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Everything posted by blackstar212

  1. Hillary and Trump

    Yes and it is scary people like you are being so mislead by globalists. There is just page after page of wikileaks being false. It appears you can't trust anyone or know anything.
  2. Hillary and Trump

    Not sure but I have found out that Wikileaks is a complete fraud and not to be trusted. They are part of the globalist Zionist world takeover. Looks like Clinton is being set up. You just can't ignore all the evidence.
  3. Hillary and Trump

    It doesn't matter. She will be POTUS and you can rant for the next 4 years. LOL I do not ignore what Hillary has done. I am telling you what reality is and reality is Bill does not matter right now. You will find that out come November 9th.
  4. Hillary and Trump

    It is a good thing that it is Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump and NOT Bill Clinton or Bill would be in trouble.
  5. Barclays Premiere League discussion

    Swansea has a new manager but that is not enough against Arsenal. Tough string of games for the swans. The game today mid vs war is really good. Way just scored a fabulous goal.
  6. Hillary and Trump

    Should that happen (and I doubt it) Trump will tone down his rhetoric and will stay in tow with his advisors disappointing the people that voted for him thinking that there would be change and We will make America strong again. LOL We are getting 4 more years of the same. The good news is the youth of this country rallied behind Bernie Sanders who was stymied by his own party. Changes will be made eventually just not now. We will eventually get good healthcare and work on our infrastructure etc. Turn our country into a more palatable place to live.
  7. Hillary and Trump

  8. Hillary and Trump

    Big difference between Trump and Clinton are friends (which is true) vs The Clintons are demons who smell of sulfur. LMAO not even close.
  9. Hillary and Trump Not really. I just don't like to waste my time.
  10. Hillary and Trump

    Is that so?
  11. Hillary and Trump

    I have posted several times that I will not vote for "evil" so I will not participating in this election. I have no desire to vote for Trump or Clinton. Both are terrible. My view on the current established authorities is a plutocracy. The plutocracy will do anything necessary to stay that way. Trump is friends with Clinton very very good friends. Trump is being a friend and helping Hillary gain the office of POTUS. They have no intention of making sure there is prosperity for the average American people. My position is to cure people who actually think Trump is here to help. He is NOT he is friends of the Clintons so much a friend he has donated to her campaigns. He also contributed to the Clinton foundation. Trump is just as much a part of the problem as our new President Hillary Clinton is. President Hillary Clinton..... Let that soak in real real good because it will make guys like Trump tickled as she helps out wall st. and helps to pad his pockets.
  12. Hillary and Trump

    I think you should take some time and read this thoroughly.
  13. Hillary and Trump

    Another example of cover-ups and deflection. Donald Trump as the source for right wing whacko conspiracy theories.
  14. Hillary and Trump

    Of course they have been covering. Everyone who does not agree with the conspiracy theories is part of the cover-up. I understand completely.
  15. Hillary and Trump

    Exactly see the irony. LOL
  16. Hillary and Trump

    Infowars is just one example of wacko's crazy theories. Here are the others LOL
  17. Hillary and Trump

    Well it is all fixed now. Bill Clinton endorses Donald Trump. Please with people posting infowars as a source do not question world weekly news which we all know is the real truth.
  18. Hillary and Trump

    logic? Lol you posted infowars that totally disqualifies all pleas for reason or logic.
  19. Hillary and Trump

    wow lol it's getting really deep in here. Get ready for ww3 then because come Nov 9 Hillary WILL be potus.
  20. Hillary and Trump

    He is fascist so yes he will bring authoritarianism to the USA. Should he be elected.
  21. Hillary and Trump

    I will not be participating. Maybe it will be a form of punishment. Dark days are ahead IMO.
  22. Hillary and Trump

    You are in for a rude awakening come November 9th. Hillary Clinton will be POTUS By some slim chance it turns out I am mistaken I will be on here eating my crow.
  23. Hillary and Trump

    Glenn Beck has abandoned Trump. Says Clinton is the moral choice. Glenn Beck is one of the biggest conservatives in the US media. It is over for Trump.
  24. Hillary and Trump Hmm his wife claims he raped her. Now they have set a hearing date. This is not looking good for the Trumpster.
  25. Globalist Slave Labour

    and here is the play on words. In order to get better skills you have to go to college now which puts you in debt. Unless of course you are exceptional and can get a full scholarships.