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Posts posted by tampasteve

  1. 1 hour ago, moraldilemma said:


    I'm on mobile and I can't figure out how to fix the formatting. Oh my.


    Before i go into my tirade, let me reinforce my position that healing life energy is beyond ownership of any person or organization. Reiki seminars are okay. But I firmly believe it is a human gift that anyone can do with practice (which every reiki teacher I've met has told me). It doesn't need to be complicated and it doesn't need to cost much. If that means I'm not doing authentic reiki, fine.


    I've taken two level 1 courses from two different "traditional Japanese" reiki schools and read a few books and numerous articles on reiki history. I don't have citations on hand but here's what I remember: Usui was not a martial artist in any sense (nor was he a Christian minister or a medical doctor or a  college professor in America, three other widely spread rumors). Charging fees was added by Hayashi who taught Takata. She was a huge scammer who charged ten thousand dollars for teacher level. I believe she was the one who started the "charge money to complete energy reciprocation" thing. Takata is the main source for most American reiki knowledge. 


    Did you know the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai is still around? They're a closed society and they assert that reiki does not exist anywhere outside of Japan. If Usui was teaching that then I would doubt his spiritual integrity. But it seems that started after he died and Japan lost WW2. "One of the conditions the U.S. required is that all those practicing any kind of healing be required to have a license. Some of the healing groups did get licensed, but the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai decided that they did not want to be controlled by a licensing board and instead chose to go underground. They decided that the members were not to talk to anyone outside their group about Reiki and that they would only practice Reiki with each other." https://www.reiki.org/faq/historyofreiki.html


    My point is that all of this is too complicated. And may I remind everyone that it's all made up. Every word and symbol is a human concept that came from an idea in somebody's mind. The Dao that can be described is not the eternal Dao.


    P.S: "reverse energy vampirism" or "empathically taking on someone's pain" comes from trying to control energy. It's pretty easy to not do that. It comes with meditation and accepting the process. Also, meditating for a whole hour before you treat a single person is unnecessary according to both of my teachers. 5-10 minutes is sufficient.



    Thanks for taking the time to write this. This is essentially why my teacher says as well. She only charges $10, which basically covers some of her time to teach and the materials. 

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  2. I just started a Reiki course, so far I find it very interesting. I understand that one is using the energy flowing from without and through, but can Reiki be used to increase one's Qi as well? I'm still very much a novice in Reiki use....

  3. 27 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

    Hi tampasteve.  Welcome.


    You aren't related to Tampa Red are you?



    Thank you! I am not familiar with Tampa Red, perhaps though! Although, I do not know any people that locally ascribe to Taoism. I have yet to attend any Tai chi or other activities where one might typically meet such like minded people. 

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  4. I am new to the forum, but have lurked off and on over the years. I identify as Christian, but I have Buddhist and Daoist leanings - I have always looked at Christianity from an Eastern perspective rather than western. There was a time in the not distant past that I was heavily influenced by the book "The Jesus Sutras" and in relation to the Christian synchretism with Daoist and Buddhist ideas when Christianity made it to China. I am just getting back into Daoism philosophy and meditation, and I am a definite novice. 

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