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Everything posted by Clear'Waters

  1. What purpose does virtue and merit have in practice?

    I appreciate everyone who commented on this thread to help me further understand what significance virtue and merits have.. Thank you...
  2. Meta-cognitive Thinking for Abstinence

    Kind of.. Its like taking yourself out the situation without any emotional or opinionated biased to evaluate it a different way in the present tense.
  3. Buddhism and Daoism

    I have to write this down
  4. Meta-cognitive Thinking for Abstinence

    Its not necessarily the questions, but the certain thought process that one uses. It like changing yourself from first person to third in a sense.
  5. What purpose does virtue and merit have in practice?

    Yes I agree.. Thats why in northerner lineages they generally practice with the Xing before Ming.
  6. When practicing continuous days, is there ever such thing as 'over doing it'? Many times I go by feeling, i.e. if I'm not emotionally ready to practice, I would first sit or do some activity to clear up my mind. As well if my physical body is fatigued I would go and rest. But is this a time where meditation would be beneficial? To calm the mind and body from external stimulus?
  7. What are you listening to?

    Ben Howard- Oats in the Water
  8. Cinnabar's Mercury and Lead's Silver

    Hello fellow practitioners, I am new in the daoist community and have only been practicing for 8 months with the Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu by Wang Li Ping translated by Richard Liao. I am interested to learn new things to help supplement my practice. Currently, I have been practicing Yin Xian Fa in mostly full lotus (because im a try hard) recently. A lot of times my knees would not cooperate with me so i would go half lotus. Besides that, i have also tryed the first section of Tai Yi Jin Hua. Other than practice, I am currently in highschool, finishing my junior year. If there is any advice to anything from meditation, sitting, or even school, I would be grateful for someone to reply :-D
  9. Cinnabar's Mercury and Lead's Silver

    This definately makes more sense.. Usually if i get deeper into meditation, my breathing would feel light and as one continous motion.. I will be sure to implement this within my practice as soon as possible.. Thank you once again for your knowledge and advice...
  10. Cinnabar's Mercury and Lead's Silver

    I appreciate your advice.. I have been having a little trouble with constituting equal inhales/exhales. I seem to hold my inhales longer and when it is time to exhale i no longer have any breath. Also i will work on opening my hips.. Thank you again
  11. Cinnabar's Mercury and Lead's Silver

    Thank you alot.. I will make sure that I search her up..