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Posts posted by DSCB57

  1. I just discovered this thread - rather late, I know. I noticed that the first post includes an image showing two versions of the accompanying mudra (hand seal) for the Maha Cundi Dharani practice. One person said that the first version was not the appropriate one, and having tried both albeit briefly, my instincts tell me that this assumption is probably correct, because the first version simply immediately did not feel right. 
    I wondered whether any of you have actually tried combining the first mudra with the Maha Cundi Dharani practice, and if so can you confirm whether there were any negative effects?

    I would also like to know the source of these images, because I am understandably wary of certain information disseminated on the Internet, since disinformation and misinformation abounds these days. 

  2. 18 hours ago, virtue said:



    Thank you for being forgiving. You clearly have a kind heart of shining gold.


    The situation with ausar was bad enough, but I must confess that I made it worse by having my own bad trait surface. I have had an issue with mixing my feelings of right and wrong with judgemental reactivity and self-righteous indignation. It's a perfect recipe for confrontations.


    What remains of even good causes if they become clouded by selfish concerns to straighten other people's act? Absolutely nothing good.


    I must apologize again for tempting you to an unnecessary quarrel.


    With hindsight, I’d say that it has been an opportunity for both of us to grow. Really that’s all that matters. It’s often the case that good friendships start from a violent argument or disagreement. Each of us mirrors one another’s defects, that’s just how things are. But how we benefit from that depends upon our ability to be honest with ourselves and what are our own intrinsic qualities. 

    Trolling and berating others really doesn’t interest me in the slightest, but I cannot abide hypocrisy and injustice, so I find myself forced to take a stand when necessary, even if I am mistaken. If I do so in defence of someone who does not merit my intervention, then I will have made an error of judgement, but nevertheless defended my principles.


    • Thanks 1

  3. On 9/6/2019 at 10:55 AM, virtue said:

    I apologize for trolling you a little. This was poor conduct unbecoming of me.


    There certainly was no real ill-intent or aiming to sully your reputation or pseudonym, but it seems you took it very hard on yourself. I am sorry if you felt bullied.


    There is much that could be said about respect and disrespect around GM Doo Wai and his teachings. I can only look into my own involvement and apologize for being involved with a judgemental attitude and thus fueling the fires of confusion.


    A little late, but apology accepted Virtue. I am also big enough to freely admit that I was mistaken in trying to defend Ausar, although I don't regret having done so, because I don't believe that anyone deserves to be treated that way. I really thought he deserved to be given the benefit of the doubt, and I was fooled by the video he uploaded showing him being taught be JSDW. 

    I allowed myself to be taken in up to a point, and paid the price of loss of face, and as a result of the ill feeling on the FPCK thread, I found it necessary to cease my participation, although now I'm glad I did.

    But I also confronted Ausar about making up cultivation exercises and creating a system by cherry picking from all the videos he obtained from his involvement with the Iron Palm website through being one of their investors. He did so without being anywhere near the level of mastery to do so safely. I warned him that he was putting the mental and physical health of his disciples at risk, not to mention his own. But it was a waste of time and energy. Sadly, I now believe him to be mentally unbalanced rather than malicious, and having actually experienced considerable discomfort after having been taught an incorrect breath control sequence for one of the meditations he taught the group, I am really concerned for the wellbeing of those who chose to continue to practice the meditations he sold to them. 

    • Thanks 1

  4. On 13/03/2019 at 6:11 PM, GreytoWhite said:

    I think Garry had a falling out with his web admin but you can still contact him directly or purchase from Platform Purple. He's active on Facebook and a very genuine person who speaks his mind.



    Thank you Grey to White, but unfortunately Garry Hearfield does not even acknowledge the existence of all 72 levels of this system, and certainly neither teaches them nor does he ever intend producing videos of any more than the first two meditations from each level. 

    The system is actually rather confusing, since there are not really 72 levels, but rather 72 meditations. These can be broken down into 4 levels with 18 meditations in each. That is unfortunately not what Garry is teaching, and he made it quite clear that all he is doing is making sure that this system does not totally disappear, but it is of only secondary importance to him. 

    I have both his DVDs, and they certainly do not cover this material. Thanks anyway. 

    By the way, Garry had a falling out with his partner, Sifu Wretfors - I don't know whether he was also his web administrator, but he certainly was an important part of WBBM's infrastructure. In my opinion what Sifu Wretfors teaches on DVD 2 is far more profound than what Garry teaches on DVD 1. He seems to have a penchant for making everything overly complicated, but explains very little of the energetic principles and nothing about the alchemical aspect. He seems to just want to make it all sound as mysterious as possible whilst actually saying very little of any real value.

  5. I am specifically looking for the missing three meditations from the seated SYG meditations which are considered sitting moving meditations (I have the first 15). Jung Shee Lacey said on one of the videos that he intended adding these if he could find them - did he?

    I am also looking for the SYG 32 movement standing moving meditations. I only have the first in the set, performed by Jung Shee Doo Wai. 

    Please respond via PM only, thank you. 

  6. On 01/08/2018 at 6:15 AM, Gerard said:

    Welcome to the XXI century...and the Internet (endless supply of tasty, healthy and nutritious recipes thanks to kind humans).


    Mixed grain Okayu



    Bon appetit, qing man yong (請慢用), tabemasu (食べます), happy meal, lol.


    Note: Prefer more the Chinese style? No worries:


    Congee (Chinese rice porridge)


    You can top it up with anything, jellyfish or sea cucumber if you like. I still remember having this amazing dinner in Taichung, Taiwan with some locals...and the sea cucumber soup. 11 years later I still remember how good it was, yum!


    Thank you for those links Gerard! I am going to try some of those recipes.

  7. Do any of you add liquid cereals or nuts to your juice? I don't add water, just half a glass of almond milk mixed with a little walnut milk. Last of all, after all the fruit and vegetables I also add powdered chlorella, spirulina and kale, as well as powdered hemp seeds when available. The algae are for detoxification. I drink about a litre a day of this after my morning tea. I also grow my own wheatgrass, and either add that with fresh ginger and turmeric, or will add all three to my morning green tea.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Lost in Translation said:


    Excellent point! It's true that Vitamix on high can produce hot soups. I add several ice cubes to offset heat generation and I make it a point to only run on high for about 10 seconds.


    While it is great that you recognize that this is happening, by the time you add the ice cubes it is already probably too late - the damage will have been done at the onset of the process, due to the speed of the machine - unless it is a low-speed high torque motor. My machine masticates the food at a constant low speed while its internal filters remove as much roughage as possible still without producing any heat. 

    I feel that it is a similar paradigm to that of using a microwave oven. As far as Chinese medicine is concerned, the food Qi is damaged regardless of the amount of time the food is subjected to the microwave energy, which is typically far less than in a normal electric stove for example.

    • Like 1

  9. 2 hours ago, Marblehead said:

    That sounds very Korean.



    Possibly, but this was the only time I have eaten congee, so I was ignorant to any other variants, and in fact I would love to find somewhere here in Spain where I could eat an authentic vegetarian rice congee. I would also like a recipe so I could cook it myself. 

    In Singapore we would eat it at 5am in the local open market near the school in Geylang, alongside the workers, (if memory serves me - it was back in '87, so I am not sure of the precise details), before returning to the school to begin training at 6am.

    • Like 1

  10. On 6/27/2017 at 3:35 AM, Aetherous said:

    Congee for breakfast food is challenging...I personally tend to need a lot of protein in every meal, and there's just not really a good way to do that with breakfast congee. I tend to think of congee more in a way similar to how ramen is done, but with rice instead of the noodles and not using broth...throw in various things, like some veggies, some meats, on top. Could add a sauce on top to give the congee flavor.

    When we went to train with Nam Yang Pugilistic Association in Singapore, we would eat rice congee every morning, and it was prepared with fish - how is that lacking in protein or inadequate to your breakfast needs?

    • Like 1

  11. Perhaps the most important thing to consider when preparing juices from fruit and vegetables is whether or not the device produces heat during the process of extracting the juice, because this can damage the vitamins contained in these foods.


    I went from using a high speed machine which produced a considerable amount of heat to using a slow device which cold presses the food in order to get as much juice out whilst generating as little heat as possible, and the difference was night and day! You also need to observe the quantity of froth the machine produces, as this is also indicative of undesirable effects. 

    In an online comparative test of several similar low speed cold pressing juicers, it could be seen that the juicers which produced greater quantities of froth gained less points overall, as the most important thing is the quantity of clear juice each device produces without the need for further filtering

    • Like 4

  12. On 8/25/2018 at 1:34 AM, Vajra Fist said:

    Does maha vajra have a legit lineage? I got the impression it was something he made up.


    There are those who say he comes from an authentic lineage, then there are the detractors who say he does not. The truth is that I do not know, nor do I care either way. In my opinion it is not the lineage which is important, but the quality of the student and the effectiveness of the practice. As someone stated at one point, a good and worthy student can gain more from an inauthentic system than a poor unworthy student is able to gain from a practice from a highly reputed lineage based tradition (paraphrased in my own words). The question you should be asking is 'does it work?', 'does the practice enable one to advance in one's cultivation?' 


    The Dharani/mantras MahaVajra gives for each of the Kuji-In mudras are authentic (inasmuch as they are in Sanskrit and seem to make some sense), however according to one source (John Vajra) they are out of context and cannot be compared with the power of the Sakyamuni Buddha's Dharanis. But then again John Vajra knows next to nothing about the Kuji-In system, so he may have been mistaken and speaking out of turn.


