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Everything posted by Unota

  1. Haiku Chain

    easily be read, and you're open to danger but walls make poor friends
  2. when should long time

    Umm, as a habitual lurker, the conversations on this forum are simply too quick for me to keep up with. I am not on the computer a lot. To post and be involved requires to have the full context of entire threads and the current subject, and I just don't think I can offer the respected amount of investment. I also have nothing much to say. But, I do like to occasionally briefly interact, because I like all of you. Is this odd?
  3. Oh boy. After years of foraging, I have finally done something incredibly stupid. I mistook a very close look-a-like for something I was familiar with and knew to grow in a certain area. It wasn't until after I finished a cup of tea that I realized that something was off.


    I went back and looked closer at the plant and it dawned on me what I did. I called poison control for some advice, and he told me that my body will probably expel it naturally (in the form of a severe stomach bug.) How sick I will get will also vary depending on the level of toxicity in the plant.


    I grew too comfortable with something I have done for years and made a mistake. Play taps for me, as I sink with my ship. Doot dooot


    Hopefully there is a lesson I will learn from this. I will try to be more careful in the future.

    1. Unota


      @whocoulditbe? That is a hilarious way of looking at it, hahaha...I was definitely having some second thoughts this morning. 


      But, I still think foraging is important, and will continue doing it. It gives an awareness of the nature that exists where you live, and how everything interacts with each-other. You wouldn't necessarily have the eyes for this if you weren't an active participant yourself. 

      There are also a lot of nutrients wild plants provide. Produce on shelves, and even heirloom produce in gardens, have been artificially selected to favor things like taste and appearance over nutritional quality.


      I don't know how to tag more than one person. But, you all are really so nice. I felt miserable this morning, but just checking this gave me enough energy to turn my day around. I spent the whole day doing exercises and drinking lots of water to try to help my body  keep working and filter it out. I could have easily just remained moping in bed and throwing up into a bucket.

    2. Daniel



      I don't know how to tag more than one person.


      FYI,  I got a notification on your reply.  Glad to hear we're able to help a bit. 

    3. silent thunder

      silent thunder

      I deeply appreciate you sharing this Unota.

      My approach to many aspects of life and my behavior can become complacent with familiarity.


      Thank you for this reminder!



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  4. I know this is a bit odd to pop back in here. Long text incoming!


    In one of Hua-Ching Ni's books, he says something about only having sympathy for those who only can reserve the time and energy to resolving their own personal trauma, but shows respect for those willing to share what they have learned, in order to help others. I am paraphrasing, I do not remember the exact wording.

    I disagreed with this.


    I think that people talk-talk-talk too much online, sharing things that they believe to be true and inevitably spreading nonsense. Whereas I know that I have also done this in the past, I now dislike sharing what which I have not thoroughly researched, or at least thought about. This is just another manifestation of my uncertainty and indecisiveness.


    I also do not make a very good active conversationalist because of it. However, I digress.


    I learned something in the ways of personal improvement, and while trivial, I know it to be solid enough to be shared.

    My initial problems I described coming here were muddied thoughts, and lung problems due to prolonged immune issues stemming from a past lung infection.

    However I've managed to clear up my thoughts a bit, (one of the problems at least,) and have learned what caused this, and how it has gotten to such a point.


    My life up to this point has been rather bleak, and maybe in the past, I would have blamed this on others. It is my own fault for letting it effect me to such a point. From childhood I have been told that I am an unimportant person. While we never had a truly stable living situation, I lost my home to a fire when I was younger, and we ended up homeless for a year. This also resulted in poverty for years to come. I became the subject of my families stress and suffering, 'the black sheep,' as it's usually called. A child that is unreasonably ridiculed simply because the person feels bad, and needs an outlet for their own suffering. I became seen as just another expense, a waste of money, and I found myself constantly fighting to justify my own existence to my own parents who brought me into the world in the first place.


