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Posts posted by MaGeoff

  1. I had the opportunity to work with him at the National Qi Gong Association conference this past weekend, I've never been more impressed by someone. He's the real deal, and the way he teaches and what he teaches is just really amazing. His sound healing meditation is very potent. I've been doing Primordial Qigong, and will be adding that to my practice as I learn more Wisdom Qigong!

  2. 2 hours ago, Limahong said:


    Have you ever thought what the chakras/dantiens are all about; and how you can/have relate(d) to them?





    Yes, I am in qi and qi is within me ;)

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  3. 6 hours ago, Limahong said:


    Are you  already into some internal pathways of chi? If not, are you considering them?



    Yes! I'm on the path. I loved how Mimi's stuff is a real gateway, good focus on the physical with the real next step to go deeper and focus on more than just the physical.


    6 hours ago, OldDog said:

    Have you tried looking into a Tai Chi class/group?  Sounds like that might be something that would benefit you.




    I have. The options are very thin, I'm continuing to look. 


    2 hours ago, Limahong said:

    Then the general energy...

    Interesting - like to expand?




    The vibe was off. The space for Qi Gong not energetically clean to work in. Ultimately, not a fit.

  4. I've had Post Concussion Syndrome for almost 2 years and I discovered Qi Gong as I was looking for movement I can do and something that would help. Like many I tried to navigate through the sea of Qi Gong online (including Youtube). I went to one of the few Qi Gong classes near me and I started to read and listen.


    My first step was ok to start, but the style just didn't feel right. A teacher told me I wasn't ready for the "transmission" of a move that I was asking about and had seen online, which was a red flag. Then the general energy.... Finally. I watched some videos from the head of the school and I knew it wasn't the right fit.


    I continued my journey by getting Mimi Kudo-Deemer's videos. I really like her and found that The Eight Brocades and the Eighteen Forms were a really good place to really start my journey.


    I also sought out Ken Cohen's videos as well as Robert Peng, both which had been recommended, and both gave me something different for my practice. 


    I'm still finding my way through all this, wish I had a good local teacher, but am trying to find the knowledge and support for this part of my journey online. Have been very happy to find the Dao Bums, some great info here, but more importantly community, something I really need (and miss since I stopped going to my in person class).


    - Geoff

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