    All I can say is that I practiced these for a couple of hours daily over a period of nearly 2 years (before accessing the Buddha Dharanis), and they certainly had an effect on my cultivation, and probably helped prepare me for the high level cultivation systems I am now practicing. But I feel that the key is to use them as a meditation practice, with the eyes closed whilst focusing on each mudra of the Kuji-In for a fairly lengthy period. 

    • Thanks 1

  13. Stephen Hayes' DVD shows him reciting the 'Om Mani Padme Hum' mantra whilst repeating the Nine Cutting Fingers over and over fairly rapidly.

    However I feel that it is far more powerful if once you master the mudras, you instead practice them as slowly as possible and hold each one for around half an hour in deep meditation, whilst repeating the specific mantra for each mudra, as taught by MahaVajra. I no longer practice this, but I did for over a year, and as I say I did find it a powerful practice. 

    Practicing moving rapidly through the mudras is a good exercise for both the brain and the hands, as it develops power in the hands as well as dexterity, but my personal feeling is that one needs to allow time for the energetic shifts between each of the mudras, which is why I thought of combining the Kuji-In with a very slow version of the Bagua Circle Walking (with the eyes closed). I found this a very powerful exercise.

    However, since practicing some of the high level Bak Fu Pai cultivation meditations, I now feel that the breath control sequences employed in this system are far more powerful for the activation of mudras, and would very much like to explore the possibility of the existence of such sequences as applied specifically to the Kuji-In mudras. 

    I wish I could access the knowledge which would allow me to discover such things for myself, as there is so much disinformation here and elsewhere, and so much controversy that I find it all really disheartening. 

  14. 19 hours ago, ronaldk said:


    Low level Method

    The order and sequence of things is very important.
    I know you could boost mudra work by doing before hand either a complete bagua form or chen style silk reeling.
    Both exercices should be done with strong emphasis on silk reeling
    The strong activation of the meridians will boost your mudra work.


    High level method

    if you can get your hands on the original kunlun or dragon sanctuary dvds or stuff that would be the only excepcion in which i would practise mudra and circle working for the reason that this is very strong activating and deep energy work.
    Or with other words you are using a method that has been tested and works.

    Well, since I started off this thread I am now working with some very high level Bak Fu Pai meditations which make considerable use of mudras in their own right (as do most martial arts practices), so rather than mix and match methods, for the time being I have stopped practicing the Kuji-In, at least for the time being. Nevertheless, I still find the idea of circle walking with the eyes closed in an activated meditative state, such as that which results from the high level BFP meditations - intriguing. My main objective at this time is one of health and longevity in order to pursue high level cultivation more safely, but it is very much a part of me to explore every type of energetic practice. Thank you for taking the time to reply.

    19 hours ago, ronaldk said:

    Other Methods


    Some master activated usually bahui with a mudra and then  directly walk a normal bagua form or other arts.
    This is extremely powerfull but if your energy systems is not balanced out.
    You will get just more energy and more inbalanceit might not be a fun ride.

    Perhaps this is the way the Bagua walking meditation originated...

    19 hours ago, ronaldk said:


    If you are balanced out it will be pure bliss



    I will not be able to tell you more since i do not use kuji in that way.

    So, how do you use the Kuji-In, if I may ask?

    Have a great evening


    You too,



    19 hours ago, ronaldk said:



    • Like 1

  15. 27 minutes ago, dawei said:


    A review of you, based on a report had very little to do with FPCK thread but your rude and at least one threatening post, plus how you respond to staff requests, and also try to go around staff decisions.   Hope that is more clear at this point.


    I admit to having been very angry when I wrote to you. I felt that it was righteous indignation, but it was out of character for me, as I am not usually so scathing. But I cannot help how your decision regarding the FPCK thread made me feel. I have to honour my sense of what is right and wrong. I confess that until kar3n replied to my initial comment, I sincerely had no idea of the actual way this forum was structured, hence my remarks about democracy - I did not even know that it was private, much less that it had a single owner, and frankly I was taken aback and felt more than a little disillusioned.

    But please understand that above all I am a man of principles, and on the very rare occasions that I fight, it would always be over a matter of principles. 

    Something else which also angered me was the fact that you were taking advice regarding that decision from someone who had openly attacked and insulted and attempted to dishonour me on another thread at the very same time, and I believe that I have provided more than adequate proof of the fact that his/her allegations were unfounded, based upon uninformed and incorrect assumptions and his/her comments were unjustified and insulting and demeaning. Several other members have also contacted me privately in order to tell me that they fully agreed with me.

    If you are referring to my being threatening in that situation, I warned the person that I would not tolerate any more insults. That is not a threat, it is simply a statement of fact. I requested an apology, as this person caused me loss of face. As a fellow MA practitioner, you must understand. I cannot back down, you know that this constitutes an invitation to cross hands with this person - this is a serious matter, and this person has behaved in a very similar way toward other members on various other threads, and so far been allowed to get away with it. I won't take such ad hominem attacks from anyone, and no-one should have to, whether it is a public or private forum such behaviour is unacceptable. 


    I also want to say, while I have your attention that I have found this forum to be an invaluable resource, and I have learned a great deal during my stay here. I have always tried to contribute as much as possible and in a positive way, as you will see, if you look at my other contributions in various threads. This is why I was prepared to fight for the integrity of this forum. I perceived your decision to allow @zenbear absolute rights over the content of the FPCK thread to be a step in the wrong direction, and felt obliged to express my opinion.

    I apologise for not being the most tactful person when it comes to putting my point across, that is one of my many faults. 


    • Like 1

  16. Over the past two weeks following an invitation via PM I have been in communication with Oscar, Ausar's main disciple, and Ausar himself. This coincided with the controversy which started on the FPCK thread, unbeknown to me at the time. When I saw how Ausar was being attacked (this was before having actually responded to the invitation, and therefore also before actually having any communication with him) I jumped in in his defence. This is because whoever he is, and whether or not his claim is legitimate, he needs to be allowed the opportunity to defend himself, rather than just being banned and having his contributions removed from the thread, as has been the case. 

    The furore began when I uploaded this photo taken from Ausar's website, which seemed to me to show Ausar with quite a healthy looking GM Doo Wai:


    I was immediately attacked, and more than one member stated in no uncertain terms that this fake, and this was not in fact GM Doo Wai. 

    After my post and those which followed it, in his own defence Ausar uploaded a video showing him very clearly receiving instruction from a person who appeared to be GM Doo Wai. Just prior to this, he also submitted a Skype conversation in which he humbly asked GM Doo Wai to confirm that he was his disciple and had his permission to disseminate these teachings. The answer was "yes". Unlike the the video which Terry Dunn then uploaded to the FPCK thread, there was no coercion or pressure being exerted by Ausar over GM Doo Wai. 

    Terry Dunn accused me of being a paid shill of Ausar's as well as his student, none of which is or was true. At that point I had not even replied to the PM.

    After this, and seeing Terry Dunn's behaviour during all of this put the last nail in the coffin as far as continuing to contribute to the FPCK thread was concerned, and I am presently under consideration to be banned as a result of my reaction to the power which Terry was given by Dawei to edit and remove other members posts as he sees fit. The first thing he did was to remove the video uploaded by Ausar and replace it with an extremely substandard video of his own. See for yourself his approach toward the Grand Master.

    Regardless, what I would like to say is that I have attended two free Darshans with Ausar over the past two weeks, and I feel I have learned a considerable amount about the nature of cultivation and how the meditations actually work from the point of view of both Buddhist and Daoist cultivation traditions, and how Buddha Dharma relates to the Dao. I found Ausar did not avoid difficult questions, and was far removed from the typical New Age techno babble most would-be God men usually resort to. I actually found him very down to earth and approachable and quite humble. 

    As to whether or not this is genuine, I really don't know. I don't have the financial resources at my disposal to become a student and find out for myself, and I made that quite clear right from the outset. That did not in any way affect the welcome I was given. 

  17. 13 hours ago, ShivaShakti said:

    The advanced/high level Bak Fu Pai meds certainly way more powerful and stronger than Terry DVDs for sale. I started my FP in 2013, but at some point in time I moved and advanced my cultivation practice.

    For a beginner, Terry's DVDs are superb. But if anyone wants to advance, i think the advanced meds are appropriate--however the advanced meds are strong, and that anyone who is still beginner should be cautious.


    Thank you. So may I ask you to be so kind as to corroborate the statements I made relating to the effects produced by these meditations, and whether this can in fact be observed on any of the videos produced by GM Doo Wai? It leaves a bad taste in my mouth to know that people are under the impression that my comments were untruthful and disrespectful toward GM Doo Wai, so any help to clear my name would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

  18. 2 hours ago, Kar3n said:

    The Daobums is not a democracy. Dawei, our admin, has the final say.

    Well, thank you. That is most illuminating. Now I am beginning to understand why such a bias has been shown in favour of @zenbear by our esteemed forum master and owner Dawei. 

    You almost sound proud to announce that this is not a democratic forum....I feel as though I just stepped into a parallel universe in the Twilight Zone, where people desire to be controlled by Big Brother. You people are unreal. And it is within this facist infrastructure that the sublime truths of Buddhism and Daoism, Hinduism and whichever other philosophy or tradition may be found in this spiritual marketplace are to be revealed to the seeker who comes to these forums? You people are deluding yourselves. Now I see why there are so many members who get off on their armchair warrior trips, fighting among themselves, insulting one another and the arts of other traditions, setting themselves up as would-be enlightened masters.....it all makes sense now. 

    Thank you for letting me see the light.

  19. As a fairly long standing contributor to the thread in question, and with many posts and threads to my credit, I would like to say that on moral grounds I would find it difficult to participate in the FPCK thread on any level under these conditions.