    If you are to believe in the 'five elements system,' my root elements are primarily Earth, and Fire. These describe me very well, I think, and are useful to metaphorically describe my situation. Someone who is of Earth and Fire elements is a very stubborn, persistent, morally sound and righteous person. These two elements seem to often clash with each-other when presenting in a personality. This makes me a, haha, very interesting and temperamental person.


    This did not bode well for me, being subject of such ridicule and under strict control of others. I saw the wrongness in how I was being treated, and I acted out very fiercely due to this, which only resulted in me being punished more severely.


    I had a core aspect of who I am as a person, beaten out of me entirely. I was not subservient enough, quiet enough, and more easily taken advantage of. I obsess still over what I can do for others, what I can do to make up for my own misgivings, my own worthlessness, that all of society has told me I am consumed by, over and over again. I had developed a victimized role bordering on masochism.


    What I am good at is consistent and hard work, which has been undervalued and disrespected. When I work, I make little money, and my own life and health are completely disregarded. I experienced hearing loss by the time I was 22 from working, because my employer did not care to provide me with proper equipment. She cared only about how much money I was bringing her, and sending me home with not even enough to survive off of on my own, leave my family, or even pay for my own vehicle. She also did not consider me a human being; She saw me as a tool to further her own financial success.


    My existence has become an apology. While I do want to be kind and help people, because this is truly what I want, up until now it has only been "At least I can do this. At least I can make up for this." It was out of my own self-hatred. I saw everything that I do as minor, trivial things, a mere band-aid of justification for mine being here. I didn't see myself as reliable enough. Even the way that I speak has been carefully developed with mediation in mind, with simplicity and clarity, to avoid anger, to accept others, before even thinking of being accepted or understood myself.


    Even this, of itself, is something incredible that I have done. I give very little credit to myself. I can think of nobody else I have encountered that would be willing to put themselves completely aside in order to accept and understand others. I have done this because I do not want to be the same influence in the world on others that has influenced me so negatively, even though it has been to my own detriment.


    When my family was experiencing poverty, my father was always a hobbyist gardener. But, it was very small, with lots of problems. When food became insecure, I took what I had learned from him and reinforced it. I have always been puzzled by people who don't understand plants and have difficulty growing food, because I was again, discrediting myself. I did not see the amount of work that I put into it as something substantial. But when something seems so easy, maybe sometimes it is not actually easy, but it is something that only you can do.


    Who else would pour over books and research methods on balancing soil? Who would research methods on composting? Companion planting? Natives that balance the local environment and ecosystems to encourage pollinators? Anyone, in theory, but it is my avidity that made me successful in this, and now one of my parents' main problems is a too-full fridge. What a problem to have. My avidity is certainly, no worthless trait.


    I have been so brainwashed by society to think that success is money, and money is success.


    I am slow, easily distracted, can not handle a high-stress work environment. The slow and persistent hard work that I am fond of is seen as 'unskilled labor.' Therefore, I am an 'undesirable.'

    This kind of mindset permeates through myself, and everyone in my life to some degree.


    I will never forget the time I was ridiculed by a close friend at the time, for spending what little money I had for self entertainment instead of saving it. She had a stable home, a stable income, and way more money than I did, but she was jealous of me. She did not realize that I could not even make enough to save. If I did not spend it, it would be gone in a week to some other misfortune, and this was all I could do to even feel a semblance of normalcy.


    Even she blamed me for my situation, as if spending a five dollar bill once a month on a treat was the reason for all of my suffering. She didn't even notice when she did the same, way more often than I did. While she had a stable job, a home, her own vehicle, and no risk of losing anything, I could not even make enough for reliable transportation. For her, her own treats were necessities. But she looked at me in disgust, as if it was the same as wasting an entire car payment. I developed even more hatred for money, and more stubbornly refused to spend it after that.


    I have constantly been trying to be accepted into a society that does not value a person like me. By my family, by the work force, by friends, not just in monetary ways, but in other ways that I have let myself be taken advantage of because I do not value myself.


