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Everything posted by Lucky7Strikes

  1. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    The question of free will has always been elusive. Is a will "free" in the first place? The introspection comes from the very wanting in all conscious beings to be free, liberated, and eternally at peace. The causes and conditions bring them to a desire for the Truth...something like that. In that sense, it is not free, but destined. Maybe that's why they call it Buddha-"nature"? On a side note, Vh, My understanding of "mind-streams" is that it's nothing more than habit-energy that arises from clinging to a separate existence. How do these "survive" or continue through the cycles of the Universe? Do they just become potentialities?
  2. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    Hi Serene Blue, I found these articles on Xabir's site regarding Luminosity and Awareness. I haven't gone through the whole thing yet, but it's helping me clear up certain questions. Hope it helps.

    Awesome. Look forward to the book.
  4. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    Silly, of course people here argue by relying on others' testimony, or unless they would all be Buddhas. Everything you say the Buddhists agree to in terms of experience. They see that it doesn't nearly go far enough. I've read through Thusness's teachings, and they seem pretty credible and honest. He describes the "I am" state exactly as you put it. So why not be open to the possibility? You haven't interacted with him? What has Xabir been posting all this time? .
  5. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    No I..I...just..don't get it. I guess I held higher hopes for you . It's a matter of balancing skepticism and open mindedness. The number of Buddha boys swarming in for a kill could as well mean how blatantly wrong you are in your interpretations of the Sutras. Go, go realize the Self (as if it is even possible to "attain" it). Then comeback and tell us about it. Apparently Vh and Thusness and all these Buddhist practitioners have gone though the "I Amness" tunnel and saw some sort of folly. Your opinions might be different.
  6. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    They all point to the same thing because we all exist. Yet immortality doesn't mean Buddhahood and going to a Christian heaven is not the realization of Brahma. The main reason I like Taoism though is because it stresses observing the ways of nature and learning from direct experience. The notion of the Self, consciousness, Wu-wei are all "tackled" by Buddhists from a different perspective. Seeking the truth in the sutras and doctrines itself is the problem. Use them to see if they fit your module of reality and not worship them. That's how you become a lazy fundamentalist. It's been made clear over and over again the difference between the approach of superimposition and dependent origination. I honestly think your long held beliefs are genuinely being threatened and about to be broken through. Perhaps this is the reason why you keep this struggle going. Belief has strong connections to doubt. . HAHHAHAHAHAA That just made my morning. .
  7. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    The Buddhists here were presenting the doctrine and its differences with the Vedas. Your own opinion on Buddhism seems to differ, because you are attempting to equate everything under your own religious viewpoint. Differences are differences. I agree that the exclusive tone "oh, we Buddhists know the best" is idiotic, but if the followers of that or any tradition didn't think otherwise, why would they call themselves so-and-so in the first place? And by the way, It doesn't make sense that you're open to all perspectives as long as they aren't...different... Exactly. You build your own Path. Take it like gold says, take the teaching, use it, and move on. The Truth is never in the words anyway and if you really want to equate Dependent Origination and Superimposition in your head and make it work...go for it.
  8. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    I...I just don't get it Dwai... If a Christian comes up to you, are you going to tell them that their God is the same as formless Brahma? And do you tell all the Taoists that the Tao is the same thing as Brahma too and their concept of immortality is just a realization of the Self? How do you know they are the same? Have you realized the Self? Did you become a Buddha and go "oh it's the same thing!"??? Why do you have this urge to equate everything? Why not break away from your Hindu identity and gain fresher perspectives? Or at least acknowledge the differences? You should post this in the Discussion Topics thread.
  9. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    Dude, go re read Xabir's posts. He answers these questions over and over again. There's no denial of the luminous consciousness experience of "I AM." Buddhism just says that this existence is also a dependently originated phenomenon. You're interpreting dependent origination in a nihilistic manner. And I'm beginning to think you're just in a state of denial...
  10. Travelling to other astral planes

    Dreams...or parallel realities.. Did you enter these realms at will? Or did you just randomly dream them? The guy who wrote My big TOE bases many of his own findings on visits to other realms and realities. If you haven't watched his video online (youtube my big TOE/consciousness), it's quite interesting.
  11. Discussion topics.

