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Posts posted by CelibacySeeker

  1. Delusional faget. Yeah I bet it's romantic when boyfriend spread shit-dick on your lips saying how much he loves you. There is no love, love is just a trick for you to not see beyond your biological urges which is masked. You are just hijacked by hormones, there is no love at all. There is just compassion - of course which is not sexual and virtues, but there is no love at all without biological urges and evolutionary compulsiveness which drives you constantly. 


    Sexuality rooted in so called biological hormonal poison called love is just easier sexuality, not "truer" or "real" at all. People make such stories to get laid and to cheat other and themselves to do something. That's the truth you can't really argue so stop bitching around. 

  2. LOL.  True.  But on the other hand, we do have to talk about something on this forum.


    Doesn't it seem that the more you get into this thing, the more non-dual your eyes actually become?  That when you look into the pupils of another's eyes, be it animal, insect, or human, that you are looking into the Great Intelligence, the Logos, of it all?  The 'web of awareness', as Castaneda would call it?  And can't you sense the Oneness of all the atoms, even the same spinning matter in the table you're sitting at, as in your body?


    Yes, we are in the world of form; but it is that which underlies that I speak of.  The incredible cosmic dance which really doesn't contain Past or Future in it; but the compression into Now.  As long as our brains are set up to be linear, I guess we're stuck with form and duality.


    A bit of a Catch 22, if you ask me.  A  great cosmic joke of sorts.


    there is no such thing as oneness. those concept are sold by new age guru devils to romantic people like you, you never seen any oneness. 

  3. Don´t be so sure. You´d be surprised at the creatures some people are attracted to.  I used to wonder what my boyfriend saw in me looks-wise until I asked him to point out other guys he found attractive.  Lo and behold they all looked like me.


    Man, you are gay so obviously gay people are just sick people who to satisfy sexual urge even with old ugly guys as their fetish. I'm talking people who have not deteriorated from their hormonal balance and are sane to look at people the way they are. 


    I'm talking women here. And they did not found you attractive but just easy to get, obviously those who lower their standards want just release or someone easy to have as they do not have self worth.


    You do not know what you talking about and you gay. lol

  4. 1 female for 1000 other men mr. straw man. I'm not against women per se btw.


    Buddha said that introducing women to buddha dharma will make dharma ending age soon by 500 years and women in classic thought cannot achieve realization. but I do not agree with it in the fixed term. Buddha said that I think because of emotional attachment to the ideas about spirituality not walking the spiritual way the way it is but distorting it with emotions and romantic views. 


    Dipma is very yang-ish so it's cannot be treated like women really, she do not even look like women.

  5. It rubs up against me because it places God as 'the other'.  To me, it's all God, no hierarchy involved, merely Is-ness.  When it says, to God he gives all the praise, and to that which is mortal he gives all the blame. In my view, there is no praise nor blame, no good or bad.  That is to live in duality.  It all just Is - all is One, with two sides.  The light of the yang, the shadow of the yin; but the necessary interplay of both.



    Because you are female which do not understand things like that but treat own feeling as a some kind of truth. That's typical women misunderstanding "no hierarchy, all it's god" and stuff like this. That's BS. 


    You reflect only your own female biology on the image of god, you insecures and stuff like this but this is just distortion, if you want see the truth of this you need to become "all god" or whatever bs you saying around. That's romantic foolishness. That's why buddha said that women can't become buddhas. (but yet they can if they can transcend their own romantic bs)

  6. For bigu you need have special alchemical pills and after digesting it you losing need to eat something, you eat rather "special things". 


    there is also natural way of bigu not only alchemical way, but natural way is much more disciplined.

  7. this is rather degeneration of the path, he was obviously under influence under some spirit which he was working firstly. This is dangerous path, spirit can easily kill you if you mess with the body because it's not high spirit, those like animals without discrimination. Those on proper path do not kill anybody (spirits probably asked for it) and you need always leave bone back otherwise you health will decline and bad things happen. I know person who worked with spirits of the dead but didn't want to leave the bones back so his body started to rot, later he needed to have gloves as the bones was clearly see. Those paths are hardcore stuff really, but you can not take just any bones and stuff like, especially you can not dig out taoist master head or whatever and call his spirit - this is nonsense, it's means that the so called master is not a master but regular spirit. masters have their spirits ascended to higher realms, you can only call regular dead people to do something for you or those with heavy karma like murderers or people who suicide. 

  8. Those people you are looking for are not on this forum. To practice this you need to be far from people and society. 


    Why are looking for light in dark room? The only thing you can find about it are academic resources, interview or people "who know someone which that one know somebody". 


    And the difference is that you looking on the nickname and I'm looking into something deeper which you are not even conscious. 

  9. Bigu is not about breatharian or living on Qi. Bigu replenish post natal energies and bring balance to yin and yang forces. You can forgot about breatharian things because it can be clearly seen you are not type of person who will achieve this. You should focus on basic meditation and proper diet not going around trying to search something above your level of cultivation. Whatever master you will find it does not matter as even master can not make dog to fly, unless you cross your own limitation by yourself master's job will be useless. IF you find one he will tell the same thing as I'm saying to you.

  10. Why do you need a master for this? In bigu diet they use some special things by recognizing yin and yang forces in the nature like drinking some blood for yang energy or digging out special herb and the certain time or water of the trees, but this is high bigu so do not even think you will get there, it's very hard to find a master like this. 


    Standart bigu will do for cultivation effort. 

  11. Guys advices from the first post can harm you health like in amazon book description of "Healing threshold" "Making juices from organic dark green leafy vegetables" - this is harmful from TCM as the raw vegan diet. Clearly this book and author mixed things which works with things which do not work. 

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  12. Eat qinoa and vegetables plus herbs and here you have bigu diet. You will be vibrant and feel like a child. I know person who did 100% bigu diet for a month and felt like a child, like he said 6 years old person which adult mind, so bigu help to push post natal into pre-natal if you doing it properly.

  13. Well, then, how can I do things right? That's why I am here.


    Just put the hand before you like you would holding balloon, or big ball or tree and the Qi will start flow. (post natal tho). Keep it for like 5 minutes and the thick coating of thickened air will start emulsification around you, that the Qi but it will be around your as you did not have opened channels to it will take time to be absorbed. 



    If you think it's too hard to keep hands that way, move your hands like you would clap a hands with arm spread before you but without clapping and slowly repeat the movement of closing and opening the chest. . 



    Also there are different feelings of manifestation of the Qi and Qi itself. 

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