to step off the cycle of birth and death than MoPai.
  13. Does Anyone Have Power?

    I'm not sure why or what the causes are but I've seen really nice, polite, decent people become really nasty and horrible when given positions of power. Usually within a few days or weeks. The transformation is startling.
  14. Does Anyone Have Power?

    I don't think it is. All through my life I've witnessed people who are elevated to positions of power and on every occasion, they've turned into complete assholes.
  15. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Where have I heard this before ?
  16. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Oh, is this the link you keep repeating every other post ?
  17. Does Anyone Have Power?

    I never said any of this or even hinted at it. I'm in no way powerless and don't get screwed over. Survival is a part of being human but you can't go over the top. I don't play make believe or engage in fantasy lifestyles. I'm not living a peaced-out, blissful existence either. I treat each situation 'as it is' and act in a suitable manner. But you're way of 'survival of the fittest' is back to an animalistic way of living and is not the way of the Dao. You live by the sword and you die by the sword.
  18. Does Anyone Have Power?

    When you're messing with a supposed high level power, anything can happen, especially if you're not ready for it. For instance, murdering entire villages of innocent men, women and children, and even worse, thinking that it's OK.
  19. Does Anyone Have Power?

    It seems to you that anything other than Mopai isn't worth practicing. That John Chang and the lineage that preceded him practiced 'the ultimate cultivation method' where all others pale into insignificance ? Well, if that system is ok with genocide and racism then it is the worst example of those thirsting for power. Power does indeed corrupt, at all levels, without exception.
  20. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Thank you, that is very fitting to this thread.
  21. Does Anyone Have Power?

    So, Thunder_Gooch, if you could learn this type of power, would you still do it knowing that it could turn you into a crazed murderer of women, children and men, and a hateful racist ? Power corrupts !
  22. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Oh, I get it alright. Learn 'high level' neikung and turn into a murderer and racist
  23. Does Anyone Have Power?

    I read the book years ago and this story actually made me feel sick to the stomach. These are supposed to be 'high level cultivators', whatever that means. How people do such things is beyond me. We don't even know if that story is true. It could have been included in the book for 'entertainment' purposes. Sick, twisted and racist.
  24. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Yes, I agree, but racism ?