    I have let them do this to me, in my desperation to be accepted. My passion, my righteousness, and my self-respect have been dimmed. Realizing this, I feel a low, simmering anger beneath the surface. Perhaps I've been too fierce and acted rashly in the past, but even then, I don't think I was wrong in this. I just had little control over my temper and my life, and did not know what to do.


    Now this part of me has been too far extinguished, and I have accepted other people's treatment of me for far too long. I have lost all the passion that people once loved in me, becoming a miserable and despondent, dull person that can easily be shoved aside. I bury my feelings and thoughts that tend to resurface bitterly, lashing out or in the forms of constant extreme stress.


    Now, this is where the muddied thoughts came into play. I was so pained by my circumstances, that I had unwittingly developed a habit of burying my thoughts as soon as they even began to form. This became a coping mechanism for me. So long as I did not think about any of this, I could not be overcome by the despair. I became a shell of my former self. The thoughts were still there, in the form of crushing, debilitating stress, but I could not process why this was happening. Now that I can think more clearly, I have a greater understanding of what is so insistently tormenting me day-to-day.


    I will no longer devalue my efforts in such a way.


    Just because I do not have my own ambitions or care for my own success, this does not reduce my purpose to furthering other people's success, or to make their lives easier.

    I will not help people because I feel indebted to them, but because I want to. I can just as easily take this away.

    Just because my hard work is not 'skilled labor' does not make my time, or my life, without value.


    In fact, it is other people's prejudice of my circumstances and upbringing that had deprived me of any potential in the first place, and I will no longer let something like this rule over my life.


    I am not slow because I am stupid or inadequate, but because I consider things carefully. When I say something, it is because it is true.


    And the truth is, no matter how out of balance the world seems to fall into, no matter how much others try to convince you what 'true' priorities are, there is always a second choice, which is yours. You may not always see it or consider it an option, because it is often more beneficial to others to hide it from you.


    This is a voracious amount of text to simply say I realized I lacked confidence in myself... haha...But the context seems important. I feel as if I had been killed by others such a long time ago. I was, and still am, so full of despair. Still, I feel a little bit more lively, and have a bit of a better understanding of what I want.


    Well... I disappear again! Pshaa!

    1. Cobie


      Thanks for sharing. Clearly you did not get the support you needed and richly deserved. Seems to me you already know how to proceed, and seems to me you are on the right track; so suffice to wish you well! :)

  5. This is my first topic, so if I've made a mistake on where to put this, my apologies. I meditate to relieve stress and to try to clear my head, because I have difficulty with an inner dialogue. My thoughts are so constant and noisy, I am incapable of singling them out. Meditation has helped me greatly with this. However, lately, when I go out in the morning to meditate, I've had more and more difficulty in "coming out of it." Even loud noises don't seem to snap me back to reality. When I do finally lose my focus, (or lack-there-of?) I find myself really disoriented and confused. It takes me a moment to remember where I am, and it's hard to shake off the haziness. Even more, I'm surprised to find I've lost more and more time. This morning, I lost an extra hour to it. While the moment is very nice, and I feel very relaxed afterwards, I do have daily work to do, if even not on a strict schedule. I find both the disorientation and loss of time a bit troublesome. I wonder if maybe I am doing something wrong in the process itself, or if I am simply at fault for being unable to balance these things.
  6. I joined this forum to find like-minded people and to connect with people. I thought that perhaps people interested in the same philosophy as me would be similar to me. If there are such people, I don't think I would know this, because of course on a forum about daoism people only post long philosophical discussions and history of daoism, instead of anything personal. And from the nature of daoism itself, I don't think I would actually learn anything meaningful and personally applicable from such discussions among strangers online.

    While it's all very interesting, I think putting my time elsewhere would be more beneficial. I don't mean this in a disrespectful way. I just don't see how being here would be helpful to me. I will continue to learn about daoism and practice mindfulness techniques of my own accord, but I do not need an online forum to openly discuss doing so, and I think there are much more important things in life to focus on. 

