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Everything posted by Lucky7Strikes

  1. What is real, mature manhood?

    Selfishness and selflessness can be equated I guess. I didn't know you wanted a more technical answer. Sorry for the quick judgments. But coincidentally, there was a post on how reversing the wheel backwards can give you more Yang energy. Check out the last few posts on The Secret of Golden Flower. Taking Ginseng also helps. Make sure you ground when you do it. Too much Yang can repel. .
  2. Secret of the Golden Flower

    Yes, I agree. Satiago teaches that screwing is good for both the male and the female energies if it's done right. You're talking about visualizing with the intellect. Visualization, energetic intent, and instinct are all webbed together. Just don't use the analytic mind to visualize.
  3. Sexual Energy and Creativity

    It's good that your intentions are right, and that should really be the first thing one masters before doing spiritual or energy work. If you want to learn how to more efficiently transform the sexual energy, there are many methods available. Regular meditation works best. .

    You can think and practice too... And talk and practice... Let findley do his own thing, Kunlun's been discussed enough in positive light. .
  5. Secret of the Golden Flower

    I think his breath technique is nothing more than using your intentions to lead the energy up the spine. It's supposed become automatic once your body rewires that way. Not sure what's so different there. . KAP teaches it to run it both ways. For men, it's apparently more invigorating to run it the other way.
  6. Sexual Energy and Creativity

    Yes, that is quite peculiar... Everyone seems to struggle with nocturnal emissions when they start retention. Your system needs to readjust. What methods did you use?
  7. What is real, mature manhood?

    HAHAHA You must've read Glenn Morris. That's where I got that one. .
  8. The whole lecture is indeed very long, yet worth watching. It relates very well to recent discussions on Buddhism, Advaita, Karma, etc. Interesting that he studied these on his own instead of relying on scriptures or tradition. Enjoy!

    Haha, simple enough. Very Taoist.

    IMHO, You can say that about any tradition, any practice, any philosophy, any way of life. Especially from the outsider looking in it looks as if the practitioners are attached. But it really varies according to the individual. They don't call it the Way or the Vehicle for nothing. If I understand you correctly, Are you saying that Intent, and the abilities of its manifestation become greater as more energies are accessed? And Intent is same as Awareness?
  11. Consciousness, Evolution, TOE, cosmos

    Haha, yes. I was waiting for someone in the audience to go "Dependent! They are dependent!" . He does reify it to some extent, but not as a supreme God who has control over everything, but is also evolving. But I liked how he incorporates the idea of individual free will and compassion as factors of evolution. From a "scientist" that is. It was quite...touching... . I would like to have as much control he does over his yin body though. Hmm, kind of jealous.
  12. What is real, mature manhood?

    Sloppy Zhang is a real man. .
  13. A question about Arahats

    Ah ok that makes more sense So there's like an arhat realm... And where do these beings usually return to?
  14. A question about Arahats

    So Mahayana acknowledge the notion of complete and total cessation? But the Buddha is eternal because of his endless compassion? Sorry some of this is confusing since Vh's been writing from the Vajrayana view.
  15. A question about Arahats

    It was my understanding that an arhat, who at once realizes the emptiness of all things, will naturally abide in compassion for other beings. And will transition into a Buddha effortlessly. I don't see how an arhat or a bodhisattva could put in any effort or personal affection when both have transcended illusions of a "self" or inherent existence. Omniscience of Buddhhood will just follow naturally when this realization is guarded.
  16. Follow-up on Kunlun; consequences? ?

    I did it from the book and got good enough results (I did eventually go to a seminar). I personally don't think a transmission is necessary, but the experience of seeing others really get into it can give you a sense of what is meant by spontaneous. There are many facilitators and instructors now across the country. If the shoulders hurt, you can let your arms drop to the sides. As you do it more and more and your shoulder blockages open up, you'll notice that holding the posture becomes easier. The hand posture is just to get the energy going anyway. There are many threads here on Kunlun that you can read through. Check out Trunk's posts where he sums things up nicely. It's normal in the beginning to have a difficult time letting go of the mind's habit of controlling the body. But it will eventually happen. The key is feeling the energy move within you and letting it take over. 3, 4 days...that's actually a pretty short period between involuntary ejaculations even if you're young...I suggest you learn the upward draw. The best way to do this is internalize in the mind of injaculating the sexual energy to counter your past habit of ejaculating outwards. Learn to control your externally manifested desires. Then pump the kegel muscles to guide the energy from the penis and the testicles into other parts of the body. I suggest reading through the Healing Love section on The transmission doesn't help this, nor is this necessary. But if you're serious about cultivation, you should learn to preserve and balance the sexual energy. Remember, remember, remember to ground. If you don't ground, it is not only is dangerous, but you won't actually be cultivating and refining the energy from the practice. Same here, I've gotten very sick a few times from Kunlun. Very high fevers in the span of 2 months. And after each illness, I've noticed greater clarity and natural bliss running through the body.
  17. Question on meditation

    Whenever I do zazen for a while, my body starts to shake violently, my breath stops, my entire body's energy "heightens," thoughts stop and there's a feeling of explosion/expansion. It is as if the oxygen fills my body down to the toes. When my body begins to run out of oxygen, thoughts return and the energy naturally turns into a burning sensation. This is the part where I am not sure whether I should keep holding the breath to see where the energy takes me, or to just naturally let the breath go. It has been going on for about 6 months now but the intensity has been rising noticeably recently. Energy from Kunlun is most likely related to this, but I've heard about this happening during mediation under the name "bottle chi." Any advice would be good! .
  18. Question on meditation

    It mentions it but not necessarily how to deal with it.
  19. The Spleen

    Sources? Every translation I've read has identified the spleen as the central organ of the 5 major organs.
  20. Top 3 advice from you to you

    1. Read, read, read. 2. Eat healthier. 3. Drugs are a big waste of time. By the way, What is an efficient way to bring someone along the Path? I have a hard time convincing friends to look deeper than Friday nights. .
  21. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    So creation and destruction is just consciousness merging into its potential formless awareness and that potential becoming active as physical and mental creations where-in all the previous mind-streams from the eon before recycle again and again? And this impermanent nature of Samsara is the basis for Nirvana...realizing the permanence of impermanence.. So the mind-stream that attains Nirvana is sort of like an un-abiding presence where it is everywhere in all aspects of Samsara..?
  22. The Eternal Self of the Buddha

    Now do these mind streams separate and merge? I think you mentioned this before. I don't think many Buddhists look into this deeply as you being an..."ex-Hindu." There's more focus on practice and rooting out suffering. But the whole cosmology is very interesting. Taoism gets tricky with the whole "becoming one with the Tao." There's less emphasis on intellectual theory but more on experience and practice. But I wouldn't mind interpreting the Tao as the phenomena of emptiness. The expression of that one law the practitioner "merges" with through direct realization. Something tells me there was some sort of Buddhist influence there...