    As I am sure you are fully aware, this thread was started by another member, but taken over by Terry Dunn. I really take exception to anyone who did not even start the thread in the first place being given or requesting extensive rights over that thread.

    I strongly disagree with anyone having the power to edit someone else's contributions to the thread or remove any material whatsoever from that thread. This should be under the sole discretion of the moderators - and not one single moderator such as you Dawei, as there is clearly a conflict of interests here. There is evidence of objective bias in the fact that you allowed this degree of manipulation of the thread by Terry Dunn to take place. 

    Although this arose as a result of the recent events surrounding Ausar, it has nothing to do with him, it is a matter of principle. This is a question of an invasion of the rights of a member of TTB and any past, present or future contributor to this thread. Every member should have the right to read the opinions, statements and material presented to the thread by all current and previous contributors in their original state and in their original context. The obvious exception would be where such material was deemed offensive, pornographic or in direct and deliberate conflict with the rules of the forum. But even then I reiterate - this is for the moderators to decide, not any of the participators on the thread in question. 

    Let's do the democratic thing. Put it to the vote! Let's see whether an overwhelming majority of members on this thread agree that Terry Dunn should be given these privileges and authority to effectively completely take over this thread and only accept contributions which meet with his personal approval. If the vote goes in his favour, I'm out of here, because this is simply undemocratic and subversive. If that is the true nature of TTB, then I think it is time for me to move on.

    Thank you.

    • Like 1

  20. To all those actively participating in or following this thread:


    In order to avoid any further misconceptions arising regarding my comments in this thread, I would like to make some points about the chronological order of events:

    1. I started this thread on 2/4/2018. The motive for my having started this thread was the fact that I was becoming tired and dissatisfied with having to rely uniquely on the FPCK thread for information and support regarding this system. At this time I was still practising Terry Dunn's FPCK meditations, and felt I was making good progress, given my circumstances - i.e. learning the system purely from the DVD material. Having at that point had no exposure to any other Flying Phoenix practices, I was still under the impression that Terry Dunn's statements regarding the Flying Phoenix meditations presented on the FPCK thread regarding the nature and efficacy of Volumes 1 through 7 were correct and truthful. At that point however, two years into my practice, I had engaged in discourses with several members questioning why it should take so long to complete these meditations, and whether this was indeed as powerful a system as we were being told on the FPCK thread. 


    2. On 1/7/2018 as a result of someone reading my contributions to this thread I was very kindly given access to some of GM Doo Wai's high level cultivation videos, and at that point began to practice some of the meditations. It was my experience from a couple of day's practice of the San Gong, Golden Lotus Flying Phoenix, 690AD Doo Family Healing meditations etc., that I immediately noticed the difference between these systems and those I had been practising over the past 2 years from Terry Dunn's DVDs. 


    3. The discourse provided on some of these videos produced by Shen on behalf of GM Doo Wai state that these systems are more powerful, more effective and quicker to obtain the desired results than those of the Flying Phoenix system. GM Doo Wai himself makes this statement. I stated that I found from my short exposure to these meditations that these were accurate and truthful statements describing what one can expect from practising the material on these DVDs, and from this I reasoned that had I been exposed to these meditations rather than Terry Dunn's FPCK meditations, I would in all probability have experienced more profound healing effects and may have been at a different level of cultivation as a result of such practice than I had reached after two years practising Terry Dunn's FPCK system.

    From that point on, I began to question openly why Terry Dunn's material is presented in its advertising as being high level cultivation, when clearly it involves a far more time consuming process and more time to actually benefit from the practice than it would take to produce more powerful effects using any one of the systems presented on the high level cultivation videos produced by or on behalf of GM Doo Wai himself. 

    Thus it can be seen that my access to these video materials had nothing to do with the motives for my having started this thread. 

    It also had absolutely nothing to do with Ausar having contacted me via one of his students, although coincidentally that contact was made on 1/7/2018. 


    Finding it rather difficult to chose from among the videos I had been given access to, I took advantage of the introduction to Ausar to ask him which of GM Doo Wai's high level cultivation videos he thought were most powerful and appropriate for someone at my level of cultivation and in my state of health. He recommended the Golden Flying Phoenix and Golden Lotus Flying Phoenix meditations, and confirmed my suspicion that these would be far more effective for healing my spinal condition and advancing my cultivation than Terry Dunn's FPCK meditations. 


    I took a considerable amount of time and effort working through these videos and recompiling them in order to make them easier to learn and assimilate. This involved editing out unintelligible parts of the videos and attempting to render them more useful to my needs by reversing the image etc., then actually defining the point at which each meditation begins and ends - something which is  not always clear on these videos. 


    As a result of my observations during this process, in conversation with Virtue on this thread, I made reference to the content of these videos (assuming that he too had access to them, or had at least watched them), and pointed out the fact that in several of these videos GM Doo Wai can be seen "struggling to keep moving and maintain consciousness". I actually provided more of a description originally, but since this is what Virtue quoted when he made the remark "Such disrespect and you are probably still completely oblivious to it. Are you for real saying that a Kungfu grandmaster in good health would be "struggling to keep moving and maintain consciousness"? Do you realize how absurd things you are saying and projecting out?", I am going to continue using that quote from my original comment in order to demonstrate how wrong these allegations are regarding my perceived disrespectful behaviour toward GM Doo Wai:


    It may be that my actual description, being purely subjective does not precisely tally with another viewer's observations, nevertheless, these are not disparaging or disrespectful remarks toward GM Doo Wai by any stretch of the imagination. In fact I am trying to find a point in the discourse somewhere on one of these videos in which GM Doo Wai himself says that "although it might appear that he is falling asleep, this is due to the deep relaxation induced by the high level cultivation meditations, and that this was something that the practitioner himself would also experience and was quite normal." Maybe someone can help me out by providing a more accurate reference to this? 


    From his accusation it is clear that Virtue has no access to the videos in question, and therefore is making assumptions based upon his own limited perspective, knowledge and experience. Those assumptions are demonstrably erroneous


    I would now like to request that anyone who actually does have these videos and has witnessed for themselves what I attempted to describe (or indeed anyone who may have been fortunate enough to actually be present to have observed this first hand) - GM Doo Wai being overcome by the energy of the sitting meditations such that it can be seen on many occasions that he slumps forward, his hands drop to his lap and he is seen afterwards making an effort to resume the movements of the meditations in the Golden Lotus Flying Phoenix seated meditations on Volumes 4 and 5 videos in particular - be so kind as to come forward and attest to the accuracy or inaccuracy of my statements.


    Whether or not another member or members chooses to come forward as requested, I now request a public apology from Virtue for having attempted to sully my reputation, and accuse me of being disrespectful toward GM Doo Wai.

    Virtue, let me make it patently clear to you that I will not accept any further unfounded insults or aspersions to be cast by you on my character here or anywhere else. You have been warned. Now if you have nothing to contribute to the subject matter of this thread, and your only reason for being here is to continue to try and belittle and insult me and occupy this thread for your own motives, then please just leave this thread. If you want to continue to discuss Ausar, please open your own thread so that you do not continue to invade this one. 


    Thank you everyone for reading this and bearing witness to my statements.


    • Like 1

  21. 14 hours ago, virtue said:

    Yes I read. Do you wish to elaborate now how did you practice your FP meditations?

    Certainly, if you mean by that what was my approach to my practice, I would answer that I practiced assiduously, mindfully and with all my heart and soul. At the outset I paid great attention to capturing as many subtleties as possible from the videos. My previous training has enabled me to capture subtle nuances, and I made full use of that. I kept a daily journal of my practice for a considerable amount of time, but eventually decided this was not the best use of my time. 

    Now if you are asking how did I go about teaching myself the meditations, I have no problem with explaining that. Just let me know.

    14 hours ago, virtue said:

    I didn't put any words into your mouth. But this praise did come out of your own mouth:


    On 23/04/2017 at 5:20 PM, DSCB57 said:

    once I encountered such a potent art as the Bak Fu Pai Flying Phoenix system - not to mention with a master willing to impart the real practice. 


    Which way the wind blows today, I wonder?

    Look at the date of that quote. The observations I have made recently relate to my experience sharing with the FPCK community on this thread. During this period, whilst continuing to learn and practice the FPCK meditations, I was also observing the quality of instruction, attention to the needs of students, and other factors which helped shape the impression I eventually formed of Terry Dunn. To begin with, I was happy to have found this art, and had great hopes that Terry Dunn would fulfil the promise of my initial confidence in him. I read through pretty much the entire thread, taking notes, and an impression began to form in my mind in combination with my actual experience of interacting with him over several months. My attempts at communication with him were ignored, I was not even able to order the DVDs from him, as my emails and repeated personal messages were never answered. In addition to this, when he did in fact eventually respond to me on the thread it became clear that he did not make the connection between the information I had originally provided by email and my actual identity. I can understand the confusion in part, due to the fact that I changed my name to the one you see now, after which my previous identity simply vanished, along with years of previous posts on TTB under my previous name which I cannot now remember, but I do remember changing it because eventually it sounded pretentious to me, although it was sincere. I believe it was WuWei Shen. But the moderators could find no record whatsoever of either that identity or my posts. It may even have been another forum with similar content. Sometimes my aphantasia can produce this type of situation, and there is really nothing I can do about it. 

