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Everything posted by blackstar212

  1. This what having no compassion looks like

    "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
  2. The right to protest (ie: issue in AZ)

    Here in this article it explains it in greater detail. The ACLU will get involved in this. I plan a peaceful protest and someone else come and starts violence I can be charged with a crime of organizing a riot. LOL it will stifle the 1st amendment. IMO it violates it.
  3. This what having no compassion looks like

    If you have the ability to help then yes you help. If you cannot help then that is understandable.
  4. The right to protest (ie: issue in AZ) Its in the way it is worded.
  5. This what having no compassion looks like

    You consider that equivalent?
  6. The right to protest (ie: issue in AZ)

    What a genius clever way to kill the 1st amendment. To boot it is being applauded. It is already against the law to riot. You can count me out of any protests in fear that someone becomes violent and then innocent bystanders are prosecuted.
  7. The Constitution and related legal issues Checkmate on Milo. He is created by the conservative movement. It is something people should steer clear of. This should have went into Defining right and left I arrived here through the like button though
  8. The Constitution and related legal issues

    Marcy Kaptur appears to be worse. wow how awful our politicians are.
  9. The Constitution and related legal issues He is for the patriot act. That makes you utterly worthless IMO. Get him out of office. Voted NO for investigation into Bush about lying about Iraq. Typical right wing authoritarian. AWFUL!
  10. The Constitution and related legal issues

    Jim Jordan is horrifying IMO. I looked up Jim Jordan on the issues. He is anti-freedom.
  11. On Corruption... What defines you?

    I agree with much of what you said but I see the system as very right. Compare the USA to Denmark.
  12. Defining the Left and Right

  13. Defining the Left and Right

    I agree! How disappointing.
  14. Defining the Left and Right places to live in the world
  15. Defining the Left and Right

    No way.
  16. Defining the Left and Right

    They might as well tear up the US constitution LOL. They barely follow anything in it anymore.
  17. Defining the Left and Right

    The sad part is you have shown not one sample. Remember tribal anarchy. There are still tribes today functioning beautifully without the fails you speak of.
  18. Defining the Left and Right

    you are mistaken. I will read over the material. There is a difference between economics and type of government. I believe capitalism to be abhorrent and unnatural. Next thing you will tell me is left wing progressives killed the native americans.
  19. Defining the Left and Right

    Well I am not sure yet but I do appreciate your post and will read the documents included. I was hoping for a list of right wing politicians at least that you believe are rule of law candidates. I have already said I see little difference in bill Clinton Obama and Bush. All right wingers to me.
  20. Defining the Left and Right

    Then the entire US government is left in your opinion and so is Trump. He is continuing the war in the middle east which a Republican started and the Democrats have continued. He has powerful corporations he hired powerful corporation ceo's???
  21. Defining the Left and Right

    I tried looking up Rule of law constitutionalists in government and nothing comes up so I figured I would ask Brian if he can tell me these politicians.
  22. Defining the Left and Right

    Well I am not sure how to define it except they like things to stay the same. Can you give me a list of "conservative" rule of law constitutionalists that are currently in government trying to make the US in that vision?
  23. Defining the Left and Right

    Very strange how we see the same world in such opposite ways. I see most as conservative. It is interesting to say the least. Though I think some of the end game we agree upon.
  24. Defining the Left and Right

    Ok. So then right now sitting in charge of our country are they progressives or conservatives in charge? We are currently dominated by Republicans are they progressives?
  25. Defining the Left and Right

    This is exactly what I am talking about. A capitalist who believed in private ownership and business being called left. That is the trick and falsehood being fed to everyone. You have individualists vs individualists calling each other left and right the propaganda machine is so huge now it will be almost impossible to overcome.