Ano Eremita

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Posts posted by Ano Eremita

  1. Ikkyū Sōjun : Poems of Love




    Lady Mori rides in a cart

    In the phoenix cart, the blind girl often goes on spring outings. 
    When my heart is oppressed, she likes to comfort my melancholy.

    Even though most people make fun of her,
    I love to see Mori, so fair a beauty she is.


    Calling my hand Mori's hand 

    My hand, how it resembles Mori's hand.
    I believe the lady is the master of love play;
    If I take ill, she can cure the jewelled stem.
    And then they rejoice, the monks at my meeting.


    Wishing to thank Mori for my Deep Debt to her

    Ten years ago, under the flowers, I made a fragrant alliance;
    One step more delight, affection without end.
    I regret to leave pillowing my head on a girl's lap.
    Deep in the night, cloud-rain, making the promise of past, present and future.


    . . . . .

    The love poems to and about the blind girl Mori are quite surprising. They are witnesses to a tender love. It is strange enough that it should be a Zen monk writing these poems, but that it should be a profligate Zen monk over seventy years of age experienced in all the wiles of debauchery is all the more incredible. It is obvious that this love preoccupied his heart for the last years of his life. 


    ~ Sonja Elaine Arntzen
    The Poetry of the Kyounshu 'Crazy Cloud Anthology' of Ikkyū Sōjun

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  2. September Equinox
    22 September 2021 19:21 UTC


    there are two Equinoxes every year . . .
    one in September and one in March

    the September Equinox is the moment the Sun 'appears to cross' the celestial equator from North to South


    we know . . .
    the earth’s rotation causes day and night
    the earth’s revolution creates the seasons 
    and the earth’s tilt of approximately 23.5 degrees creates Opposite Seasons


    so, during the the following months
    this tilt will cause 
    the South to face more directly towards the Sun 
    and the North to face further away from the Sun

    this video simulation was recorded on 22 September 2021 at 19:21 UTC
    the time at which the Sun was directly above the celestial equator
    note the terminator is a vertical line straight down


    Equinox on a Spinning Earth shows seasonal changes for an entire year in twelve seconds


    the way of heaven is like the flexing of a bow
    the high it presses down
    the low it raises
    from those with a surplus it takes away
    to those without enough it adds on
    therefore the way of heaven
    is to reduce the excessive and increase the insufficient

      ~ extract from Dao de Jing 77


    may you have a wonderful year
    may the ancestors shower you with wisdom

    • Like 2

  3. Miles Davis : Human Nature




    Miles Davis – Live in Germany 1988 (Munich Philharmonic Concert Hall) 

    Miles Davis – Trumpet

    Kenny Garrett – Saxophone 

    Bobby Irving – Keyboards 

    Adam Holzman – Keyboards Joseph „Foley” 

    Mccreary – Guitar 

    Benjamin Rietveld – Bass 

    Marilyn Mazur – Percussion 

    Ricky Wellman – Drums

    • Like 1


    The Bravery of Being Out of Range
    by Roger Waters


    You have a natural tendency
    To squeeze off a shot
    You're good fun at parties
    You wear the right masks
    You're old but you still
    Like a laugh in the locker room
    You can't abide change
    You're at home on the range


    You opened your suitcase
    Behind the old workings
    To show off the magnum
    You deafened the canyon
    A comfort a friend
    Only upstaged in the end
    By the Uzi machine gun
    Does the recoil remind you
    Remind you of sex


    Old man what the hell you gonna kill next
    Old timer who you gonna kill next


    I looked over Jordan and what did I see
    Saw a U.S. Marine in a pile of debris
    I swam in your pools
    And lay under your palm trees
    I looked in the eyes of the Indian
    Who lay on the Federal Building steps


    And through the range finder over the hill
    I saw the frontline boys popping their pills
    Sick of the mess they find
    On their desert stage
    And the bravery of being out of range
    Yeah the question is vexed


    Old man what the hell you gonna kill next
    Old timer who you gonna kill next


    Hey bartender over here
    Two more shots
    And two more beers
    Sir turn up the TV sound
    The war has started on the ground
    Just love those laser guided bombs
    They're really great
    For righting wrongs
    You hit the target
    And win the game
    From bars 3,000 miles away
    3,000 miles away


    We play the game
    With the bravery of being out of range
    We zap and maim
    With the bravery of being out of range
    We strafe the train
    With the bravery of being out of range
    We gained terrain
    With the bravery of being out of range
    With the bravery of being out of range
    We play the game
    With the bravery of being out of range


  5. 4 hours ago, Harmen said:

    See for a study and translation of the Mawangdui Yijing and its commentaries I Ching (Classics of Ancient China): Shaughnessy, Edward: 9780345421128: Books.



    thank you  Harmen

    . . . . .

