
Junior Bum
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Posts posted by Subam

  1. Alright, I'm finally back! Sorry for the extremely long hiatus. I wasn't trying to be rude or anything by not replying back to everyone's posts. When I posted this topic back in September of last year, I wasn't able to go on the computer a lot due to some personal issues that I had to deal with. (That's life for you, I guess). But, now that everything has calmed and settled, I just want to let everyone know that I recently attempted to combine and practice Falun Gong with several other cultivating exercises.

    I wanted to experience for myself what it would be like to combine Falun Gong with my meditation, yoga, and tantric practices. So I went ahead and did it! Unfortunately, the results ended up being disastrous! Within the first few days of practice, I felt these weird painful cramps in my stomach and random parts of my body would suddenly go slightly numb for no apparent reason. I would also experience these brief fainting spells where I would suddenly (almost) lose consciousness for like a second or two. Fearing that I would end up dying if I continued to do this, I immediately stopped practicing Falun Gong for good with the negative symptoms disappearing a few days after I discontinued the practice.

    So, now that I had to learn this very painful lesson for myself, does anyone know of any safe alternative to Falun Gong? I'm still interested in incorporating Qi Gong exercises into my other spiritual practices like meditation, yoga, tantra, etc, but I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA which exercises to pick from out of the countless Qi Gong exercises I've seen. If anyone can recommend an effective Qi Gong system that can be safely practiced along with other cultivating exercises, I'd be willing to try it out.


  2. I'm not sure if this particular topic has been covered in this forum before, but since I haven't been able to find any discussion about it in any great length and depth (just a few mentions here and there), I'm guessing no one has really touched upon it yet.

    I've been hearing about Falun Gong/Falun Dafa over the years. The name or the methods didn't really strike my interest at the time since I was preoccupied with other practices -- mainly meditation and yoga. It wasn't until recently that I began incorporating basic Qi Gong exercises into my spiritual practices. I benefited greatly from these new exercises and I thought I could take it a step further with other Qi Gong methods.


    This eventually lead me to Falun Gong, which I began to take seriously for the first time.


    I started reading all the free material about Falun Gong on the internet. The exercises looked so simple and easy to learn. And the many positive results I've heard from other practitioners really encouraged me to take up the practice. But then, when I read the Falun Gong ebook written by Li Hongzhi himself, I was left kind of bummed out that you couldn't practice Falun Gong with other cultivating exercises. Li Hongzhi clearly points out (in a sort of cocky way) that his methods are far superior to other methods and that combining other methods with his would muddle up any progress. He also comes off as extremely holier-than-thou with a cult like persona in the way he talks and he has all these weird and twisted views about the universe. But I guess that's another topic for another time.

    Having said that, I could care less what kind of B.S. that Hongzhi preaches. I'm more interested in the Falun Gong exercises and their benefits.

    Has anyone ever practiced Falun Gong along with their other cultivating/spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, tantra, etc?

    What was your experience like? Did practicing them together interfere with your progress or did it help?


    I'd really like to know. I really want to try Falun Gong, but at the same time I don't want to give up my other cultivating practices. Any testimony or insight would really help.




