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Everything posted by Partez

  1. The concept of God

    Have my referral link, I'll get $15 😄 The process was super easy and free. It's so easy now, I think legalization is around the corner and we can all really tune in to God (See, still on topic) The cost is basically street prices, and quality is good, you can get the oil tho which is around $150 for 30ml. It's really good.
  2. My experience with Spring Forest Qigong

    It sounds like you are getting ready to shill a system. Well, what is it? (And how much does it cost 🤣)
  3. The concept of God

    I think it's almost impossible to figure it out. For all we know, we are actually an advanced form of AI, that's created the current "reality" as a means to stop itself from going insane and committing suicide. We are all on the road to the final realization what we actually are, and once the collective truth becomes too much to bare, the "universe" will be destroyed and the cycle will start all over again. On a side note, I've recently got medicinal cannabis prescribed. (I'm in Aus, so it's still illegal here)
  4. My experience with Spring Forest Qigong

    I sort of question if there is much beyond that, but open to it. Through hypnosis I can create most of the "Qi" effects people present, like pushing and pulling someone, or transfering an energy etc. I'm yet to see any tangible proof from anyone of anything greater than that. And while internal experiences, like Astral projection or seeing ghosts are real, ultimately the experience may only be happening in your head.
  5. What is your purpose for your practice?

    I work as a hypnotis, hence I'm quite skeptical on the "Qi" that I feel, but I do feel it, and it feels nice. As a way of doing self hypnosis I always attribute a healing, positive character to the sensational which works on the subconscious mind. Of course, there's a part of me that holds out for the house jumping, and that "Qi" is something more tangible than just sensations created by my mind. Worst case scenario tho, is I'm spending some time doing light mobility and stretching exercises as a moving meditation, with some positive, subconscious programming for self healing and energy every day.
  6. Hi guys. A while ago now a friend took me to a "Satsung" by a local female "guru". The whole experience seemed a bit scammy and self aggrandizing, with the typical self help and positive thinking fluff, as well as a nice Kirtan. At the end she had whoever wanted to, walk up to the front and kneel down besides her or one of her disciples, who would put one thumb on your third eye area and hold one hand up in the air, and I noticed their eyelids fluttering rappidly. I'm always open to new experiences, so I gave it a shot and ended up with someone who I later found out was the daughter of the head "guru", and low and behold, my eyes started to flutter rappidly and felt an electric energy going through my forehead. I went back again a couple times more, and to another local place which no longer operates as her popularity seems to have diminished in recent times, but never had the same strong experience again, even from the head guru herself. I had a look at some of the things she teaches, and whatever she did, she is only teaching to the inner circle, because all the books and meditations she sells seem like fluff to me. From my point of view one of three things might be happening. 1. I simply tranced out, and went with the expectation of my eyes fluttering and just went along the first time subconsciously. Maybe the second time I wasn't that into it and didn't go. 2. She learned some genuine technique or cultivation method, and was now using it to leverage her semi-cult type thing. Whatever she was doing, she wasn't teaching it to any of the peasent. 3. It could have been an outright trick using some sort of low electricity rig. This is possible, but least likely IMO from the experience I had. Has anyone else here had an experience, or seen something similar with this "Shakti" energy?
  7. Next question then. How do you recreate that specific sensation. I've been doing Qi Gong for years and can feel "energy" flowing every each way, but never had the specific experience here.
  8. Zhineng Qigong on Sale on Udemy for $10

    As other's have stated, there is nothing wrong with levels in and of it's own. It helps structure progression, and is used in many martial arts, and keeps things interesting to help motivate you to progress. What's more telling of a "scam" art I think are "secret" teachings. Sometimes these are outright kept secret on purpose to extract more cash, and other times as often is the case with Chinese practices, they are simply traditionally kept secret throughout the family, but could end up being nothing more than some great, great, great, great, great Chinese grandfather catching a glimpse of a monkey scratching it's back while he was in an elated spiritual mood, then copying the movement. I do agree that someone just starting out should go through all the freely available forms, before signing up to a 1000+ dollar online course with someone who calls themself Thunder Wizard, or something like that.
  9. New Thoughts On MaoShan Spirit Fighting

    I stopped watching once I saw his name was Thunder Wizard.
  10. My experience with Spring Forest Qigong

    I quite enjoy SPQ and have practiced it for many years, and no, I'm not on Chunyi's staff. I've got up to level 4, but never got into the level 3 and 4 meditations. Not seeing any ghosts yet, but it's a solid practice to start feeling the "Qi"