    I am a simple person, what is important to me is balance and perseverance, not longevity, immortality, or even achieving great things. I only see and take care of what is right in front of me, one foot after another. I'm afraid that too much information will distract me from these things I hold most important. I have found one thing that has helped, and now before getting too distracted, (as I am constantly trying to avoid this,) I will go.

    Tha mi duilich, agus tìoraidh. It was nice briefly meeting you all.

    1. Daniel


      It was nice meeting you too.

    2. Cobie


      Be well, and come back whenever you feel like it. :wub: 



  7. Pardon my language, but it is so..fucking hot. These past few days I've been cooped up inside because of a heat dome reaching 120-130 heat indices because of 80+% humidity. I've been trying to pass the time indoors, and being cooped up was already making me irritable. I think the heat is starting to get to me now, too. It is supposed to peak today, or rather, tomorrow, (although I don't think I will sleep.) The power grid is at risk of failing. If it does, thousands of people will die. I am worried.

  8. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Son coeur est un luth suspendu; Sitot qu’on le touche il resonne." “His/her heart is a poised lute; as soon as it is touched, it resounds”. - Pierre-Jean de Béranger
  9. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    While I agree society depending on poor infrastructure and planned obsolescence are both problems, especially also being someone in a rural area with poor internet access, I'd rather not be the subject of such a tangent over a video game. Whatever has been festering in your mind about technology, it isn't going to involve me.
  10. One for the Daoist.

    Ah! I saw this in the news! Very cool.
  11. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    I'm a bit interested in this game because there are few wuxia-themed translated games available in the west. But is there any other way to install the client...? After trying many times, it's impossible for me to download even one file, and there are sixteen of them required to install it. Each one of them would take over 20 minutes, and my browser seems to automatically fail downloads that take more than a few.
  12. Hello

    Welcome to the forum!
  13. This has been driving me nuts. Okay, maybe that is a bit of an over-exaggeration, but it's something I've noticed. I keep getting mocked for the most basic of things.


    I got made fun of by somebody for reading Edgar Allan Poe stories. I got made fun of for carrying around a bag with some physical things that have some of the same purposes as my apps, because my phone is cheap and unreliable with a low charge.


    I got reprimanded by a family member for favoring fans over an AC unit. He insisted that a box fan uses more electricity than an AC, and when I showed him evidence that it doesn't, he made fun of me for researching it, (and also still did not believe me.)


    I got made fun of for using reusable cups and plates instead of one-use garbage, and for favoring my own grown food over takeout.


    For reading books? For using a bag of things over apps on my phone? For trying to conserve electricity, and trying not to be wasteful? For eating healthier foods? Since when did things like this deviate enough from the norm, that they even warrant mockery?


    Have people gone crazy?

    1. Daniel


      ... water off a duck's back ...

    2. Unota


      @Cobie I'm used to getting ridiculed like that, but it used to be for things I liked that people considered weird. But getting mocked for things like not constantly hanging on to a phone, which wasn't abnormal at one point, is even more irritating. Also, thank you! It's Lady White Snake! My favorite story. I think this specific picture was for a poster of a more recent opera release.

    3. whocoulditbe?
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  14. You people post too much, I'm having a hard time trying to keep up. I think I'm going to step away for a while, because I've already found some new reading materials.


    While I don't really believe in Qi channeling, I like daoism on more of a philosophical level, I am intrigued by it and would like to know more, so I've started with a few books I've seen mentioned in threads.


    There are also some things that I want to look into in the future, for example the apparent rise of Qigong in the couple of decades before the year 2000, and how it's practices might have changed in the process of globalization and integration of other cultural medicine practices.


    On the side, I am also reading 'The Botany of Desire' by Michael Pollan, and for entertainment purposes, Eight Tales of Terror by Edgar Alan Poe. My favorite story is 'MS. Found in a Bottle.'


    Anyway, I will come back if I run out of things to do, or if I just get lonely.

    1. Daniel


      Best wishes unota :)

    2. Michael Sternbach

      Michael Sternbach



      This kind of trouble always brings to mind what physicist Richard Feynman was taught by his wife: "Do you care what other people think?"