    From the Inside Flap

    The I Ching (The Classic of Changes) is one of the seminal texts of Chinese culture, comparable to the Bible or the Upanishads, and readers everywhere have turned to the hexagrams, line statements, and commentaries for guidance on every imaginable life situation. 

    Thus it was a momentous event when a significantly different I Ching text was unearthed in Mawangdui, China, in 1973--a manuscript buried for more than two thousand years. Now translated into English for the first time by one of the West's leading scholars of the I Ching, the Mawangdui Texts bring welcome clarity, accessibility, and novelty to this beloved classic. In addition, the Mawangdui version contains five new commentaries that had been lost for more than two thousand years, including the surprising discovery of a commentary that quotes Confucius extensively on how he had come to change his earlier, negative, views about the importance of the I Ching.

    The lucid purity of this translation make this volume a work of timeless artistry, one that is surprising, illuminating, and welcome to even the most educated I Ching reader.
    • Like 2

  6. Book copied on silk, Zhou Yi (Book of Changes)


    Date:Western Han (206 BCE-9 CE)
    Dimensions:Length:30cm; width:21.5cm; height:48cm

    Origin: Unearthed from Han Tomb No.3 at Mawangdui in 1973


    Written in official script on a whole length of silk, it consists of both the text and the commentaries of Book of Changes. The text here refers to the Sixty-Four Hexagrams, but compared with traditionally-accepted modern and ancient editions, this version shows significant differences in the names of the trigrams as well as the sequence and statement of the trigrams and the statement of the lines.


    For these reasons, it can be called another version of Book of Changes. Some experts believe that since the sequence of trigrams in this Book of Changes is rather simple, it should be considered a fairly early version and its date of being copied out should be the first years of the reign of Han Emperor Wendi. 


    The commentaries are mostly anecdotes that have not passed down, and they record discussions and interpretations of the trigrams and lines between Confucias and his disciples. The arrangement of this Book of Changes copied on silk was made after careful consideration: it begins with the text, then moves on to the explanation of the text, the connotative commentaries and the records of events beyond the interpretation, and finally ends with sayings and epigrams by great masters who passed down the book.


    If we look into the process of its creation and its early application, Book of Changes was originally a book on divination. It became an extensive and profound Chinese classic of philosophy and the oldest classic of oriental philosophy after Confucian scholars made philosophical interpretations of it. It became a book that explores and interprets the principles of such issues as the universe, human life, human spirit, and material. For a long time, it was honored as the foremost of the “six classics”, and is a canon of ancient Chinese social and natural science. Therefore, the thinking mode, philosophy of life and mathematic induction as embodied in Book of Changes have profoundly influenced and even dominated the thinking pattern and life attitude of people in China as well as in other countries within the Chinese cultural circle. In the development of natural science, it also has played the role of philosophical guidance. Book of Changes holds an incomparable position in China’s cultural history and remains a brightly-shining pearl in the history of world culture.

    ~ Hunan Museum




    click here if you do not see embedded image

    • Like 3

  7. Book copied on silk, Laozi - Version B


    Date:Western Han (206 BCE-9 CE)
    Dimensions: Length: 79.5 cm; Width: 44 cm

    Origin: Unearthed from Han Tomb No.3 at Mamangdui, Changsha, in 1973


    This book on silk was discovered in the lower layer of an oblong lacquer cosmetic box found in the eastern case of the Tomb 3. It was copied onto a breadth of wide silk together with four ancient canons. As it was folded up, the book broke into 32 pieces when discovered. 

