E. S. A.

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Posts posted by E. S. A.

  1. - Initiation -

    Name: E.S.A. 
    Sex: Male
    Country: Canada
    Profession: Electrical Engineer

    Hobbies: Music, Antique Books, Mathematics, The Great Work, etc...


    Occult: Initiated in GD, textual study of alchemy/grimoir's, practical study of GD/Rosenkreuz/Goetia, own books on Enochian but have avoided study all together for now. TaiChi Practitioner. Studied some of the major Sutras. Currently studying ancient Taoist concepts of Alchemy and how they relate to other energy systems.


    Definition of Magick: Consciousness is the fundamental root of the universe. Giving rise to an initial polarization, a recursive loop in which information can be compared and contrasted. Everything is conscious, merely successive levels of complexity building atop each other towards some innate proclivity towards a certain becoming. At a certain level of complexity a conscious beings can complete the cycle and use their consciousness to harness the creative potential that drives life. Magick is becoming aware of this creative/destructive potentials driving life and harnessing it using your own consciousness.


    I look forward to conversing with you. 

    E. S. A. 

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