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Everything posted by adept

  1. Looking into Zen and Ch'an, it became obvious that the foundation came from Huayan. It takes the prajna-paramita sutras so well suited to Zen, to a whole,new, deeper level. The depth and scope of Huayan thought is unfathomable. Utterly mindboggling. I don't think it's possible to ever totally understand it, at least in this life.

    I have a PDF of the Thomas Cleary translation of...

  2. I switched my meditation to shikantaza and noticed an immediate change. 'Just sitting' without any goal, or expectation of any kind, letting everything come and go without having to 'work' with thoughts, feelings, noting of every nanosecond of activity etc etc.

    I feel much better for the switch in meditative practice. More vibrant but with a sense of lightness that was miss...

  3. Even though Huayan is a highly metaphysical form of Buddhism, I believe it to be accessible through meditation. The story of how I came into contact with it was firstly through vipassana. Reflecting on impermenance and seeing the constant flux of all life in daily activities. This led me to emptiness and the Mahayana. Arousing and developing Bodhicitta became an important aspect of my life.

  4. Hi 2netis.

    I'm actually reading the Garma Chang book at the minute. I think it's a good overview of Huayan thought but also does go into detail on some important points . I'm not finished reading it yet so I'll give a more detailed response when I'm done.

  5. What is Tao

    By being a process, no ONE thing drives it. It is the culmination of countless 'things'. A state of constant flux. I'll go out on a limb here and suggest that Tao is exactly the same as conditioned arising in Buddhism. The great mystery is that there is NO great mystery.
  6. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Awesome ! One of the best posts I've ever read here on TaoBums. These 2 books may well interest you.
  7. This is always what I've thought. A fascinating subject. Many thanks to the OP for bringing it up.
  8. Quick Kunlun question

    Anyone know of this ? Or does anyone have the 2nd book for sale ?
  9. Japan

    What the hell has this got to do with a natural disaster ending the lives of thousands. The atrocities that took place in war have nothing to do with innocents killed here. Why should the whole nation suffer as a result of a few maniacs in wartime ? Nice to see sympathy and compassion being shown here on Taobums.
  10. Quick Kunlun question

    Isn't there a new Kunlun book due out ?
  11. Poems

    Excellent site of Taoist/Buddhist inspired poetry here
  12. Hua Yen Buddhism.

    Introduction to Huayen Buddhism Huayan
  13. Hua Yen Buddhism.

    More Huayen books: This and this. Both these look really good.
  14. What is your Enlightenment paradigm?

    Because your trying to grasp the un-graspable. For want of another word, craving. The cause of all human suffering and stress. Better to just relax and enjoy the moment, without expectation.
  15. Well, I practice my zhan zhuang in the woods every morning. The connection that I feel to nature is beautiful. The peace, quiet and serenity is exquisite. Feeling the cold air making contact with my exposed face and hands makes me feel alive. As the rain hits my face and head it causes me to thank whatever forces are making this wonderful event in time happen. The birds come really close as I stand still, my internal energy in constant motion. A fox, prowling it's way through the undergrowth, on the lookout for a stray bird, looks up at me, then continues on it's way. You can't put a price on this type of experience. It's absolutely wonderful.
  16. long term retreat

    I think mine lasted 10 years, but I can't remember much of it. :D
  17. Dependent Origination

    Excellent !
  18. Dependent Origination

    He didn't start a religion. His followers descendants did many years after his death.
  19. Mixing different Gongs

    From my personal experiences over the years I believe that a mixture of: 1. A moving qigong or neigong practice or martial art form. 2. A standing practice. 3. A sitting meditation ( vipassana, zazen, anapana, zuowang). ... can give you all you need. Don't complicate it. Keep it simple. Practice, practice practice. Increasing the length of time slowly.
  20. Dependent Origination

    Without dependent origination, the teachings of the Buddha have no meaning. It is what binds the four noble truths, the eightfold path, kamma, emptiness, mindfulness meditation, all together. D.O is the Dhamma. It is that important.
  21. Dependent Origination

    As a result of studying the theory and applying it in real life, I am now more considerate towards others. Every thought, word and deed of mine has an effect on anyone and anything I come into contact with. Therefore, careful consideration is needed before an act is performed. In this way genuine compassion is a natural outcome. This is all I will say on the matter. I don't wish to get caught up in repetitive and meaningless mega-posting.
  22. Dependent Origination

    Yes. The groundless ground.
  23. Dependent Origination

    D. O does not need to be as complex as it has been described here. You don't need to be a Buddhist or a Daoist or whatever to understand it either. The way I see it is that everything is constantly changing, nothing stays still, not for a moment. Permanent impermenance if you like. Constant flux, continual movement. For these infinite changes to happen, certain conditions need to be present. Because of this...that arises. Conditionality. These conditions are themselves dependent on other conditions ad infinitum.... Examples can be found everywhere in the natural world, in our ever changing thoughts, in our bodily awareness, in our meditation as we notice things arising and ceasing. Everything changes, all the time, but I can have some control over my own life by the choices I make. What have I gained from this realization ? That whatever I do, think of, act upon, can have consequences that affect not only me but all who I come into contact with. This makes me more thoughtful as to how I go about life. D.O, emptiness, cause and effect, impermenance, mindfulness are all linked together. But it is D.O that binds it all together. D.O is not mere mental masturbation, it is a practical guide to life.
  24. How did you get here?

    I experienced a death in the family. From that day on 15 years ago, my spiritual quest started. I don't know if I'll ever find the answer though.
  25. What Books are by Your Bed?

    1. The Tibetan Book Of Living and Dying - Sogyal Rinpoche An awesome book that has challenged my conditioned beliefs. Utterly captivating. 2. The Writings Of Nichiren Daishonin Not by my bed as this is online.