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Everything posted by blackstar212

  1. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    You cannot practice it. It is impossible while capitalism is here. why don't you read the links I provide which explains that in detail Socialism has never been implemented. Your failed system is to blame.
  2. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    It is not fixed Brian. There is private ownership and that is capitalism. Socialism has ZERO classes. There is no country with zero classes. Nice try though Brian when you see the world crumbling and staggering with poor and mistreated because of capitalism it is quite sickening.
  3. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    You have been duped, tricked and lied too. There is no socialism. This is the boogeyman capitalist scream when their system fails. True socialism is coming. It will save the world in the nick of time.
  4. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy Ordinary working class people - the vast majority of society - would then collectively own and control these wealth producing resources and would draw up a plan for their best use. A socialist society would put people's needs and interests, immediate and long-term, before profit. Hannah explains what this would mean below. There are no countries where this takes place today. There are none in Europe, which is suffering from a great capitalist crisis. In Latin America, Venezuela is not socialist, despite nationalising some enterprises. See articles on Venezuela here. Socialism requires the joint efforts of workers in a number of advanced capitalist countries. Of course, a genuine socialist government could initially achieve a great deal, whilst campaigning for socialism worldwide. A genuine socialist government would appeal to the workers and oppressed of the world to win support for a socialist transformation of society in their own countries, and its example would inspire the working class and oppressed all round the world. The Socialist Party is profoundly optimistic about the prospects of achieving socialism throughout the world today. Below, Hannah Sell, the Socialist Party's deputy general secretary, explains that the conditions have been ripening, and continue to ripen, for the establishment of a socialist society internationally. Socialism has never been more achievable, because, as Marx once explained, capitalism creates its own gravediggers.
  5. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    YAWN it is not socialism. It is the failure of capitalism just like the big banks and the auto industry here IT FAILED. The system must fail because it pirates itself. Then Obama bailed it out which he should not have done. It should have shown the world that capitalism is an epic fail
  6. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy Venezuela is NOT socialist. Billionaires in Venezuela? Say it isn't so!!!! Sorry but the first rule socialists do not have classes. IF a country has classes it is not socialist. This is what capitalism looks like when all the wealth is finally cornered. It is what will happen in the US.
  7. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    It is not a complete sociopath. It is the only word that comes close. Maybe antisocial would be better because it wishes to harm society?
  8. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    From each according to ability, to each according to need
  9. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    State monopoly capitalism is not socialism.
  10. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    Well the efforts of this are sabotaged by the sociopaths. So your question is not very smart.
  11. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    Yes as soon as you show me an example of modern society that does not suffer from the harms of capitailism.
  12. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    Two young men come to a bridge. "Hey I will race ya to the end?" "Sure" At the end they are winded and laugh "that was fun." Two young men come to a bridge. "Hey I will race ya to the end?" "What do I get if I win."
  13. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    There seems to be confusion. Competition is not exclusive to capitalism when one figures this out all falls into place.
  14. Trumpcare

    It is not funny, the democrats are no better. Remember there is one party in the USA the property party and it has two right wings the Republicans and the Democrats.
  15. Trumpcare

    LOL yeah right. Keep eating that antibiotic beef etc.
  16. Trumpcare

    A few improvements to the story. While trying to make a profit you notice that using poor water and chemicals bad for health make for more profits so you use them. OF course you issue a study from your scientists about how great those items really are for you...........etc.
  17. Trumpcare

    Obamacare is awful. But you still avoid the questions that take only a moment to answer. I will take it that what I posted is correct.
  18. Trumpcare

    Just so you know car insurance is mandatory by law in Ohio. Fines and Penalties When proof of insurance is required, failure to show or provide proof of insurance will lead to penalties that include: •Loss of driving privileges. •This will require payment of a reinstatement fee in order to regain your privilege to drive. •Suspension of plates and registration. •Mandatory requirement of SR-22 filing. •SR-22 insurance is a type of proof of insurance usually filed by your insurance carrier, guaranteeing that you will remain insured for a specific period of time. •SR-22 insurance can be costly. Avoid insurance violations to maintain low-cost premiums. If you do not sign that you have car insurance they will not give you your license plates. So you would be driving illegally.
  19. Trumpcare

    That's funny I cannot find it. I would think that you fall in line with Rand Paul. Eliminate insurance companies and get government out of healthcare. It should be a private affair Doctors with patients.
  20. Trumpcare

    you continue to evade. I have not asked what the laws are I asked what you believe. It seems you are indeed in favor of either social Darwinism or are happy with the current system of providing entitlements. If I am mistaken please do tell me your ideal healthcare system.
  21. Trumpcare

    I sure did. Well since you are for entitlements and not against them then we should have universal healthcare. You are also saying it is a right and if not then why should we continue to cover those who do not have the means to pay for it? So you are okay with people without the ability to pay to have healthcare. This implies it is a right. Now we need to save the taxpayers some money by having preventive care instead of having them go to the emergency room all the time. That was simple.
  22. Trumpcare

    I would not like to do that. However I am interested in your answer. Carrying people who cannot pay is an entitlement correct? Entitlements are bad therefore we should stop entitlements correct?
  23. Trumpcare

    yes Canada and Sweden and Japan etc. Are all totalitarian lol. I get that Brian does not like to flip the bill for those that are treated. Tell me Brian should we stop treating those without the ability to pay?
  24. Trumpcare

    Then you should have no problem with a universal healthcare system. The USA's is horrid.
  25. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    Ahh the beauty of definitions. Define something very strictly then deviate from one or two points then say " Oh no that's not me" LOL