    The best discussions stem from challenging basic concepts people hold for granted. Such as "what is happiness?" "how does one define a person?" "what lies behind desires and motivations?" The more basic it is, the better. They would of course have to be relevant to the kids' lives (talking about sex is always engaging ). I know this sounds cheesy, but when done with an open mind and some sincere and earnest inquiry it can get people to start thinking for themselves. But makes sure it's intense too. Hope it helps!
  12. Chi effects

    So your answer is mindfulness, As everything happens through collective, individual, or even subconscious intentions.
  13. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    I meant "source" as you have stated it. Dwai, why do you keep starting these arguments? There are no Buddhas or fully enlightened masters of Vedanta here (although "someone" may thinks otherwise) to speak of any such thing as an ultimate Truth with certainty and from experience. Both sides have clearly stated the differences in their understandings...more than enough. Go realize the Self as you see fit, and if you do, great! And if it's not enough and you think there's more, then maybe you can try exploring other Paths. But if it is, let it bring you ultimate freedom and joy. Just as people have pointed out, even various Buddhists understand Buddhism differently. And "Self" is just a word pertaining to the realization of that experience. Some sects don't acknowledge others and concepts are interpreted likewise. I hope these discussions don't hinder your progress and acceptance of other Paths and their methods (this includes the varying interpretations). The Truth of things don't belong to Buddhism or Vedanta philosophy, so we all might be wrong to continually assert this and that from mere speculation. Yet the map we each choose to carry can be different. And none of us will know whether or not it has been the right direction until we get there. So why not just see it like it is and move on?
  14. Chi effects

    I guess both? My basic question is how one would go about learning and adapting to these "accidental" manifestations. Hmm, perhaps just a lot of grounding?
  15. Chi effects

    Hey Winpro, Did you find a way to control it?
  16. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    I meant the Hindu interpretation of Brahman or a universal consciousness as a "source" of creation. I don't think the Buddha ever says that the "Self" is a source.
  17. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    Dwai, Key word missing from all that: "Source" What round is 5? Wonder how many pages this thing'll go...
  18. Parts of the brain

    The fact that a bit of brain damage causes problems for the whole brain doesn't necessarily mean that those parts were fully utilized to their true potentials. So says your head
  19. Hello Friends

    Hi Cameron, Check out the whole jewels of Korean Zen lineage while you're at it. Some who I deeply respect include Suh Sahn Dae Sah, Kyung Huh Sunim, So Yo Tae Neung, and Won Hyo. I think Kunlun is taking a more positive direction here recently with honest and open discussions. Especially with -O-'s efforts. Hope Max is doing well on his own thing. Don't eat the "fire chicken" they sell on the streets. It just might paralyze you. .
  20. The Chicken or the Egg?

    You = lots of energy...jeah! Mixing in a bit of wise discretion there wouldn't hurt, eh? I just wrote according to what I can read on the various threads you've posted on. That's good that people find it helpful!
  21. The Chicken or the Egg?

    Sir, With all due respect, You need to learn how to be a bit more cordial and appreciative. I've noticed that you're not making too many friends or earning much respect, if any, from others. This does speak about you in ways no matter how untrue it actually is. I don't even know why you replied to Jesusfreak who clearly wanted you to reply so to expose the level of discernment you have. Sadly, this really overshadows your experiences and knowledge. .
  22. The Chicken or the Egg?

    Sir, With all due respect, You need to learn how to be a bit more cordial and appreciative. I've noticed that you're not making too many friends or earning much respect, if any, from others. This does speak about you in ways no matter how untrue it actually is. I don't even know why you replied to Jesusfreak who clearly wanted you to reply so to expose the level of discernment you have. Sadly, this really overshadows your experiences and knowledge. .
  23. The Chicken or the Ego?

  24. The Chicken or the Ego?

    What? The chicken pooped out the Ego? Preposterous!! . Observe, relate, explain...I guess these are natural functions of the human mind? The very reason I got into all these things is because the explanation society gave me about life was very much inadequate and I saw a lot of pain around me that showed it to be so. Still, I guess simple acceptance has its virtues as well.
  25. My Alchemy

    Taomeow, You have a book out? Where?