    In any case, if you read my initial posts, you will see for yourself how long I had to wait to receive any sort of reply from Terry, and in fact I then asked for answers from any experienced practitioners, but received no reply. Eventually, as I say, Terry Dunn did begin to respond to my questions, but what people do not realise is that by the time that he did answer the number of questions had accumulated to such a point that he could never answer all of them, and many in fact did remain unanswered, which made my practice all the more difficult. Nevertheless, I persevered, and from time to time contributed to the thread with comments on other posts, questions and reports of what seemed to me to be important signposts in my cultivation practice. There was never even an acknowledgement of any of my other contributions, so eventually I just stopped contributing to the thread.

    I may have wrongly perceived Terry Dunn's reaction to my post regarding the pace of my meditations, but I got the distinct impression that he did not believe me, and he made remarks which I honestly felt would have been far better communicated by PM, rather than on the thread, because challenging me to provide a video as proof in the way that this was worded was something I found really offensive. I posted several times about my feeling alienated on the thread, and later provided a considerable amount of information documenting each of the questions I had raised or comments I had made which had been summarily ignored by the entire community. 

    Had this occurred in a class situation I would have directly confronted Terry Dunn in private, as I do not accept this type of disrespect from anyone, and if this was the way I was to be treated, and he made no effort to change his attitude, then I would simply turn my back on him and leave the kwoon. But in the context of a forum like this, and given the fact that I was actually in need of answers to questions directly relating to my practice, you can imagine that my patience was beginning to wear thin. You accused me of paranoia, well, do you find it surprising, given the circumstances? Should a forum member need to beg in order to obtain the necessary attention he can see everyone else receiving? Terry Dunn was fully aware of the pain I had been suffering, and that I needed help, and must have known how difficult it would be for me to undertake this practice, and that I would therefore need a considerable amount of support. 

    As I saw how much attention other members were receiving, when they were really contributing very little to the thread, my impression of the character of Terry Dunn as a master began to diminish. As I recognised more and more obvious character flaws, I found myself drawn toward seeking another teacher elsewhere. 

    During this lengthy period I had been approached by several other members who agreed that I was being treated badly, and they were very kind and supportive toward me and showed me great respect. Eventually I found that I was not alone in my misgivings about Terry Dunn, and the more time went on, the more my doubts were confirmed. At one point I became so incensed by him inculcating his occult ideology on this thread that I seriously considered calling him out over it. I believe I have already expressed my opinion on this matter and done my best to explain why I have such a low opinion of Aleistair Crowley, although there is a great deal more I could add. Terry Dunn is clearly misinformed on this topic, and not taking into account the extent to which young impressionable minds of many of the new members might be affected, because there is a considerable amount of adulation which Terry actively attracts toward himself, and such members are very likely to simply accept what he tells them without question.


    It got to the point that I found myself having to make an effort to avoid the copious number of posts to the thread having absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the Flying Phoenix system, and the more this occurred the more it irritated me. This thread is extremely lengthy, and a newcomer already has to wade through an immense amount of information in order to find anything of value. This is due to the fact that there has constantly been a tendency to treat this threat like a social media platform, with members chatting about pretty much anything that takes their fancy. This makes no sense to me whatsoever, given that this is really the only source of information for would be practitioners of this art. 

    The final chapter in this was when I observed Terry's behaviour during the situation which has arisen surrounding Ausar. I feel that there is no way I can now accept any of his claims to be the highly evolved individual he claims to be, and for the first time ever I have withdrawn the honorary appellation of Sifu, because I no longer feel that he deserves it. Not that he was in fact ever my Sifu. He obviously took a considerable amount of time and trouble to answer my questions, but his answers came so late that the damage was done. By the time Terry eventually responded to my accusations and asked me to continue to contribute it was too late...

    15 hours ago, virtue said:

    My congratulations for mastering both energy and anecdotal claims unlike anyone else. A rare accomplishment, but I now see why you are so attracted to Ausar.

    Can you not see how this might appear to me that you are continuing to insult me? You comment is once again dripping with sarcasm...maybe you cannot help yourself - possibly something you way want to address.


    15 hours ago, virtue said:

    Maybe Sunn Ye Gung fits you better than Flying Phoenix. Not every style of practice fits everyone.

    I am not the slightest bit interested in learning Sunn Yee Gung thank you. I find myself resonating with the Flying Phoenix energies - it is the teacher I am not satisfied with. Again you have taken my statement out of context. Are you trying to be deliberately obtuse or are you really stupid? Are you unable to read between the lines and understand that I was saying that at the time I came across that video of Garry Hearfield performing that sitting meditation it was a revelation to me, because I had never seen anything in Terry Dunn's videos even approaching the degree of serenity and total immersion in the meditation I witnessed on that video on Youtube. It is a shame it since disappeared, otherwise I could link you to it. But at the time I had already begun my Flying Phoenix training, so as I said, it simply inspired me to achieve a similar level within that art. How could you fail to glean that?


    15 hours ago, virtue said:

    You should be fully aware of the distinction between being a skilled master of an art, be it carpentry or kungfu, and a fully realized master. There is the specific mastery of skill and then being enlightened. These terms are often called siddha (accomplishment) and mahasiddha (great accomplishment) in Sanskrit, but you probably already knew this. Why are you so easily confused then? My usage of the term was absolutely clear in the context it was provided.


    Yes, and I just made that distinction when I asked you whether you were referring to Terry Dunn as master with a capital M - in other words a fully realised master, or a master as in Sifu, which frankly I could call myself in other arts if I so desired. I was not confused. Anyone reading the content of this thread would be led to the conclusion that Terry Dunn is a fully realised master. This is the impression he himself promotes of himself, and my statement was to the effect that I do not believe that a fully realised master would behave as he does. And there is no way anyone could persuade me otherwise. Is he skilled in martial arts? I would hope so, but the idea many forum members and students have of him far surpasses the status of Sifu. Hence my statements and my reaction to your description. 


    Nothing I have written was meant to be baiting, insulting, or dealing with your character, although I can agree that calling you "my young padawan" was sarcastic and out of place in contrast to the rest of my text. I can apologize if your sensibilities have been hurt. I have made no judgement or disparaging remarks other than the padawan bit. 

    For having nothing to sell, you peddle many wares. - Impertinence with intent to cause offence.

    I agree: your relation to dictionary is lacking. Insulting criticism

    Pure nihilistic trolling at its finest. - insult

    My congratulations for mastering both energy and anecdotal claims unlike anyone else. A rare accomplishment, but I now see why you are so attracted to Ausar. Insult and sarcasm

    Above are a few quotes from comments just from your last post which I find insulting. Perhaps this is a cultural misunderstanding. Quite frankly, if you were saying what you have said to me in person I would assume you wanted to cross hands with me. It is not a question of hurting my sensibilities it is a question of crossing the line and being deliberately impertinent and offensive. This is about loss of face, something you should understand. Or do you really think that you could get away with talking the way you have been to a complete stranger who you know is a martial artist without them taking offence? You seem to believe so, just like all the armchair warriors who fill forums like these. I'd just like to let you know that I am not one of them, and even in my condition you really don't want to fuck with me, I can assure you.

    15 hours ago, virtue said:

    You seemingly didn't pay attention in the Flying Phoenix thread, but I already disclosed that your darshan master Ausar had creatively fabricated a price explanation video to one of his expensive scams, which was called "Blue Buddha Ascending to Heaven". The article in question is now removed because the scam was detected, but it can still be reached through Google cache and the video itself is visible here. The video has GMDW talking about monetary value, but it has been completely divorced from its original context which is the Chi Materialization art. What do you have to say for that deception and trying to cover it up when it blew?

    As I already told you, I removed myself from the thread. I only returned once, and that was when I was informed that Terry Dunn had uploaded a video of him in a Skype conversation with GM Doo Wai. Since watching as much as I could of that before it turned my stomach over, I have never returned to the thread, so no, I have not been following events and have no idea what this is all about. I watched the video in the link you provided, but I fail to see how it connects to Ausar, as it only shows a discourse by a very much younger GM Doo Wai. The only information I managed to dig up on the subject of the Blue Buddha Ascending to Heaven was this, taken from Ausar's Facebook page: 

    Blue Buddha Ascending to Heaven – A Legendary System of “Fire Samadhi” and a Relic of the Shaolin Temple – Now Available in complete form with all 18 levels released for the first time in history.
    Removes all Karmic Hindrances, Cultivates the Light body and manifests the ability to ignite objects on fire with the palm and with the mind. 

    Is this the subject matter of the video which was removed from Ausar's website? I would need you to explain the situation for me and how the two videos relate to one another in order to be able to comment. 

    Now my question to you:

    How did Ausar manage to come by the photographs showing him in such an intimate situation with GM Doo Wai, and the video material showing him being instructed by GM Doo Wai? I have never met GM Doo Wai in person, but having been a professional artist I have a very good eye for detail, and I believe that I have seen a sufficient number of photographs taken throughout the years, as well as videos showing his features to be able to define that the eyes and bone structure are of the same person. To me the person in both the photographs and the videos appears to be GM Doo Wai. The quality of the video uploaded by Terry Dunn of the Skype conversation was of very poor quality, whereas the video uploaded by Ausar is very clear. And one can clearly see that GM Doo Wai is actually physically touching Ausar's arm at one point in the video, in order to correct a movement in the form Ausar is learning. Faking that is not impossible, but it would require great expertise and incur considerable expense. Frankly given the very few students that Ausar has, I really don't see the point in going to so much trouble to create such an elaborate scam. And who would risk incurring the wrath of GM Doo Wai or indeed other members of his lineage and possible legal action in order to do this? It just does not make sense to me and I find this really perplexing.

    16 hours ago, virtue said:

    Right, but did you know that you are writing to an adolescent ignoramus with a highly cultivated ego and anecdotal self-centered opinions?

    Well, if the hat fits....thank you for confirming my suspicions young Padawan.


