
The Dao Bums
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Posts posted by Stewart

  1. On 5/11/2018 at 4:27 PM, Lost in Translation said:

    Failure is an excellent teacher. Whether on this forum or in life you will meet disappointment, but that does not mean you cannot learn from it. I suggest you exercise patience in this matter.

    From Failure I learn to expertly fail.


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  2. On 10/25/2018 at 3:53 AM, Megantara said:

    1. is it fine to hold child on my lap while meditating to clear blockages? I mean will it do them any harm, or will it help them avoid/clear their blockages as well?

    2. i've experienced sudden erection during zhan zhuang which lasts for quite some time, and there are times when it suddenly malfunction (like when i'm too tired, etc). Is it possible to have intentional erection (like when i really need it, and have it rock hard)?

    3. what is the cause of that sudden erection?


    thank you


  3. On 3/19/2018 at 2:16 PM, Limahong said:


    Hi Stewart,


    Just for laughs - what is oxymoron?


    - LimA

    noun, plural ox·y·mo·ra [ok-si-mawr-uh, -mohr-uh] /ˌɒk sɪˈmɔr ə, -ˈmoʊr ə/, ox·y·mor·ons. Rhetoric.
    1. a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”
    2. e.g. Military Intelligence.
    On 5/11/2018 at 4:58 PM, 1313 said:

    Your name is stew Art

    So you know to prepare

    Irish stew?

    Pretty clever for someone who takes Donald Duck's license plate number for a user name.



    On 5/12/2018 at 10:01 AM, Mudfoot said:

    Sorry, but that is not true. 😁 

    Open up any of the traditional Nei Dan books, and you can have your fill. 


  4. I’m about ready to throw in the towel on the Tao.  When I first came here (Dao Bums) I said I was looking for a purer form of the Tao.  Something free of Buddhist teachings about Karma, Dharma, reincarnations, Suffering and the eight fold path.  I also asked if someone could tell me what a Tao Sage was and if there were any still around that I could meet.  Now I walked into this conversation knowing full well that I would encounter people trying to be clever, and others being true believers of their interpretation of the Tao trying to convince me that their way was THE way.  But what I did not expect to find was nothing.  There doesn’t seem to be any serious cannon beside the 81 verses.  I find parts of the verses helpful, but they kind of echo ideas that I have already come across.  I suppose my experience would be much more meaningful had I found a mentor.  Forget a Sage, just a knowledgeable person.

    Recently I purchased a book call “Taoist Meditation” translated by Thomas Cleary and was disappointed at what I read.


    Human life is the ultimate; when the ultimate goes into action it produces positive energy as fire.  Fire is spirit.  When the ultimate becomes quiescent it produces negative energy as water.  Water is vitality.  The fire of spirit and the water of vitality combine subtly and congeal between the two kidneys to constitute the root of original energy.

    You would have to search far and wide to find a bigger load of horse-pucky than that.


    That Gertrude Stein quote about Oakland CA, “there is no there there”, sums up my current experience with the Tao.  but just maybe that is the point of the Tao.

  5. On 3/14/2014 at 5:41 PM, flowing hands said:

    I am going to beg Li Erh Xian Shi (Lao Tzu) to teach me the rest of the verses which he originally wrote while staying at the border keepers house.


    These texts or verses are basically called the 'sacred or spiritual verses of the Way and its heart'.

    The term DDJ was given to these verses at some time after Li Erh wrote them.

    I will start off with verse 82 and I hope he will honour me with his teachings. This will be a first and a great gift to humankind. If he doesn't want to teach me, well there's nothing I can do, but look to see on this post whether I have been successful.

    Surely you jest.  Well how about this one then.  Verse 82.  Ignore verses 1-81, pet your dog, and try to stay sober.

    My point being, we have no way of verifying what you are proposing is a true rendering of the verses higher than 81.  Unless

    of course I have completely missed your point and am making an ass of myself here.

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  6. On 4/16/2018 at 5:58 AM, wandelaar said:

    "What should be our way life if we want to maximize our chances on a long, peaceful and happy life?"

    I am always suspicious of the word happy.  You hear parents wanting only that their children be happy. And everybody seeks happiness as if they were junkies and happiness was their drug of choice.  To me the end all, be all of life is not happiness, rather it is fulfillment. Instead of raising a generation of bliss-ninnies we would be better to raise a generation of doers.  People who accomplish things and feel good about having done this.  Otherwise, happiness is just a choice available at the Neurosurgery center.

