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Everything posted by adept

  1. Science of meditation

    These videos look interesting. When I get more time later today I'm gonna watch them. Thanks for posting them.
  2. The Ch'an Bums

    Entering the Tao of Sudden Enlightenment
  3. The Ch'an Bums

    Cold Mountain. The Poetry Of Han Shan
  4. The Moon Is Bright Tonight!

    Will a moon so bright ever arise again? Drink a cupful of wine and ask of the sky. I don't know where the palace gate of heaven is, Or even the year in which tonight slips by. I want to return riding the whirl-wind! But I Feel afraid that this heaven of jasper and jade Lets in the cold, its palaces rear so high. I shall get up and dance with my own shadow. From life endured among men how far a cry! Round the red pavilion Slanting through the lattices Onto every wakeful eye, Moon, why should you bear a grudge, O why Insist in time of separation so th fill the sky? Men know joy and sorow, parting and reunion; The moon lacks lustre, brightly shines; is al, is less. Perfection was never easily come by. Though miles apart, could men but live for ever Dreaming they shared this moonlight endlessly! Shui Tiao Ko Tou
  5. The nature of being

    Who is it that meditates ?
  6. Hua Yen Buddhism.

    I agree with this 100%.
  7. Hua Yen Buddhism.

    Another interesting piece on the influence of Taoist philosophy on Buddhism. Taoist ancestry of Ch'an.
  8. Replies and Relevance

    If only you could hear me speak, you definitely wouldn't understand me. I have a strong Geordie accent. It sounds more Scandanavian than English at times.
  9. On the path

    Speak for yourself.
  10. Australia: Queensland Flood Crisis

    Terrible, terrible events happening in Australia. My heart goes out to anyone affected by the floods. I've been watching the news about it, it looks exactly like the asian tsunami a few years back. Devastating. May all beings be free from suffering.
  11. Replies and Relevance

    I wonder who they are.
  12. True Self

    I like this very much and have said it before, many times. There's far too much emphasis on what will or won't happen after physical death. Just live in the now, moment to moment, as best as we can.
  13. True Self

    Sorry but this is not correct.
  14. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    This thread is hilarious. Nearly spat my oolong all over my lovely Mac. :lol:
  15. Healing an abdominal hernia

    Surgery is the only way I know of to repair an inguinal hernia, if that is what you have. I have had 2 repairs done. One was the 'old fashioned' opened up way 15 years ago. It took 8 weeks to fully heal and before I could return to work. The second one was performed back in July by keyhole. Back to work and able to lift after only 2 weeks of rest. Both ways of recovering are still painful though. Good luck.
  16. Jam Jong

    will give you what you need to know.
  17. The Enlightened Sage

    What an excellent post. This is one of the best pieces I've read on here. I'm gonna print it out and read it frequently. Unfortunately, most folks on these forums will probably have a go at you for writing this. I most certainly won't. Thank you
  18. Free yourself!

    Nice. I like this very much. Thanks.
  19. The 100 day Meditation Experiment

    Is anybody still with this ? I still haven't missed a day.