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Posts posted by almaxy

  1. Good night Xuan!


    I have some questions about the practice:


    1- Do I need to follow any rule like in SFQ, in example the 30min after practice to avoid cold water, going to the bathroom or eating something or I can just do that normally after the meditation?


    2- Can I join the meditation late? If I can't join in the beggining, can I join like 5-10minutes late?

    I did that a few times because I couldn't join before and I feel that I still got a good connection to the practice, but I'm wondering if maybe that's wrong to join late.


    3- If I need to leave in the middle of a meditation, can I?

    I'm asking this because today unfortunately I had an unexpected guest at home and I had to leave with only 20min of practice.


    4- If I leave in the middle of the meditation, can I come back again later?

    Like today, I meditated for 20min and had to leave, would it be wrong if I came back after the guest left?

    I was thinking about just putting hands in prayer position again, connect to you and practice for the rest of the time left, but I'm not sure if I can do that.


    Thanks in advance!!

    • Like 1

  2. Today I was watching this video: by Damo Mitchell, and in the minute 21:18, from what I know, he refers to the Zhan Zhuang(ZZ) posture as not good for building Qi,  and I always tought ZZ main purpose was exactly to build Qi in the body, so if it does not, what standing static practices build Qi? Basic Wuji standing?


    Or what other practices builds Qi?


    I recommend watching the full video for context, it's 22min total and you will understand better my question.


    • Like 2

  3. No question is a noob question!:o



    I'm also curious about that, let's see what others say, meanwhile, I can tell you that there are some QiGong forms which you should practice outside or you will have minimum results practicing it indoors,  and there are other forms that it just makes no difference, also there are some forms where it's best to be grounded in the earth.


    I guess it just depends on what your teacher says and what style of qigong you are practicing.





  4. On 24/04/2023 at 7:14 PM, Johndoe said:

    Do you have the same opinion on the cold exposure part of the practice? 

    I can answer that:D


    Some time ago I made a post here about the LDT, and in the middle of it we started talking about cold exposure, and I think we answered that question pretty well. 


    Here's the link: 



    It's 5 pages of content, we talk about cold exposure in the first page only. 

    But if you are into LDT, Jing and Qi concepts it's full of knowledge there from our fellow bums!:D



    A quick spoiler: Don't do it(cold exposure) unless your master/teacher/sifu says so. But I find it helpful for you to read the arguments there, because we also mention the Wim Hof Method a lot.


    Have a good day!

    • Like 1

  5. On 12/05/2023 at 8:36 PM, Neirong said:

    But with claims that teacher X healed thousands of people from incurable diseases and cancer, It is on his side to prove it. If even 0.01% of his healing cases were true and real, the whole world would know of him as the best cancer healer. He would have long been a billionaire.


    I can explain this part 


    But first: Wow, I've been away for some days and this publication went to a whole different subject haha

    At the moment I'm practicing only level 1 and I can say that I felt chi in my hands in the first few days of practice, then the feeling went up to my arms , I feel good practicing it so for me it's working. I had heart palpitations sometimes and pain in my lower back which lasted for months, after starting the practice it all went away in 2 weeks of daily practice.  If you think it's a scam that's completely fine as long as we can respect each other, I like to exchange ideas :D


    Ok so going back to that part I quoted you:


    I know a guy here where I live, he also treats people from distance, he is a vajrayana buddhist and also a clairvoyant. He treated a lot of people from mental, emotional and physical problems, and also treated people with cancer, he has medical reports of people who he treated, one of them with the doctor saying "it's a miracle". He has everything he needs to be a "billionaire" as you said, but you know what people think when they see this? They think "Oh, western medicine says that what he does is impossible! Energy blockages? Hungry ghosts? He pays people to give false medical reports, he is a scam!".


    Unfortunately that's how people look at Master Lin too. That's why they aren't rich, people just don't believe.


    Let me give you another example, my mom has severe depression and anxiety, I told her about this guy who can treat her, he already treated me from some problems I had in the past and with great results, but when I tell her what he can do, she just don't believe. It's fascinating, It got to the point where it's funny, because it just don't make sense to me, I'm telling her he helped me, I'm telling her "ask for just one session of treatment, if you don't feel nothing I never talk about that guy again" and you know what? She still says no because she just.. don't.. believe.


    And that's how people are, a medical report or a testimonial isn't enough. People are still blocked by western medicine concepts. I know in the future it will be different, people will start to believe and see that these things are possible, they will realise that you can be treated from cancer without chemotheraphy, you can be treated from your depression without drugs that can cause you more harm than good, you can be healed from your physical pains like magic, but unfortunately, that day is not today.


    English is not my first language, but I hope it's ok to understand.





  6. 1 hour ago, Pak_Satrio said:

    What you can do get the first DVD then finish every session with seated stillness meditation. At least that will help prepare your legs for the seated practices the second DVD afterwards.

    That's a good idea, thank you!

