Fa Xin

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Everything posted by Fa Xin

  1. How to sever a soul tie/energetic link with someone

    I understand. Maybe a symbolic cord cutting can help. https://exemplore.com/healing/How-To-Cut-Energy-Cords I've done this once, a number of years back. It was more out of curiosity to what it would feel like. I did it with an old "friend" who was very toxic for me. Two days after I "cut the cord", he came into my work to "see how I was doing." I hadn't seen him in a couple years. Coincidence? Good luck!
  2. How to sever a soul tie/energetic link with someone

    Let it happen naturally. Try to accept it, rather than run from the connection. We all go thru crappy breakups and it would be wonderful to just forget about the people. But thereā€™s important lessons to learn, and stuff to heal that comes with it. Thereā€™s no easy fix, unfortunately. Most energetic links are kept alive through our own thoughts/habits/inner stuff... so short of learning and healing through it, anything else would be a temporary fix.
  3. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    Say that ten times fast
  4. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    Agreed, and an important point. Especially in the current times that we live in. There's always a balance.
  5. Meditation - Doing vs Non-Doing

    Yes, light duty like some ideas to keep the clients entertained and to help them relax and have fun. We will have some of the more serious disorders represented (the ones I listed), but also clients that are in something called Crisis Stabilization which will be a 3-5 day stay. It is this population Iā€™m thinking more about, perhaps providing them some coping skills or relaxing techniques. I do think the population is varied enough that I will have to do a case by case basis.
  6. Oops, it's been a minute

    Welcome back, from one lazy tai chi guy to another!
  7. Meditation - Doing vs Non-Doing

    Thanks guys! I really appreciate the kind words. A practice journal is actually a great idea!!! Maybe Iā€™ll do that.
  8. Meditation - Doing vs Non-Doing

    I told a friend I was going to practice my Baguazhang there, she replied ā€œMake sure to keep your badge on so they know whoā€™s whoā€ šŸ˜ƒ Good tip about the hands. Communicating with UFOs you say..... Iā€™ll have to try that šŸ˜
  9. Meditation - Doing vs Non-Doing

    Yes, Iā€™m leaning towards more relaxation based techniques and stretching sort of stuff. The walking meditation sounds like a great idea actually. Thank you all for your input. My new job will be full time counselor in a group home setting, so Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get a feel for what works best. The program director told me they already do some relaxation and meditation stuff... so that got me thinking. But I appreciate the words of caution. Will definitely heed them. šŸ˜Š
  10. Meditation - Doing vs Non-Doing

    Thank you. Makes a lot of sense and I was thinking of this technique too.
  11. Meditation - Doing vs Non-Doing

    Not a bad idea. Maybe put on some Krishna das and we can focus on that. Thanks.
  12. Meditation - Doing vs Non-Doing

    This might be a good thread to pose a question. In a few weeks, Iā€™m going to have the opportunity to be able to teach meditation to people with mental health issues (schizophrenia, depression, psychosis). Ive been pondering the last few days what the best technique might be. Breath counting? Quiet sitting? Some sort of mellow observation? Or more proactive, like qigong? Iā€™m assuming their attention span will be low and possibly have trouble with long periods of silence. Doing, or not doing? Most likely it will end up being a person to person basis, but Iā€™m open to any thoughts, ideas or experiences anyone has had.
  13. Meditation - Doing vs Non-Doing

    I believe it. They say there's over 1,000 different SPECIES of them!
  14. While I do agree with owl that the ā€œreal workā€ is examining stuff like our motivations, desires and all that inner stuff... ... I would also like to encourage you to have fun and play around, itā€™s okay to be interested in the mysteries of things. Childlike curiosity is a positive thing.
  15. Meditation - Doing vs Non-Doing

    It's because we were talking about the tardigrades. I think we got their attention. Little buggers!
  16. Universe Friendly or Hostile?