    16 hours ago, virtue said:

    There are dozens, maybe hundreds, of minor mystics offering some sorts of energy transmission via Youtube. I can believe that your benefactor can do something similar, so that few unfortunate and gullible people are falling for the trick.

    My advice has always been to verify the source of blessings and only get transmissions from fully realized masters, unless you want to be branded with samsaric energies.

    There are also many who do so in person and manage to pull the wool over people's eyes, I quite agree with you. But your statement once again begs the question: what attainment do you have to allow you to discern whether a master is fully realised or not? Certainly there are character traits which may be a dead giveaway, but I am intrigued to know how many such master you know of? 


    There is an inward and outward dimension to terms master, guru, and sifu. The inward meaning can only be known through love, and the elaborate scenarios that you talk about relate only to the outward accomplishments where love is not present. Interesting monology, but not relevant to true sifus who are not teacher-fathers by title only.

    You seem to be living in a dream world my friend. Or perhaps I was correct and you are Chinese and have never had to wade through swathes of false teachers whose only desire is wealth and fame. I do know the difference. I have had the fortune to train with some real high level Sifus, but the majority made me waste many years of practice, not getting back what I was putting in. That is all too often the case in the UK where I spent most of my life. Not only that, but you are also forgetting that things change over time. When I began my training around the age of 20 around 1977 things were very different, and people understood far less about these matters than they do today - there was no Internet, and most information came through personal contact or books and magazines, or sometimes rarely, video footage. There was very little knowledge of what real Gongfu was, so masters started springing up everywhere teaching absolute crap and getting away with it. In fact I am only talking about Gongfu, but in fact I started off with various Karate styles when I was in my teens before that. I am sure that you cannot possibly imagine the minefield one was confronted with in the search for something authentic...

    If you are fortunate enough to live in the USA, then I really doubt that it would have been anything like as difficult to find a real Sifu than it was for seekers like me. Nevertheless, I did gain the respect of several Sifus in London's China Town, and maintained a wonderful relationship with them for many years. But being Gwai Loh they could not teach me. 

    I carry the scars from bad training, hard gongfu conditioning without Ditdajow which left my legs ruined and broken limbs from sparring in full contact competition before I was really ready. But that was many years ago, and since then I was fortunate enough to eventually learn from some pretty good instructors, some of them very high level. I stayed the course and paid my dues. Around 1987-'88 I finally moved away from Shaolin Gongfu to the IMA and never looked back. But my experience has been that even masters with real skill and attainment do not necessarily have impeccability - as I said, everyone has their price, and all too many eventually sell out. It was the introduction of these arts to the western world, and in particular to the highly materialistic values of our society which have made this type of corruption possible. Exceptions are very rare. For the most part greed is the name of the game. 


    Such disrespect and you are probably still completely oblivious to it. Are you for real saying that a Kungfu grandmaster in good health would be "struggling to keep moving and maintain consciousness"? Do you realize how absurd things you are saying and projecting out?

    Look you silly little twat I am really beginning to lose my patience with you, I am not going to risk a lawsuit by posting a video of GM Doo Wai in which this can clearly be seen, instead I will provide an example: Golden Lotus Flying Phoenix Volume 4 Seated meditation 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. If you cannot see what I have quite accurately described you are obviously blind as well as slow witted. 

    Listen, I am not prepared to waste any more of my time and energy replying out of courtesy to your posts. I have already explained how many hours it takes me to write due to my inner dialogue, and I am not prepared to sacrifice my nights sleep in order to continue to defend my position against someone who clearly has a closed mind and thinks they know it all. So good luck to you as well, and thank you for your time and energy.

  22. On 11/07/2018 at 10:48 AM, virtue said:


    I forgot address this earlier.



    The demonstration speed is for the sake of learning. If he moved slower, it would be bad for establishing muscle memory. Maybe I recall this wrong, but Sifu Terry has also stated that the FP energy can move advanced practitioners a bit faster and still impart same effects.

    OK, fine. Then I would like to see a video by Terry Dunn not produced with that end in view, in which he simply allows himself to practice the form for real. It is not only a question of the pace of movement, but the quality of the movement and the way the energy emanates from the practitioner during the practice. 


    If you had reached a very high level in any internal art, then you would certainly experience that bliss ceases intoxicating you after enough karmic purity is reached.

    Sorry, did I ever state that I had a high level of attainment? In the case of the Five Animals (Golden Tablets) spontaneous Qigong, I would certainly agree with you, as once the energies are balanced and the meridians cleared, the 5 animals no longer manifest. But I am still experiencing bliss, albeit differently since adopting the Golden Lotus and San Gong cultivation. I would say that it is intense, but not in the same way as the Flying Phoenix from Terry Dunn's DVDs. Sorry, I am too new to these higher level meditations to be able to adequately describe the effect, but it grows stronger and more subtle each day. 


    Therefore a master wouldn't react to bliss like a beginner would.

    Nevertheless, it can clearly be seen that GM Doo Wai is obviously overcome by the energies he is receiving, often actually struggling to keep moving and maintain consciousness. That has also been my experience, pretty much right from the start, if you read my early contributions to the FPCK thread. How did Terry Dunn react? He criticised me and told me that I was practising incorrectly. If he had the level he would like everyone to believe he does, he would have been able to tune in to me and perceive what was actually causing this in my specific case. In fact I recall that another practitioner followed my post with one of his own in which he said that he was also experiencing this. 

    The fact is that this experience was also accompanied by the experiences I recently described (or reiterated, as I had already  described them at length on the FPCK thread) of understanding the meaning of stillness in movement and movement arising from stillness. That information should have been sufficiently revealing for a consummate master to have been able to provide me with the necessary information to help me progress to the next level. Instead I was publicly upbraided and made to lose face. Well, as karma would have it, now the favour has been returned...


    • Thanks 1

  23. On 11/07/2018 at 11:07 AM, Leif said:


    Maybe you have misread what I wrote.


    I wrote that ChW is representative of WBBM for Europe, not that he was appointed by GMDW.


    You asked who was trained to a high level in Doo family arts.


    ChW certainly was trained to a high enough level, at least by their standards if not yours, in some of the Doo family arts, otherwise he wouldn't be appointed by WBBM/GH who is defacto a lineage holder. He is also a teacher on some of their videos (eg. Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gung).


    Here is a list of sifus, authorized as of around 1998 (though of course it's very unlikely any of them is in Europe), significantly larger than the list voiced by GMDW on the Skype call recently:




    A bit old but contacts for some of them (CT, MG, DD,..) can be still be found online.


    Good lord, do I need to quote myself from the first post? I asked for information about high level instructors who had been taught by GM Doo Wai. Clear enough for you? So just how does Sifu Christer fit that description? 

    Thank you for the list of contacts nevertheless.

  24. On 11/07/2018 at 10:00 AM, virtue said:



    So how did you practice then for two years if you didn't progress much? I assume that you are speaking from your own experience.

    Did you actually read what I wrote? I acknowledged that practising Volumes 1 through 7 of the FPCK meditations produced by Terry Dunn had served as a good introduction to the higher level meditations I was now learning and practising from GM Doo Wai's videos. I acknowledged the fact that without my prior FPCK practice I doubted that I would have been able to follow and learn from the material presented on the videos of the high level systems demonstrated by GM Doo Wai which I am now practising. 

    However the other side of the coin is that I disagree that the branch of Flying Phoenix taught by Terry Dunn is the pinnacle of the art and high level cultivation which he says it is. I say that because from personal experience of only a short time of practising several of the meditations from what GM Doo Wai himself describes as high level cultivation, his descriptions are not mere hyperbole, but truthful statements. 



    This is very ironic considering the next quoted paragraph which has a flavor of malcontent criticism.

    I did not criticise the material presented by Terry Dunn within its own context, other than to remark that I had never seen Terry Dunn perform these meditations in the same way as one can see GM Doo Wai perform them. I said that Terry Dunn maintains his focus upon perfection of the form, just as one does in any art, but from my experience of the Flying Phoenix energies, this has little or nothing to do with that sort of focus. Once the FP energy is moving you, rather than you trying to remember the form from Terry Dunn's DVDs, I do not feel that one need focus on correctness of movement, because the form itself will teach your body how to follow the FP energy. I have never seen that in either Terry Dunn's demonstrations nor any of his students. 

    I also said that it was Garry Hearfield whose Bak Fu Pai sitting meditation performed at the pace of a shifting sand dune was my first taste of what that actually meant, and I said and continue to say that this was what inspired me to experience that for myself, and whether anyone else wishes to believe me or not, I did in fact achieve that eventually, and documented the fact soon after on the FPCK thread. 


    You basically admit that Sifu Terry is providing an excellent pedagogical approach to learning the Flying Phoenix and other White Tiger internal arts.

    Don't put words into my mouth. I never mentioned excellence in relation to Terry Dunn, nor would I, because excellence involves far more than appearance, it also involves the name you espouse and many other attributes which Terry's behaviour on this thread actually negates as far as I and others are concerned. If you wish to be another sycophant and treat him as though the sun shines out of his arse, then so be it. Good luck to you.



    Any good qigong or martial arts teacher will emphasize the importance of learning the correct form first. Sifu Terry's DVDs are for beginners, hence they need to focus on correct form to get the optimal energy cultivation to start with.

    Excellent, now we are on the same page. But you see, just because someone comes to this thread in order to learn more about the Flying Phoenix does not make them all beginners. You assume that I am a young inexperienced greenhorn talking out of my arse, but in fact I have probably been practising martial arts now for nearly 40 of my 60 years, and much of that time has been spent with some really high level masters. What has held me back in my cultivation has been ill health since I was born, and quite a severe spinal condition which would leave most people in a wheel chair. I began to practise FPCK on the recommendation of another TTB member according to whose diagnosis I probably had only another 10 years to live, and according to him, if it was my intention to awaken before that, this was one of the steps I needed to take. 