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  7. 18 hours ago, Miffymog said:


    Definitely go for the first two together if you can afford it 


    Level 1 / DVD 1 just consists of standing meditations, and level 2 / DVD 2 just consists of sitting meditations.


    A really good thing about FPCK is that it combines both, and works better with both. So if you can stretch to the cost of them together then I highly recommend it, and you can then just stick with those for ages before you think about purchasing any of the other DVD's.

    Yea I will wait until I can afford both

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  8. thank you!


    Yes very similar to level one, do you know a place where people only talks about this specific practice?


    I know there is the Learning Strategies forum but they only talk about SFQ main practices, I believe this meditation(5 elements) work but it feels so vague, I'm used to buy things I read a lot about first, like forum online, testinonials, etc.. and unfortunately in this case I can't find much info besides SFQ official website and youtube channel.



  9. Hello everyone!


    I was reading about Five Element Qigong in Spring Forest Qigong but I couldn't find much people talking about it or testimonials, I just want more information on how exactly are the exercises, are they moving forms like the other Wu Xing(five elements) qigong we see out there or are they exercises more focused on visualization? And how does it relates to SFQ level one or the whole SFQ system? And how these exercises work in our body to heal, do they remove past traumatic emotions, trapped emotions, etc..?


    I know probably there are a few people here who know these answers and they might not even see this post haha it's a very specific question and probably I will have no replies, but I hope someone can help me.


    Thanks in advance!

  10. On 30/04/2023 at 3:49 AM, Miffymog said:

    Hi there,


    Can recommend FPCK, but I'm afraid it's DVD only, below is a post of Terry Dunn's which explains why from the FPCK thread.


    I didnt have a DVD player either so just brought a really cheap DVD reader for my laptop and it did the job fine.


    Good luck with everything.





    "Hello a5a5a9,

    In what country do you reside? My company has been shipping all the programs in my catalog (see since 1985 in VHS cassettes --before internet when I used to advertise in Yoga Journal, Inside Kung Fu Magazine- and Karate Kung Fu Illustrated. I didn't go to DVDs until about 2001. Today we can ship to practically any country in the world, except we couldn't get product delivered to China, ironically enough.

    As I explained earlier on this thread: after consulting with media consultants, top executives in the entertainment industry, lawyers, and a lot of other friends in the media business, I decided in the early part of last year that the risk of piracy and counterfeiting in this digital age was just too great to have do digital downloads of mp4 copies of my programs. The cost to ship my CKFH DVDs to any part of the world is not prohibitive--given the immeasurable if not comparable health benefits that FP Qigong practice provides. And a new DVD player with USB input costs $19 to $30 on Amazon. 

    I plan to produce and distribute more advanced levels of FP Qigong on DVD format. These future DVD programs that teach more advanced and dangerous levels will only teach the movements and choreography. For the all-essential breath-control formulas in advanced meditations can only be taught safely once the student has demonstrated proficiency in the forms--PLUS has demonstrated an aptitude in using the FP Qi for healing others. That's how the Bok Fu Pai tradition works --as well as other complete Chinese systems of hygienics.

    Sifu Terry Dunn



    But wasn't he(Terry) working to create an online platform, so you could pay a subscription to get acces to his teachings instead of the need to buy the DVD's? I heard it somewhere, can't remember exactly where now.

  11. Sorry for being kinda obssessed with how to create female attraction, but if ya'll knew my actual situation you would understand why haha, I'm not playing the victim, I know it's wrong, I need to control my mind, my worldly desires and learn to transmute this energy to something more noble


    Thanks for all the replies!

    • Like 1

  12. 1 hour ago, Nungali said:


    Poor men ... they always get so confused , blaming,  projecting .


    " He blames , her , the bow, the arrow, this very bird,  his strong right arm ... everything , but his own jealous rage .


    well.. that's not me.



    Guys, as I said above "Oh and just to clarify: I don't hate women, it's nothing like that, I'm just trying to understand how this works, I perfectly accept talking to girls, eye contact, etc.."


    I don't have this mentality of hate, I'm just lost in a hundred of posts over the internet of people with different ideas and I'm trying to understang who is right, Im trying to put the pieces together of a lot of information.


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  13. 3 hours ago, Pak_Satrio said:

    Even this whole Us vs Them mentality concerning men and women is a red flag 


    3 hours ago, liminal_luke said:

    If some dude told me that a woman in his life was trying to drain his jing, I wouldn't assume that it was the woman with the psychological issue.  More likely to be the other way around, imo.


    Guys, as I said above "Oh and just to clarify: I don't hate women, it's nothing like that, I'm just trying to understand how this works, I perfectly accept talking to girls, eye contact, etc.."


    I don't have this mentality of hate, I'm just lost in a hundred of posts over the internet of people with different ideas and I'm trying to understang who is right, Im trying to put the pieces together of a lot of information.


    This is just another question that we have 2 different answers, just like the real lower dantian location, below or behind the navel...


