Sleepy Bluejay

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Everything posted by Sleepy Bluejay

  1. Qi deviations

    Someone made me think of Qi deviations and I gave it a thought. Qi deviation There are two versions of Qi deviation; one is psychological and the other is physical. The psychological Qi deviation; is to face your inner demons and traumas. By overcoming psychological Qi deviation, you overcome your inner demons and traumas. Mental illnesses and disorders do not develop by Qi deviations, the illnesses and disorders were always there. Things that cause mental illnesses and disorders are abuse, childhood traumas, genetics, etc. If you cannot overcome your traumas or “inner demons”, please seek professional medical help from a real psychiatrist and not a “healer”. The physical Qi deviation; is just regular malpractice of exercises that you will get from any basic workout if done incorrect. So quit using Qi deviations as an excuse for claiming a practice is bad! Saying people should not practice my made-up technique or anyone's made-up technique for that matter, because of Qi deviations, remember this: It is better to face your inner demons and traumas than letting them eat you up from the inside!
  2. Qi deviations

    @Pak_Satrio Wait a minute, I just understood why your profile picture is of a troll!
  3. Qi deviations

    Better than yin yang house architecture technique
  4. Qi deviations

    My technique is based on the metaphor of a potato plant taking roots, not building a house.
  5. Qi deviations

    Listen all I know is that my technique actually allows you to feel your meridians taking the form what those acupuncture point maps point out. If you don't want to do it, then don't.
  6. Qi deviations

    what damage? Will they explode like in novels? no? Also yes I do, give it a try. But you wont cause you are too busy recommending scams to other people.
  7. Qi deviations

    neither do you, yet you still have the guts to claim this and that
  8. Qi deviations

    "You misunderstand. I said I was a professional, I didn't mean to imply that you were. " mhmm
  9. Qi deviations

    If meditation induces anxiety then clearly any practices of Taoism is just not for you and you should stick to the philosophic part of Taoism. May I recommend the Lao Zhu - Tao Te Ching.
  10. Qi deviations

    oh no, I guess meditating is bad for you!
  11. Qi deviations

    All techniques are made up, the difference is that some are older than other. Life is short but yet you still practice what other people claims is real while they still grow old and do not live any longer than averages.
  12. Qi deviations

    Facing your inner demons and trauma is just to think about your problems. If your traumas and "inner demons" are that serious that you can't overcome them yourself, then seek professional help from an actually doctor. Again meditation and Qi deviations do not cause the mental health issues, that is something that was always there. Can't afford to go the the doctor or get a therapist? Not my responsibility. My technique did not cause you those illnesses or trauma and all you actually did was giving yourself some time to think. What do you mean modern psychology isn't equipped to handle your qi deviation? Those doctors and therapists deals with mental illnesses, disorders, etc. daily. Seeking real help is better than seeking out cult leaders and crystal healers that will waste your money anyway. Also what your "teacher" is teaching you is basically: empty your mind, put your mind elsewhere and seek nirvana. Basically you are to not think, give up your sense of self and become a puppet for a stranger that claims they are a master or teacher, a.k.a brainwashing. They don't start slow, in fact, the don't start at all. Tell me, is the feeling of energy warm in your guts while practicing? That is called body heat and is not spiritual. Did you feel exhausted after qigong? That is what happens when you dance for too long and again isn't spiritual. All Tai Chi and Qigong is good for is to learn to move the energy while moving rather than sitting still. My technique is not physical exercises therefore you cannot get physical qi deviation.
  13. -deleted-

  14. -deleted-

    Sorry for sharing my self-made technique that is a 1000 times better than your emotional support breathing exercises and slow-dances that is worse than basic exercises. I wish you good luck with kissing your dieing of old age, cult master's hairy asses while falling for and wasting your money on the qigong scams. At least I'm ready to throw away this fake shit the moment I'm done exploring that weird buzzy feeling that align with the so called meridians-idea while you all play pretend and low degree philosophers. I tried to make some sense of your bs, thinking since it doesn't work maybe it is because this and that, but clearly thinking outside of the box of your cheap ass cult believes was too much for any of you to handle. Blue jay out and done with your shit.
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  20. -Deleted-

  21. How do you personally meditate?

    I read that a lot of you, if not all of you, are focused on your breathing while either quieting you inner self/mind/thinking. Now I'm questioning if what I do is meditating or not, and if not, does the technique/whatever it is I'm doing, have a name and use in other internal art's practices? This is what I do: I sit or lie down. I relax. I focus on the glabelle/third eye/between the eyebrows with my sense of feeling rather than just the thought of it. Once I feel this buzzing energy coming from the glabelle I put the focus on my zygomatic bones by the eye sockets till they give this buzzing feeling of energy. I put the focus back to the glabelle and then the nasal bone, right under the nose, and chin. They form a connection that feels like the governing vessel and conception vessel in the face. I put the focus back to the zygomatic bones by the eye sockets and then the zygomatic bones by under the ears and the corner of my lower jaw. They form a connection that feels like the stomach meridian. (It feels like I'm growing my meridians rather than unclogging them and I have successfully reached the edged of the throat and upper chest).
  22. Taoism according to.....

    To me the "Tao" means the way of nature and the "great Tao" is the way of all things. Taoism, to me, is the study of the great Tao. Do not get it confused with science! Science means the study of the natural world and doesn't include the study of spirituality and occultism. Tao = science and philosophy. Great Tao = Science, philosophy, spirituality, occultism, etc.
  23. My question is: Which Qigong/TCM/Acupuncture/Etc. refines which part of the body (organs/muscles/bones) once you reach Foundation Realm?
  24. Which Qigong/TCM/Acupuncture/ Etc. ?

    So I found these pictures and I was wondering; is this how you refine organs (by infusing shen, qo and jing into organs via meridians)?