    Now to return to the point you just made - Terry Dunn touts this system as being high level cultivation. You yourself have just admitted that this is a branch of Flying Phoenix which is aimed at beginners to cultivation. What I am saying is that Terry Dunn should make that fact clear, because many people dedicating years of their lives to practising these meditations sincerely believe what Terry Dunn is saying, which is that they are ultimately capable of enlightening and even liberating the practitioner. That is not true, and neither is it true that this is high level cultivation or that it involves inner alchemy such as Neidan, because at this level it does not. 


    There would be no need to make a point about wuwei and letting the energy take the lead at this stage because it would just complicate learning and possibly create misleading impressions how to practice in the beginning.

    See my previous point...


    You may already well know that many people, especially the Westerners, like to take shortcuts and cut around corners. Teaching it like Sifu Terry has done is pedagogically sound because keeping it simple keeps discipline easy.

    Quite, but you are still talking about this as though this were the way Terry is actually advertising the system, but this is not the case.


    As for the Taijiquan flavor of FP forms, I think you are reading too much into this. Round and smooth movement is not the exclusive property of Taijiquan, but it certainly makes it easier to learn and practice the external forms.

    I am not referring only to roundness or smoothness, I am talking about the focus on appearance. So very many IMA practitioners are taken in by perfect displays of perfectly performed and choreographed forms in competitions, usually in exaggeratedly low postures. But that is nothing more than posturing, as I am sure you are aware. What is important is what is  taking place energetically. As I said, people often mistake a high level practitioner for a charlatan and criticise their forms for lacking flow and grace, and even for not respecting the Taiji principles. But they do not understand the possibility and indeed necessity to move beyond the form. At that point, there may be hardly a vestige of the original movement.

    In the case of the Flying Phoenix, what is it that one is endeavouring to achieve, do you think? For me, one of the things I actually experience within my practice is the discovery of stillness within movement and movement arising out of stillness. Thus one is actually enacting the separation of Wuji into Taiji. This is not something I would expect anyone to teach me, it was something I could not have understood without actually experiencing it first hand in my own being. These are the sorts of things I tried to share on the FPCK thread, but fell on deaf ears. How marvellous it would have been instead of being met by incredulity and suspicion that all such discoveries could have been shared as brothers of these arts! Alas, that was not to be.



    So correct me if I am wrong here. You condemn Sifu Terry's fascination and high-spirited elaboration of Western mystical traditions as occultism, which by definition means secret doctrines and teachings, but on the other keep on insisting that GMDW has been with-holding secrets from his former students that are now going to be spilled out for everyone with enough ca$h by your new mystical infatuation, the supposed Kriyayoga master Ausar. Occultism here and there. Is this not glaring hypocrisy?

    I really fail to understand how you can compare these two polar opposites in order to demonstrate your argument. Are you not aware of the difference between Crowlean occultism and high level cultivation, or have you been totally brainwashed by your exposure to this? Are you not able to understand that Aleistair Crowley was a magus who had a great deal of knowledge, deep knowledge, but he lacked the virtue to be drawn to a real cultivation tradition. He allowed his hatred for the Abrahamic religions to embitter him, and he sought only to manipulate, control and destroy the lives of those around him. He wielded enormous power, but used it to gain influence and achieve his perverse personal ends. He had great potential, but never realised it, regardless of what his sycophants want to believe. And he has left a totally corrupt legacy in our world, one which affects every genuine seeker of truth, because thanks to him and his work with HP Blavatsky and her protegée Alice Bailey we now have the New Age movement, Reiki, the Great White Brotherhood and the Ascended masters and all the rest of the crap people are spoonfed when they go in search of truth.

    So don't expect me to respect someone who purports to be a high level initiate of a Daoist cultivation tradition who hero worships and adulates the likes of Crowley on a thread which is supposed to be dedicated to a sacred celestial cultivation art, because it does not wash with me. You are not talking to an adolescent ignoramus. I too went through my phase of Crowley worship. The difference is that I went through it at the age of 12, around the same time I avidly read every occult treatise I could lay my hands on. And I also practised ceremonial ritual magick, and I know precisely the nature the entities Crowley was invoking in his magickal workings, as well as the risks involved. But I have grown out of it and learned how to research and think for myself, and not be limited to information gained from online forums such as TTB. 

    On the other hand, I agree with the example of the Teachings of Don Juán to Carlos Castañeda being a good explanation of the way these energies manifest and how they can be manipulated by the intention. Why? Because I have studied the Magical Passes, and am aware that their creator was in fact a martial arts practitioner. 



    I have met many people who can actually see energy and have had this ability since birth. Are you sure you are not here projecting your own prejudices about medical clairvoyants?

    I have met many clairvoyants, but this may be a question of incorrect terminology. Master Kam Chuen Lam, one of my Yiquan masters had the ability to see Qi and manipulate it within the energy body of each of his students and patients. That is not what I would in any way describe as clairvoyance - medical or otherwise. Master Lam is a high level master whose level of cultivation enabled this ability in him. There are many many masters with this ability, but I mentioned him because I trained with him for several hours a day from 3 to 5 days a week every week for over 6 years. Although I never developed that skill, I do perceive Qi as golden light, but only with my eyes open, and only on rare occasions. But I can feel energy, I have mastered the art of 'ting' - listening with the hands. 


    Complete hyperbole without any evidence, and there is actually proof for the opposite. As you have followed the FPCK thread for years, you should be well aware that Sifu Terry, for example, is an initiated Daoist Priest and a skilled master in the Tao Tan Pai tradition long before learning from GMDW.

    Excuse me...did you just call him a master? Is that with a capital M? So tell me, how do you know that Terry Dunn is in fact a Master? No doubt you will have heard the expression "it takes a Buddha to recognise another Buddha", so are you also a Master? You see, a Master does not behave in the way Terry Dunn behaves, because he their attainment in cultivation makes frees them of personal ego and attachment. Are you trying to say that Terry Dunn is an awakened liberated Master? No, I am sure that is not what you are saying. But it is what he would like others to believe.



    Master Share K. Lew, the late head of Tao Tan Pai, was also in very good terms with GMDW and hence there has been no mistake nor misjudgement about the high qualification and attainment Sifu Terry already had before learning from GMDW.




    Well my friend, actions speak louder than words. If you don't have the eyes to see, then be happy with the choice you have made and model yourself on that example of mastery. 



    So if you can't have, then no one else may have either?




    It is all a matter of personal choice. At each level of my development I have met with masters of different levels, each according to my own needs and karmic lessons to be worked through at the time. "When the student is ready, the master appears." But the master here as far as I am concerned is GM Doo Wai, not Terry Dunn or any of his instructors, disciples or students. 


    Excellent work, my young padawan. Such honorable conduct as yours will surely cherish and enrich any self-respecting family and their inherited arts.

    As I said before, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. If you are incapable of expressing yourself in other terms, that is your problem, deal with it. You have the attitude of being so much older and wiser than I am, so how old are you actually, and tell me a little about your training history. If you want to laud it over me, then you are going to have to come up with a reason why I should allow you to talk to me as though I were a spotty youth...I wish!!!!




    There has been no drama other than your persistent self-aggrandizing confusion and persecution complex. I think no one has anything against you, even though your manners have been very poor.




    I wonder when you are going to stop trying to insult and belittle me and make public aspersions on my character? I decided to edit out what I originally wrote here, purely to save the moderators the trouble, and in order not to rise to your baiting.


    Let me get this straight. Are you accusing that Sifu Terry is or has been trying to force GMDW to present inauthentic certifications and lie to Youtube watchers?

    No, I am stating that from the video uploaded by Terry Dunn it is clear that GM Doo Wai is in a bad way and having difficulty even talking, nevertheless Terry Dunn is obviously putting pressure on GM Doo Wai and putting words into his mouth with the obvious intention of having GM Doo Wai declare Terry Dunn and the other instructors on his list the only instructors authorised to teach Bak Fu Pai or the Flying Phoenix. I confess that I could not watch the video to the end, because it sickened me to the stomach, and as a result left me with no respect whatsoever for Terry Dunn, which is why you will have noticed that I have ceased to honour him with the title Sifu. 


    Would you like to talk more about your feelings and your opinion of the proper place of everyone?

    Yes, I would love to. It seems to me that those appointed to carry on this august tradition seem to have lost sight of the fact that whatever their self aggrandising ideas of self importance, not one of them actually has been taught the entire content of even one of the branches of the vast system of Bak Fu Pai and the other arts which GM Doo Wai alone preserves. It is as simple as that, whatever you or anyone else would like to believe. 

    You see, you do not understand why it was that GM Doo Wai could not teach everything to any of his disciples. You have no idea of the karmic implications involved, nor the consequences of putting these teachings into the wrong hands. 

    You may believe Ausar to be a fraud, but I am sure that you have also not given him the opportunity to explain anything to you, nor have you actually taken the trouble to visit the website and at least read what is being expressed. You have allowed yourself to be prejudiced by hearsay and the involvement of large sums of money into throwing the baby out with the proverbial bath water. 