    There are altogether 160000 Chinese characters in 152 lines, written with brush and ink. The book was copied in very neat early official script, making it a precious material for studying the change of the Chinese character and the art of calligraphy. As this version avoid the taboo of mentioning the name of Liu Bang but does not avoid mentioning the name of Liu Hui, Emperor Huidi, the time of its being copied should be during the reign of Emperor Huidi or Empress Lu. 

    ~ Hunan Museum



    click here if you do not see embedded image


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  8. Book copied on silk, Laozi - Version A


    Date:Western Han (206 BCE-9 CE)
    Dimensions: Length: 317 cm; width: 25.2 cm
    Origin: Unearthed from Tomb 3 at Mamangdui, Changsha, in 1973


    The book was copied out in classical official script. The script was partially damaged, with many Chinese characters missing. The book, together with “The Yellow Emperor’s Four Canons” in four chapters following it, was written on half a breadth of silk. The extant version has 464 lines and more than 13000 Chinese characters. The book bears no chapter division, with “The Book of De” preceding “The Book of Dao”. As this version makes no avoidance of the taboo of mentioning the name of Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, the taboo of the, the time of copying this book should be before the death of the Han founding emperor. Therefore, this is the earliest hand-copied version of “Lao Zi” and will greatly help us to see the authentic version of “Lao Zi” in the early Han Dynasty. Its discovery not only has important value for the collation of existing version of “Lao Zi” but also has provided the earliest and most reliable basis for further studying the thoughts of “Lao Zi”.


    ~ Hunan Museum




    click here if you do not see embedded image

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  9. apparently the ahamkara mudra “will help  you strengthen your will to face difficulties without fear” [from the article mentioned above]


    by the way, notice the left hand fingers 

    the artist positioned the fingers in the manner in which (s)he did deliberately 

    everything in the image is symbolic

  10. 9 hours ago, Nungali said:

    from Man’s perspective, he is stuck on Earth


    i trust you won’t mind me saying so . . .


    i agree, most humans are stuck on this planet

    however, from the perspective of mankind, some have already walked on the moon, and others are planning to go to mars

    and robots have gone way beyond sending back vistas never seen before

  11. 9 hours ago, Nungali said:

    the 'reality' of local observations


    I get it

    but it's an illusion/perception


    the reality is that when there is first light we call that morning and when there is last light 'the golden hour's we call that evening. and that is followed by darkness. and, all this happens because the earth rotates. the sun rises gives me the feeling of a flat earth. which reminds me of a sad incident . . .


    on June 22, 1633, the church handed down the following order: “we pronounce, judge, and declare, that you, the said Galileo… have rendered yourself vehemently suspected by this holy office of heresy, that is, of having believed and held the doctrine (which is false and contrary to the holy and divine scriptures) that the sun is the centre of the world, and that it does not move from east to west, and that the earth does move, and is not the centre of the world.”


    p.s. wonderful to hear from you and about your play . all the best . be well

    p.p.s. perhaps you will consider a 2021 judgement to offset the 1633 one 😀 in your play

  12. 15 hours ago, Ano Eremita said:

    will watch both tomorrow

    I like the Russian guy's (don't know his name) brevity and flow - like taichi


    and I like the Shaolin guy's (Shi Heng Yi) longevity and holding the positions - like yoga


    both appeal to me

    eventually, I do my own thing 


    thanks again Antares for another arrow in my quiver


    • Like 1

  13. 20 minutes ago, Antares said:

    shows the1st movement


    viewed just a little . amazing !

    i can feel/see the intensity in a simple move

    i’ve subscribed to his channel :)

    will watch both tomorrow - it’s night time here


    thank you again

    be well


    p.s. the only Russian i understand is the music of Rachmaninov and Prokofiev, to mention just two - and the master conductor Valery Gergiev is my favourite - and Mariinsky online

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  14. 25 minutes ago, Antares said:

    OK. Here he talks about and shows the1st movement and then explaining that it should open MCO. 


    hey Antares

    grateful to you 🙏



  15. 1 minute ago, Antares said:

    Do you understand Russian?


    unfortunately not . 

    but i would like to see him in motion

    im a visual guy anyway

    words don’t affect me as much as image (the practice) does