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Posts posted by Jah2075

  1. Hi all, hope someone can help me.


    I have bipolar one disorder, so I'm VERY open to energy and if I don't sleep this can lead to issues.


    I'm sleeping fine bar one occasion 2 weeks ago - I tried storing my sexual energy for 6 days, sleep got progressively worse as I went on, by day 6 I was getting around 1.5 hrs light sleep.


    So I gave up, and released the old fashioned way.


    So, I'm looking to try again.

    Do I need to move the energy around my body?


    Should I do qigong before bed?

    I'd prefer to just do meditation if possible, but nothing from Mantak Chia as he's a bit out of my range energy wise.


    Any advice would be much appreciated. 

  2. Hi all...


    I'm a bit confused...I'm looking for a powerful healing qigong system that can work with my bipolar disorder, and Spring Forest Qigong (a truly powerful form by all accounts) is recommended to be used with such a condition, even with using the small universe meditation.


    So why aren't I using it? The form is a little on the dull side (only my opinion after doing shibashi form for a year) - I'd like to try Qigong for Self-Healing by jenny lamb - but it states on her website that this system is not meant for people with psychiatric problems, which is a little disheartening considering the reputation of the system as a superb form for self healing.


    I'd consider my bipolar to be stable at present and I've responded well to medication - does this mean I can try this system or not? I'm really looking for a healing system that is spiritual as well and if the disclaimer had not been there Sifu Lambs system would have been perfect.


    Any opinions welcome...I have tried contacting Sifu Jenny directly but I'm yet to hear a response...

  3. Hi all...


    I've purchased SFQ level one as I have bipolar disorder and wish to use this system to increase and balance my energy levels as I spend two thirds of my time fatigued/depressed.


    I have perused the board's regarding SFQ, and their are lots of mentions of performing the small universe meditation whilst sitting in the full lotus position. As I cannot do even half lotus this is currently quite a struggle.


    Is it ok to do small universe in a chair? Should I even be attempting it this early on in my practice?


    Any advice is gratefully received...

  4. Hey Cap sorry to hear of your troubles...I too had an awakening of sorts, powerful energies looping from the back of my neck to my head and back again.


    Mindblowing indeed.


    I will indeed be offering you prayers for a quick and safe recovery. Mental health services are stretched, but we can thank the short-termism of successive governments for that.


    All the best to you...

  5. Hi all...


    Im a newbie to the site and the different systems, but I've been reading up on spring forest qigong and SF Jane's remarkable story of how she healed her bipolar disorder using Bruce Frantzis Water method of Taoist healing meditation.


    So in short, which system would you choose to heal yourself with, if like me you had bipolar disorder? BP is an illness connected to energy - either a surplus or a depletion...and although SF Jane chose meditation I am drawn to Qigong more...but it's of little consequence if it's not suitable...I will utilise whatever system will work.


    I also realise the enormity of what I am asking as their are few known cures for BP...but when it comes to eastern healing methods who else can I ask?


    Many thanks to anyone who responds to this post that helps to enlighten me xxx


    Hi everyone,


    I'm a new forum member that's really interested in TCM and all things Qi related, and I hope that I can learn from all the expertise on the forum and maybe add a little back of my own...