    But what Ausar actually says in my own words is that after the task of preserving the Buddha Dharma passed from the Shaolin to the Daoist schools, it was Bak Fu Pai which then undertook the preservation of the Dharma. But the energies required for that belong to the White Tiger martial arts, and it was these arts which GM Doo Wai taught to his disciples. That roughly corresponds to the Golden Lotus, which is basically the earthly manifestation of the Lotus. However, once the Daoist cultivation further purified the practitioners, the energies of the Golden Lotus were no longer sufficiently pure to allow further progress toward the Dao. Thus the White Lotus is required in order to achieve purity and awakening. According to Ausar, there remains no vestige of the martial aspects found in the anterior phases of development, as now we are dealing with the pure White light of the White Lotus. 

    The systems associated with the meditations previously taught have one thing in common. They are complicated lengthy practices requiring the practitioner to memorise many breath control sequences and many meditations. 

    But these have now been synthesised into easy to learn and practice forms which combine the essence of each of the meditations in a single, very powerful form. 

    What made the original forms more powerful and effective than other systems was the combination of powerful mudras with the breath control sequences. But there is one aspect missing from those systems. If you want to know what that is, you are going to have to humble yourself and ask Ausar himself, because I have no authorisation to have said anything that I have said so far, and I am not even a student of Ausar's, let alone a paid shill, as Terry Dunn accused me of being on the FPCK thread following my defense of Ausar's character. 

    In all honesty, just attend one of the free weekly Darshans and listen to what he has to say, and give yourself the opportunity to decide what you feel about him based upon that experience, rather than fear or peer pressure. That is what I did, and it gave me the opportunity to observe what sort of person Ausar is, and the quality of his communication and the type of energies he is transmitting. 

    Incidentally I had not attended a Darshan prior to my post in defence of Ausar. I felt morally obligated to stand up in his defence because that is what my cultivation showed me was the proper thing to do in that situation. So what anyone else thinks about that really does not matter to me, it is purely a question of doing what feels right and opposing what feels unjust and wrong.

    I am also genuinely concerned that Terry Dunn has felt the need to obtain complete control of a thread which he did not even start himself, and take it upon himself to alter the content of that thread by removing other people's posts and contributions. I am equally concerned that the TTB moderators have shown considerable bias without actually taking the time and trouble to investigate the context in which this situation arose. So all this is drama, it is a very serious matter, and one which has forced me to take the decision to remove myself from the only source of information to be found online in which to share experiences with fellow practitioners and learn and grow together. 



    This is the wisest and a genuinely useful bit in your recent writings. Maybe you should read it again and examine throughout how it relates to your own conduct and discipline?

    What gives you the right to judge me on any level or make disparaging remarks about my conduct and discipline? Who gives you that authority? You now know a little more about me, but you have no idea who I am or what I have endured or what I have experienced, or what I may or may not have achieved. 



    This is not universally true. I know for certain that there are Buddhist tantras and dzogchen meditation that have very low demands on physical capacity or health.

    When we are talking about Daoist cultivation, and in case you did not realise it, we are - sound health is a prerequisite in order to sustain the Neidan and Neigong practices and have the necessary energy to cultivate the immortal embryo. 




    Very profound, you are on the trace. The last line especially is crucially important.




    Since you did not take the trouble to quote me, I have no idea to what you are referring, but thank you anyway.



    Sifus always look to reach dedicated and enthusiastic students who are trustworthy, loyal, and morally cultivated people. Such students will cherish and conserve all the teachings without complaint and will not ask when and what to receive because such is the love for their Sifu and the tradition.




    To quote you, this is not universally true. This is a rather naïve view, based upon qualities Sifus should have, in the best of possible worlds. But the truth of the matter is that Sifus are only human. They are just as much subject to corruption and temptation as anyone else, despite the high morality associated with their tradition - if indeed they have one. The very real pressures of living in society are wont to change people, often for the worst, and greed has all too often raised its ugly head and spoilt the qualities of someone who might otherwise have turned out to be an excellent teacher and example to his students. 

    Then there is the example of Sifus who deliberately withhold information as I have said before, so that there is little chance of any of them surpassing them and usurping their position and authority. This happens far more often than most would like to admit, and many many masters simply mount seminars extemporising and expanding upon a topic in order to give it an aura of importance which will dupe the unwary into parting with their hard earned cash in return for very little, in terms of what the student will take away with them. And thinking that they have obtained the golden nugget, they then pass that information to their own students, and so it continues. 

    As I said before, in order to judge the attainment of a master one needs to have a degree of attainment oneself - it is a vicious cycle, and one which masters and sifus know full well how to exploit, especially with ignorant western students. I have actually witnessed this first hand, and it made me turn my back on one of my masters after having spent years at his side.


    I have no idea which culture you come from (actually, reading back through your post I now believe I do), but if you are lucky enough to be Asian, it is unlikely that what I am saying will resonate with your experience, because it is unlikely that you would be subjected to this to the same extent, if at all. But it must be said that there is a considerable amount of racism among the Chinese toward the 'Foreign Devils', and they make no bones about making that quite obvious if you compare the attention given to a Chinese student with the attention a non Chinese will receive. Now I am not talking about them necessarily spending more time with a Chinese student, because the truth is that in most cases this would be unnecessary. What most sets us apart from our Chinese MA brothers is the fact that they understand 'monkey do'. In other words they rarely question, and simply do what they are shown, and they have no need for a scientifically sound explanation of why something should be so - they simply accept it and do what is required. Because of this, they tend to learn more quickly and are treated with more respect by the instructor. We on the other hand always feel the need to understand all the ins and outs of everything they try to teach us, and so they see us as lacking in self discipline and obedience, and dominated by our monkey minds. But this is a cultural issue both need to come to terms with. 



    You know the best.

    I know nothing. I simply speak what appears to my consciousness. Knowledge within the dualistic world has only very limited importance within the purview of cultivation practice. I remain constantly open minded, because I am aware of the state of constant flux and change of our world as we experience it in our unawakened state, and I understand that the true nature of existence is one of limitless possibility. So I may be right or wrong - it does not matter. What does matter is that one continues to learn and grow from each experience, every challenge and confrontation. I am always willing to listen and learn from anyone capable of expressing themselves, but I do not suffer fools gladly, and I cannot abide falsehood injustice and hypocrisy. Probably the result of over emphasis on the LDT...


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  25. 10 hours ago, IronMarshall said:




    This individual also claims that LaRochelle has a massive hidden library of Doo Wai material that has never been for sale publicly on the website and that if you're lucky enough to make friends with him; he's willing to sell you some super rare stuff. 


    If it were real friendship they would not charge for it...

    10 hours ago, IronMarshall said:




    If the issue were with one single guy, seller, instructor; it wouldn't be such a big deal. But the problem is that it seems like it's ALL of these guys. Not only are they horrible to their potential customers and students, but they're horrible to each other and they're all forking over large sums of cash for horrible videos so that they can individually claim to be the number one leader of the system (or a certain part of the system). Why? Because this system in particular has set a precedent for having people (as you yourself claim above) pay upwards of $30,000 for a video on a Qigong Form. That's a serious revenue stream. Hell, I've been practicing Tibetan Lama Burning Palm since 1994. Anyone out there wanna pay me $6000 for some high quality videos and a few certificates? I could use a new motorcycle. Or a nice vacation. Come on guys, hook a brother up? 

    All they have done is jump on the bandwagon, and there is no doubt that GM Doo Wai had a part in setting that precedent. But as I said before, that would not be acceptable for a Chinese student, so he probably would not bother trying it on with them. But there is another way to look at this. If one were to invest such a sizeable sum in order to learn a very powerful system from a master such as GM Doo Wai, and that system were authentic, then in all probability that practice would be capable of producing the right conditions to be able to attract a great deal more wealth than just that. As to whether even if one were able to pay out such a sum in return for such information and training would assure actually obtaining the right to access that knowledge is another question. One could very well find it impossible to actually pursue the practice because of a lack of de or other such shortfall. There would also be no way to force him to divulge that information even if one did pay through the nose for it. I would far rather attempt to prove my worth to the master not in terms of my ability to pay such exaggerated amounts, but in my value as a student capable of honouring and upholding the tradition and practice of his family arts. Not that at my age that would even be possible :).


    I think, after Doo Wai dies, you're going to see a whole army of guys popping up claiming to have secret knowledge of this and that. And Grandmaster Doo Wai is known for handing out titles, ranks and Grandmasterships. So, whether we're talking Garry Hearfield or anyone else; I'm really not that impressed by their resume.

    Nor should you be. 


    And unless Grandmaster Doo Wai himself ever posts a list of certified representatives; instructors and students, how are you, me and anyone else really sure of someone's claims? We can't be, unless we can ask him ourselves. And that's unlikely to happen.

    Well, if you are following the latest events in the FPCK thread drama, on the video uploaded by Terry Dunn, that is precisely what he is trying to force GM Doo Wai to do. 


    And also, all the available instructors (which are few and far between) are also going to probably expand on their claims of styles and mastery from Doo Wai after his death. Why wouldn't they? If they can keep feeding the sheep a line of crap about paying them $300 for this or that; it's a major cash cow for them. So I think it'll be interesting to see the feuding between these guys at that point. (Also, I do actually have respect for some of these guys as they are actually very accomplished in other martial arts systems on top of what they do in the Bak Fu Pai realm and I'm only speaking about how I sincerely feel about this particular material. Nothing else.) 

    I feel that GM Doo Wai has a surprise in store for all of them that will put them all in their places, and if I am correct, their level of attainment would then be possible to compare with that of someone with a real level of attainment, and their material worth would have to be adjusted to suit the situation.