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  7. Back in the days when I worked in Data Processing (Information Technology in today's parlance) we used the term Daemon which was like a Bot today.  Usually it was connected to email servers and handled simple tasks.  I have had communications from Daemon which were terse and led me to wonder if Daemon was just a name a human used or was a very clever Bot.  Subsequently I have decided it was the former and not the later, but I could be wrong.


    On another topic, am I wrong in assuming that Tao Bums is a tip of the hat to Jack Kerouac's "The Dharma Bums"?  Or is that some sort of cosmic coinkydink?

    • Like 2

  8. 22 hours ago, thelerner said:

    This was part of new member Stewart's intro-



    Second I would like know more about (Tao) Sages.  Are there any Sages today and if so how does one access them? What constitutes a Sage and how does one know the qualifications of a Sage.




    Great Question.  Who do you consider to be living Sages these days?  Names.. books..  At various times I think we all spout sagely things, but its not all that predictable and the real trick is living it, not spitting it.  Otherwise we'd worship fortune cookies. 



    I'll answer Ajahn Brahms as living Sage.  A monk (that's head monk to you) who walks the walk and has great sense of humor.  I'd point people to his book Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond: A Mediator’s Handbook,  many podcasts  see brahm

    He can get pretty deep, but I love him at his funniest such as -



    And yet he seems to be a Buddhist.  I am looking for Tao Sages, if such a thing exists.  I have no interest in reincarnation, the Dharma, Karma, being a Bodhisattva, or sayings from the base of the Bodhi tree.  I am looking for a more purely Taoist tradition. 

  9. On 3/19/2018 at 8:05 AM, Marblehead said:



    I consider myself a Philosophical Daoist and I am an Atheist so you won't be seeing me mixing the philosophy with any religions.





    In keeping with your transparency I admit a flirtation with Atheism but I have a cosmology stuck in my mind that says before anything was manifested, the unmanifested-self was existent.  Then, probably out of curiosity, the unmanifested-self wanted to know what existence in all its various forms would be. *BOOM*  That was a Big Bang type of event, but not out of infinitely dense matter packed into a singularity, rather it was a ripping apart the matter/antimatter of nothingness.  Hawking talked about this, where on the edge of a black hole matter and antimatter are created in a process that looks like running the clock in reverse on a matter and antimatter collision.  Thus the creation of the universe has a by-product of dualism.  Light/dark, hot/cold, male/female, yes/no and so forth echo thru our reality.  It was/is this non-time before the creation event is where the unmanifested-self dwelt. It is near impossible for me to not think of that unmanifested-self as God.  This unmanifested-self is a pretty workable definition of the Tao.


    Your mileage may vary.

    • Like 1

  10. 21 hours ago, Limahong said:


    Hi Stewart,


    Just for laughs - what is oxymoron?


    - LimA

    a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect.  People often joke about Military Intelligence being an oxymoron.  In the case I used, it seems obvious that a "Tao System" is a contradiction in terms.  If that didn't produce a chuckle, that's OK because it wasn't meant to be humorous.

  11. My main interests are twofold.

    First I would like to know about a more pure Tao. Yes, oxymoron aside,  a system, methodology, or approach to the Tao that does not contain concepts of Buddhism, Hinduism or any other Ism.  For me the Buddhist concepts of reincarnation, Karma, the Dharma are irrelevant to what I seek.  I don't seek to avoid suffering, as I suffer very little or possibly not at all, so the eight-fold path holds little value for me.  I suppose that what I would like to know more about is the Tao itself. A tall order indeed, given the unknowable nature of the Tao,  but that is my direction.  My concept of the Tao is like in the Katha Upanishad, the discussion of the unmanifested self.  It seems obvious to me that when the 10,000 manifestations came about that dualism was born and that dualism has been echoing down thru (linear) time.  And it would be helpful to return to this (pure) Tao to shake off the remnants of our "creation".  To do this I don't want to go down the isles of the spiritual supermarket throwing what ever catches my eye into the cart. This cherry picking of what appeals from various systems and adding them to our current pursuit is just clouding the water.


    Second I would like know more about (Tao) Sages.  Are there any Sages today and if so how does one access them? What constitutes a Sage and how does one know the qualifications of a Sage.