      And if that's not enough to make you snap out of that state, here are a number of tipps one or the other of which you may find useful:





  15. Disorientation after Meditation?

    No, this is just a hobby. I'm also not sure where I would find one even if I wanted to. The closest high-populated area is nearly a two hour drive away, which seems unconventional. I've just been going off of books, and instructional videos.
  16. From Fiction to Fact

    Any material that can provide new terms or names to find sources for is worth looking at. An online web-forum has no more credibility to me than the CIA, and yet I am here, as are you.
  17. From Fiction to Fact

    Sorry to pop in, but somehow, I wound up in the CIA reading room...? I don't know either. Don't ask. I started reading about something else, and somehow ended up on an unclassified document about qigong. But there seems to be a lot of stuff on here about qigong, the first ones I've skimmed are dated in the early 2000's. I think they are due to a rise in it's popularity in the 80's. This is mentioned to be due to a mixing of cultures and western medicine, which seemed to have rejuvenated interest in the practice. I've only glanced through a few of them, because it is already almost 11 at night, and I need to sleep. I'm not sure if they've been shown here before, but I thought maybe Zoya would find it fun to read through them. Who knew they had documents on things like this? I'm so, so tempted to just search in random things, to see what else there is...I'm going to go to bed before I start looking for documents on random things like tree frogs, or solanine derived birth defects from green potatoes.
  18. Disorientation after Meditation?

    After thinking about it a bit, I feel like I haven't been doing anything incorrect with the meditation itself, at least not for its purpose here. In fact, I think I've actually improved at it (good posture be damned,) as nothing actually feels wrong about what I am doing in and of itself. I am able to start the day with a clearer head than before and with no stress. The "not-right" feeling is because I started doing this partly to escape stresses of each day. But they are still things I am obligated to doing, and I have to get them done for the sake of the people I live with. I rely a lot on others , and I owe it to them to make their lives easier wherever possible, so, even unintentionally, losing the time to do those things in favor of relieving my own stress and problems feels even more incredibly selfish. Someone who wastes all of their time trying to find the energy and clarity to do things, and not having enough time leftover to do them is just a different category of doofus. Finding an app like this is probably the best, and would solve both the disorientation and the duration problems. I likely would have come to this conclusion myself eventually, but I also wanted to know whether the disorientation feeling was normal or not. I was also curious to hear what kind of input other users would provide, being new here and unfamiliar with people. You seem like a genuinely kind person who is wholeheartedly interested in helping others, and you gave me a lot of new things to think about.
  19. Disorientation after Meditation?

    Oh...I should have mentioned that. I sit in the 'seated buddha' zazen posture. Sometimes upright on my own, but sometimes I have a bit of back pain from yard work, so I lean against a red maple for some support. I do the white skeleton visualization, because I heard repeatedly that this is good for beginners, and also because of it's emphasis on focus. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to repeat the process due to copyrighted materials being prohibited in the rules, but I think you already know it.
  20. Disorientation after Meditation?

    I actually do garden! Ahaha. I'm in the process of going through three eighteen-gallon buckets of green beans. I started doing this several years ago to deal with money problems, and now most of my food comes from it. A lot of it also goes to my family. I wanted to be more reliable to them, but I think they just want to kill me now because they're sick of eating green beans. I also do a lot of cleaning, dishes, and sometimes manual work for a farmer who is a friend of the family, like hauling and stacking firewood. I've subconsciously sought out manual labor like this. It only helps in the moment, rather than a long-term solution, but... as long as I am doing manual tasks, it helps. Is this really okay?
  21. From Fiction to Fact

    Hahaha, it sounds like fun! Too many people take life too seriously. What is the point of just working each day to make ends meet, living a miserable life? I don't want to live in a world where I get reprobated for being lazy because I stop to sniff the flowers, because it is a lack of productivity. I want to live in a world where more people shout to the skies things like, "I want to be a xian!" Work hard, Zoya.
  22. Haiku Chain
