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Posts posted by xEva

  1. Hi there!  me again :)

    Also, I'm pretty sure the info about him spending time as a doctor in Canada is false, as I have a few contacts that still
    live up there, and I would have heard something.

    I stand by my info and here are some links still available, though most of the discussion is long gone.
    I was wrong about the dates in my previous post and tonight I had to refresh my memory. It was around 2007-2009 when I was reading it, already from cache. YX was a licensed TCM doctor in Canada in 2003. Here is a post that still remains:


    Re: Yan Xin Controversy
    posted by Guest user.gif
    posted on August 15, 2005 at 03:52 PM

    I've been following the links on Yan Xin controlversy and it ended here. How did the 
    issue resolve? Was there a public inquery? 
    Does YX practice now in BC? Or was his licence 

    If you have time to browse through the threads that are still there, you may gather that the chair of CTCMA (until 2005) Mr. Mason Loh was an immigration lawyer who created the association and helped "hundreds" of TCM doctors from China to move to Canada and be licensed by this new "governing body". Apparently, there were some violations of the association bylaws, such as some of the old accreditation documents from China could not be verified and some members were not proficient in English.
    The last straw happened to be YX, basically because, as I posted before, he was given the license while another "equally qualified" person had to comply with the rules. This set off the registrar of the association, Randy Wong, who was about to spill these irregularities in the open, and, anticipating this, the Board fired him on the basis of false accusations. He was also put under the gag order, which prevented him from defending his position before the Board. Mr. Wong sued the association and it took him over 2 years to finally get justice. As a result of all this Mr. Loh had to step down.
    In all fairness, overall, what Mr Loh did for TCM in Canada is invaluable. Of course, the treatment of Mr. Wong was very wrong, but thankfully in the end justice prevailed. But look what he did for the profession: already 7 years after the creation of the association TCM was not only officially recognized as a legitimate art but also covered by the Canadian health insurance.
    Sometime around 2005, the forum rules were modified such that pressing a dislike button would make a message disappear and that's why most of this discussion is gone now -- but  maybe it's still available somewhere in cache or wayback machine. Here is the latest post I just saw on that forum about YX, though the name was intentionally modified:

    posted on October 23, 2005 at 01:26 PM

    ... By the way does anyone know whether Yang Yin ever got the Doctor title? This should be public record, yet has never been answered. This particular licensing case was the root of the original scandal, which got Randy Wong fired. ...

    Again, citing from memory now, the answer I read in the original discussion was that YX apologized and moved to the US.

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  2. Hi! I saw your Yan Xin discussion and wanted to contribute. But I see the system here is not too inviting. That must be why in 3 years that thread has existed all you got is some gossip and very few facts. I'm sure plenty of people passed by in these years who happened to know something of interest to you  -- but the system is set up to discourage such contributions. I have an impulse now but I doubt I will have it in "couple of days" that it takes to make a post here. Speaking of which, in that YX thread some posters object to YX Qignog "secrecy". But is is your site here that appears "secretive" and "exclusive". No easy way to drop a note. What is it you're so afraid of?


    I hope a mod here will repost the following message to the YX thread http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/30754-what-became-of-qigong-master-yan-xin/page-5


    I happened to have practiced YXQ in the 1990s and yes I attended some of his amazing lectures here in the US. You wonder what happened after 2000. Well, here is the story.


    I hope everybody remembers the sad Falun Gong affair in April of 2000. After that there was a big backlash against all qigong. All schools were closely examined and revised. YX in particular was accused of making a cult of himself, because of his acclaim as 'the master of them all'.


    In response YX did "the right thing": he stopped giving lectures and asked his followers to remove all info about him from the Internet. There was a very diligent Ben Xia (-?) who searched the net for all references to YX and persistently asked the owners of pages to take them down.  In no time, hardly anything in English remained. But one could still see some in Portuguese and Spanish, for a while. 


    Then sometime around 2005 or so, YX was living in Canada, as a simple TCM doctor. I saw the online discussion in the Canadian TCM Association message board about the irregularities in how he got the license to practice. Mr Lo (or Law -?), the head of the Association, simply gave it to YX (and did the right thing, considering his credentials and experience). But some of the members took offense at this, especially since the other, equally qualified TCM doctor (in their eyes), did not get the same treatment and had to comply with the rules that required a year of internship of residency under an established licensed  doctor before getting the license. 


    Again YX did the "right thing": he apologized to the members of the Canadian TCM association and moved to the US, somewhere in NJ. That was about 10 years ago, Where is he now and what he does I don't know.  He could be a TCM doctor -?


    I presume he still does the "external qi of YXQ" papers, coz they get published once in a while, though I have not seen any in the recent years (but then again I have not looked yet). I just started to look for info on YX, as I do once in 2-3 years, I saw your discussion here and wanted to fill in some blanks.


    Again, if your site were more inviting for passers by and easier to contribute, you'd have far more info in no time. But you make newcomers jump hoops. Who in the know would bother? Something to think about, no? 



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