    I think another interesting point is that you never see a "complete" demonstration of an art by any of these guys. Ask them how many forms there are in Omei Bak Mei, or White Tiger Kung Fu and then ask to see a quick demonstration of ALL the forms at once? Or how many levels of Sunn Yee Gong and ask to see a demonstration of all the material. My feeling is that they can't do it and they only show what they've learned and none of these Grandmasters, Instructors and/or Representatives have even learned all the material they're claiming to have been given. They'll show a few basic things and then maybe one or two advanced things that gives you an impression that they must know all the intermediate things too. A sort of sleight of hand there. If I can do White Belt Form 1 and Black Belt Form 10, then obviously I must know all the forms from 2 to 9, right? 

    With such a vast system as Bak Fu Pai, in all honesty it is probably too much to expect for any one student who in all probability only began to learn the art at some point in their 20's to ever have learned all the forms from even a single branch of the system. It is really mind boggling to me that GM Doo Wai is able to remember all these forms from all these systems with their accompanying breath control sequences, mudras and mantras. That for me is evidence of attainment of an extremely high level of cultivation, and to expect something similar from any of his instructors is frankly ridiculous.


    I don't think it's unreasonable to ask to see a demo that verifies their claims. Do you? I mean, if I walked into a Kenpo school and asked to see all the forms, or self-defense techniques they allege to teach; the guy would show me. And if he couldn't then I would have serious cause to think he's a fake individual who's misleading his students and/or audience into believing he's the keeper of a knowledge which doesn't actually possess.

    In order to know the level of an instructor one needs to also have a level of attainment. These instructors are well aware that most students will have zero level of attainment, and so they can play with that. Many who call themselves martial arts instructors are in fact only a couple of steps ahead of their own students, and dependent on another instructor to continue to teach them so that they have something new to teach their students.

    I am in no way referring to any of GM Doo Wai's instructors when I say that, but in their particular case, how would one know what level they had attained without having already attained a similar level? The answer is that one cannot. So one is left with the dilemma of being forced to trust that the instructor in question really has the level of skill he or she pretends to have attained to. That boils down to a question of integrity. This is why the old ways involved the gradual development of a relationship between Sifu and student during which both of them came to know one another in a father/son relationship. Yet despite that it was sometimes the case that they would find out too late that they had created a monster, then that lineage would eventually become completely corrupt. That is a risk any master must face. But I believe that this is even more the case with such powerful and deadly skills as those imparted by Bak Fu Pai, Bak Mei etc.

    Not only that, but in the case of the higher cultivation within the system there is also the risk of allowing the system to get into the hands of a student who at some point would pervert or destroy the practice, by watering down the practice or by holding back vital information. Secrecy is one way of trying to preserve the tradition in its original form

    The other point was also mentioned by Terry Dunn. At one point on the FPCK thread, he stated that these arts are not for everyone. I believe that statement to be true. In order to be able to practice these arts there seem to me to be certain requirements, and some of them in all probability relate to karma and de (virtue). If a practitioner feels they are achieving nothing they will very quickly give it up as a lost cause. The same is true of many Qigong practices. If you lack the self discipline you are unlikely to stay the course.



    Or they make a claim like Doo Wai has only authorized me to let certain parts out at certain times. Huh? That hurt my brain. So.... he gave you the info but told you only to release it at certain times? For what purpose exactly? I think what they really mean is; "I'll let it out as I learn it."  

    This may make more sense to you once you have read my take on this further down the page...

    As for the price tags on some of the videos or training; I cannot believe anyone would pay $300 or even $30,000 for a series of meditations.  But hey, if you create something you have the right to charge whatever you want for it. There are far more popular systems of Qigong and Internal Arts available, some of which (like Tai Chi) have been analyzed and studied by Harvard Medical School with a long standing record of verifiable evidence to support certain health and fitness claims.


    I'd much rather dedicate a large portion of my energy into the practice and research of a system that is widely available enough that you can compare and contrast your skill sets with others. I don't know why people insist on trying to find something rare and unique that only one or two people on the planet might know. That tells me you're learning something for your Ego, not for it's actual benefit. 

    You know that I have a great deal of respect for you, but I disagree with what you are saying here. It is not necessarily a question of seeking out an art which is rare and unique, so much as the fact that such arts are inherently rare and unique. Do you know what the greatest difficulty is that a master can encounter? Finding someone with equal or greater skill. You will no doubt have heard that often all it will take is a single touch for one master to acknowledge the superiority of another? It really is so. And the fact that so many masters deliberately hold back information from their students pretty much ensures that none of them will actually ever surpass them or become a 'worthy opponent'. So when a master gets to that point the tendency is to stagnate because they cannot continue to grow and evolve within their art. Either that or they will look for another art to learn.


    90% of the guys who claim lineage under Doo Wai have never even met the guy face to face. They've learned what they teach from the same horrible videos we've all purchased. And yet they'll sit back and say they are doing it the right way and they know that because Doo Wai blessed them with a certain "special" extra knowledge about that method that those other guys don't have. Or that you don't have. You can't simply do a google search and verify any of their claims. You can't compare their performance of a Qigong set, Form or Procedure with someone else because - well, this stuff has to remain secretive. We live in the information age. If you can't verify or research something online; there's a big issue with that, in my opinion. And for people who claim to have the most POWERFUL, LIFE CHANGING, HEALTH PROMOTING methods of Chinese Martial Arts the world has ever seen; I certainly don't see anyone making an effort to get those life-saving methods into the hands of people who might actually need or benefit from them or volunteering to do health studies with groups of sick patients to see if the addition of these ultra-powerful Qigong and Meditations methods actually improve someone's health. 

    There is something people rarely take into account. Have you ever asked yourself why it is necessary to be healthy from a cultivation perspective? The fact is that in order to practice high level cultivation one needs to be healthy. That is the start. One also needs to be spiritually awakened in order to actually understand Neidan or the alchemical process. This is only the first step on the Path toward attainment of the Dao.

    If you ask a high level practitioner about hands on healing of other people you might be surprised by the way they respond. Contrary to all the crap taught by Reiki practitioners and the like, one does not automatically become exempt from the karmic implications of interfering with someone's life lessons. Illness occurs when we choose to live in conditions which are contrary or out of harmony with the Dao. We create imbalance and disharmony in our lives, then we expect someone else to reestablish that harmony and balance.

    These New Age notions about going out and healing everyone who is suffering do not take into consideration the actual meaning of compassionate action. This is why a sage or other awakened being often appears almost devoid of compassion as we see it. Sometimes compassionate action means leaving someone to suffer or even take their life as an instrument of karma. But what we are unable to understand is the complex interaction of karmic bonds which are interwoven between people. Then there is the issue of the psychic vampirism which all too often arises as either the patient or the healer begin to diminish their energy reserves. These relationships are extremely complicated and difficult to deal with, and they make advancement toward any degree of attainment in these august arts even more difficult. 

    So what I am trying to say is that these arts are not really about healing, they are about providing the means to maintain one's correct relationship with Dharma and the Dao in order to be able to move toward the higher levels of cultivation. 

    It is my belief that GM Doo Wai simply could not find students with sufficient 'De' to merit being taught anything beyond the systems he has taught them and allowed them to continue to teach for their own profit. But that has very little to do with what these arts were truly designed for. 

    There was a time when the Dharma needed an organ of protection, and originally it was the Shaolin under the auspices of Bodhidharma who served in that role. After this, as the cultivation began to absorb more of the Daoist methods, the responsibility was undertaken by the Daoist priesthood and protected by arts such as Bak Fu Pai. But these martial arts have been taken out of both the context of war and protection of these teaching in our present day, and have been transformed into a cult for the adulation of the western world. This has taken place through the media of films and television. The meaning has been lost, and very few people these days are able to perceive the interconnection between the internal arts, martial arts and spiritual cultivation. In other words, masters like GM Doo Wai see these arts in an entirely different and far more inclusive and cohesive way. But one must also take into account public demand. You cannot sell what people do not want to acquire, and you cannot teach anything which your students have no desire to learn. 

    It is much the same situation as the western approach to TCM. The tendency is to pick one very particular branch of a huge and comprehensive system of health care and use that to represent the whole. This is what happened with acupuncture. Very many of those who went to China in the 70's in order to learn TCM returned to their respective countries and began clinics in which only acupuncture was available for treatments. Very few of them learned Chinese Fitotherapy (herbal medicine) or Qigong therapy or Tuina or an endless array of different forms of treatment which are available under the umbrella of TCM. Thus even today when one mentions TCM, the first idea that comes into someone's mind is the example of acupuncture or maybe acupressure. Do you see where I am going with this?

    So when we return to the subject of martial arts, who comes into our mind when anyone mentions Gongfu? Bruce Lee right? And what was Bruce Lee's attitude toward tradition? He often publicly denied that Qi existed. He totally turned his back on his former training in Wing Tsun Gongfu and on his former master in the art. That was the beginning of a trend which has culminated in the gradual erosion of the true value of these arts and the understanding of their interrelationship with all other aspects of cultivation. 

    So now imagine GM Doo Wai's class. Back then I have no doubt whatsoever that it would have been full of gungho Bruce Lee wannabees. So he had to adjust his teaching to that level. Perhaps there was the odd individual who showed more promise, but as we have seen even those who he actually appointed as instructors have very little idea about what we are presently discussing. 

    Actually practising these meditations is the only way in my opinion that one is going to find out what kind of energies this is really about, and sadly it appears that none of these instructors seem to have moved beyond the level of obvious jing. But we should not judge the master by his students, especially not in this case. 

    I suspect that GM Doo Wai will find a way of transmitting his legacy to someone deserving of that privilege, and I can only hope that that person will honour and uphold those values and begin to disseminate the true teachings as they were intended to be given to the world. Otherwise these arts will die with him as has been the case with so many other arts.   





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