Archaeoastronomer (Archi)

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Everything posted by Archaeoastronomer (Archi)

  1. Hi Everyone, i'm a newbie!

    Hi Nungali, Yes, i was careful what i said, as my study can be controversial, Hermetic astrologers used the stars and chose days to correspond to Sirius Isis and the Belt of Orion being Osiris, these beliefs still exist in the modern world, i just try to investigate as a reporter, so i leave my beliefs on all this neutral. I'm not picking on Australia, as these beliefs came from Europe, but did you ever wonder why Australia minted the silver dollar below:- Or why there is a Shire of Isis? I will continue soon.
  2. Hi Everyone, i'm a newbie!

    Hi Cobie, I'm a happy soul, and am well looked after, i have a flat and 24 hour care. My belly has lots of spaghetti coming out of it, due to bagpipes regarding waste, but whatever, i'm happy to be alive LOL!
  3. Post your stories of encounters with the supernatural!

    In 1977 i lived in Enfield near London as you can see below:- In april of that year i joined the Ghost Club, i was still in training when i found that there was a case to be investigated very close to where i was living, i was taken on as a junior investigator in November 1977, what i saw there in Green Street, Enfield, still chills me 45 years later, i don't have any explanation as an investigator.