    Do you see us as being all interconnected? If ā€œyesā€, then I would think such beings presence would help in a way we may not be aware of.
  17. The Doomsday Scenario

    Definitely some juice there. I asked ā€œWhere are you from?ā€ Got a more inter-dimensional vibe rather than space alien. I also felt the stone was part of a temple or a room that was specifically used for tapping into this realm. Like obviously itā€™s broken off from something, but that whatever the larger structure was - itā€™s function was to facilitate some spiritual or psychic communion. Fun stuff!
  18. The Doomsday Scenario

    Aliens... My favorite topic !!! Iā€™ll give it a shot. šŸ˜Š
  19. The Doomsday Scenario

    I gave it a go. I got an ā€œother worldlyā€ vibe, you could say. Decent energy with it. I also felt the panel was like ā€œcall forwardingā€. A mini gateway to something else, and not the stone itself that was the source of power.
  20. Internal Family System

    Is it possible to give us a quick summary about IFS, when you have some time? I know my current professor has mentioned itā€™s his preferred technique/style but never went into details regarding it. So Iā€™m not quite sure what it entails.
  21. Mystical Christian Thread

    "Gospel of Thomas 28: 'Jesus said, "I took my place in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found all of them intoxicated, I found none of them thirsty. And my soul became afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind in their hearts and do not have sight, for empty they came into the world, and empty too they seek to leave the world. But for the moment they are intoxicated. When they shake off their wine, then they will repent.' Entering into the repose and joy of the Holy Spirit and beholding the reality-truth-continuum from a higher order of consciousness, every spiritual adept or master has shared this vision of sorrow in seeing how greatly people suffer on account of fundamental ignorance. Having awakened and realized the way of liberation themselves, knowing the presence of God as near to all beings as their very breath, it is truly an affliction within their soul to see others still in bondage to the powers of ignorance and therefor suffering. Experiencing the peace and joy of enlightenment and liberation, a conscious unity with the Beloved, who would not be so deeply moved by the continuation of other's suffering? Indeed, when the fullness of spiritual love and compassion dawns, one cannot help but be moved to act and render assistance." -Tau Malachi, Gospel of St Thomas
  22. Greetings

    Hello, dejapu, and welcome. Your membership is approved and we're happy you found your way to us. We look forward to accompanying you on some of the way that you still have to go. Please take the time to read the post pinned at the top of this Welcome page and take a look at the forum Terms and Rules. This covers all you need to know when getting started. For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until youā€™ve posted fifteen times in the forums, youā€™ll be a ā€œJunior Bumā€ with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day. Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you, Fa Xin and the TDB team Hi dejapu, Welcome! Sounds like youā€™re open minded and will fit right in here. Howā€™re you liking the BOTA stuff so far? Hope you enjoy it here. You are welcome to jump right in to the ongoing discussions, revive an older thread, start a new thread of your own, or start a discussion in the "Newcomer Corner" sub-forum to expand on your introduction or ask general questions to help you get started. May you enjoy your time here. Fa Xin
  23. I really appreciate the natural format of the video. Just two friends, having a chat in the park. Very enjoyable to listen to.
  24. Internal Family System

    Thanks Giles and rideforever. I have heard of this in my psychology classes, but have not dived in yet (Iā€™m a CBT fan myself). Iā€™ll have to look more into IFS.
  25. Internal Family System

    Hello, Giles, and welcome. Your membership is approved and we're happy you found your way to us. We look forward to accompanying you on some of the way that you still have to go. Please take the time to read the post pinned at the top of this Welcome page and take a look at the forum Terms and Rules. This covers all you need to know when getting started. For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until youā€™ve posted fifteen times in the forums, youā€™ll be a ā€œJunior Bumā€ with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day. Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you, Fa Xin and the TDB team Welcome Giles, Iā€™ve never heard of it but Iā€™m interested. Hope you enjoy the forum. You are welcome to jump right in to the ongoing discussions, revive an older thread, start a new thread of your own, or start a discussion in the "Newcomer Corner" sub-forum to expand on your introduction or ask general questions to help you get started. May you enjoy your time here. Fa Xin