    1 hour ago, Apech said:

     He was, I agree, just sharing what he believed was his experience but the problem was that this involved others, young girls in fact - and if what he thought was happening, actually was happening then he should have paused and considered the ethical consequences of it.



    Yea he should have stopped earlier, he said he did it for some years, in the end he realised he was wrong, I read in one of his posts. He did that(sitting in full lotus in public) because he discovered that while in full lotus girls and male pervs couldn't suck off his jing, but the side effect was that he would give girls O's at a D, lol I feel like Drew writing now:D. I'm not saying he wasn't wrong, I'm just explaining why he did it according to what I understood from his posts.


    1 hour ago, liminal_luke said:

    But I've noticed that there's another group of men who choose celibacy because they want women to find them more attractive.  They often remark that after a few weeks of "jing retention" that women are more sexually interested in them.


    True. You can find them in the ''nofap reddit community''.


    But most(and I mean 99% of them) don't even know what jing is nor cultivation. They literally cultivate semen.. This community started because a guy went 7 days off masturbation and pornography, and he noticed he had more energy, was feeling more confident, etc.. And then he started this thing called ''nofap'' to share with other guys his "discoveries". Then the community grew and the end of the story you already know.


    People join this community to stop watching porn and retain.. semen.. This is the main goal there because they say that the benefits come with semen retention. 


    And there people talk about the benefits they feel while retaining, how long their streak is, there are some dudes who claim to be 100+ days off masturbation but they also don't cultivate so I think this can be more dangerous than fapping once a week. And yes there are the guys who say nofap is magical and attract girls but there are a lot of dudes more skeptical who say this is not true and it just happens because you are feeling more confident because you are not masturbating and not watching porn.


    I know, it's a mess, and I'm in the middle of









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  14. Thanks for all the replies, specially @Pak_Satrio for answering all the questions.


    But I want to understand: why avoid Drew's content? From what he speaks he is a high level practitioner. 


    I know all the "O's at a D" thing isn't right but I feel like he was only sharing his experiences/knowledge.


    Also, I can understand what he talks about, because when I go 2+weeks without ejaculation, girls notice me more and even some guys, when I release it, for the first few days I feel like a ghost, no one notices me. So retention plays a big role in how girls will notice you, so, isn't this how they try to suck off our jing? Because we are building it? It's unconscious, they don't even know why they are attracted to us.


    I don't want to turn this thread into a "nofap" thread, even if I probably already did it lol


    But can you guys explain why this attraction thing happens?


    Oh and just to clarify: I don't hate women, it's nothing like that, I'm just trying to understand how this works, I perfectly accept talking to girls, eye contact, etc.. I'm not paranoid about that, because worrying about girls "stealing" my jing also depletes jing lol


    hmm weird, I can't quote more than one answer while in the phone. When I get home I will quote some of you.


  15. Hello!:D


    I've been reading Voidisyinyang(Drew) content and he talks a lot about how does attraction from the opposite sex happens and  how girls and also males can drain our jing.


    I have so many questions on this subject, maybe you guys can help me, so:



    1 - How exactly does women drain our jing?



    2 - Did they just need to look at us or there needs to be eye contact(I need to look at her too)?



    3 - Did they need to look at us or by simply being next to us they are already draining our jing?



    4 - If I just look at a girl will I lose jing to her or I need to look at her with sexual desire?




    5 - Do I really LOSE jing in these scenarios or it's JUST CONVERTED from Jing to sexual fluid and then there's the need to reconvert it back to jing?




    6 - If I talk to a girl she will drain my jing, correct? What about talking to other males?



    7 - How exactly males drain our jing? Drew talks about Male pervs who drains jing, so only male pervs can take jing from another male?




    8 - Is that why people isolate themselves from society so that they can conserve the maximum amount of jing without people draining them?




    9 - So, someone who retains his seed for 30 days away from society will have a lot more jing than someone who retained his seed for 30 days but is still living among society, correct?



    10 - What role qigong, neigong, etc.. takes in this scenario? So now let's use an example of two people living among society: They both retains their seeds for 30 days, but one of the practices a form of qigong and the other doesn't. So that means the one who practices qigong will have more jing than the one who doesn't, correct? Considering they both have a good diet, good sleep, etc.. the only change is the practice or not of qigong.



    Thanks in advance!:lol:

  16. 54 minutes ago, Maddie said:


    Karma affects everything!


    9 minutes ago, steve said:


    Yes, as Maddie said karma affects everything. Your ability to respond well to a teaching through physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual interaction depends on your karma - your conditions, your predilections and preferences, your attributes, geography, language… every factor you can imagine. All of that is an expression of karma.


    That's very interesting, thanks for the replies!

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  17. 8 minutes ago, tao stillness said:

    Very simple to do with the correct instruction and a little practice. 

    Others will answer your question with details, I am sure. 

    The breathing is worth learning because the experiences from FP are unique compared to other qigong systems, in my experience. 

    I hope someone give the detais, thank you!

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