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Everything posted by Infolad1

  1. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    I just answered this a moment ago. I'm an actual persona, based In Philadelphia (the fact that I have to respond to this, speaks volumes to the level of discourse on here). Is this a forum for spiritual cultivators, or 4Chan? I have close to 20 years of actual experience in cultivating, nutrition, gongfu, Qigong, & fitness. I'm here to help anyone looking for real, practical advice on their training, & discussions with peers of comparable experience on finer points. If that's not what TTB is about, then I'll keep busy with other work. I wish you the best In your training, and all of your life endeavors. Cheers!
  2. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    LOL! Wow, I just GOT here, and this is the response I get? You can read my bio. I'm based In Philadelphia. I'm as real as anything is, in this simulation!LOL! Cheers!
  3. Magus Of Java John Chang MoPai (from CourtYard)

    You just gave the "History of Modern Kung Fu" that my Sifu gave me, and I now give my students. Since I teach Tai Chi Quan, I also add how Tai Chi Quan got distorted coming over here. Basically, how the flower children over here got a watered down version of TCQ in the late 60s, and the initial slow movements, and health benefits got emphasized, above any remaining martial aspects, which got further diluted in the 70s. So now people think that TCQ isn't a martial art, and is done slowly, which couldn't be further from the truth. I'm doing my part to change that. Nice job JinlianPai! Cheers!
  4. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    Exactly! People need to be a bit more plastic, when attempting to reconcile different systems. The cultivation process isn't linear. Everyone is different. There are specific milestones, but how someone gets there isn't going to be the same every time. You have to be mindful of falling into dogmatic absolutes with these processes. You're ascending from the phenomenal, to the noumenal (mental), to...beyond. At a certain point, words fail. ALL you can get from them are crude approximations of what's actually happening, at the higher stages. Anyone telling you otherwise, is trying to sell you something. Cheers!
  5. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    Thanks SOTG, for bringing some reality to the discussion. ALL dantiens act as a "cauldron" at some point of the process. You know when it happens. There are actual physiological changes that occur, as SOTG shows in his YT videos. Leaking LDTs? SERIOUSLY? Who comes up with this stuff?! LOL!! You can lose energy/flux from the usual suspects. But leak? Ummm..NO. My MDT has "activated", like SOTG's. Not at the level his has yet (he's putting in 3x the practice time I'm able to at present), but I can feel it, and see it, and more importantly, other people can feel, and see it. My skin is noticeably darker around the area. The Qi pumps/vibrates very strongly there. Toasty heat. I breathe from the MDT, and nostrils at this point. As I build more flux, this just gets stronger. Theory will only take you so far. You've GOT to put the time in, to get actual, tangible results. This is the ONLY way to KNOW. Other than that, it's belief. BELIEVE NOTHING. Not even what I'm saying. Do the work, and find out for yourself. Other than that, it's all just blah, blah, blah. Cheers!
  6. Hello Everyone

    Here's my background: I've been doing the Chinese Internal Martial Art of Tai Chi Quan for over 16 years, since 1999. (Yes, Tai Chi Quan is a Martial Art I've acquired Internal arts skills in the Wu-Tang system of Grandmaster Liu Yun-Chiao, including Old Form Yang Style Tai Chi Quan, Old Form Chen Style Tai Chi Quan, Baguazhang, Standing Meditation, Long Fist, & Tai Chi Qigong. I also do Internal Alchemy, and Iron Body / Iron Crotch Nei-Gong, as taught to me by Grandmaster Tu Jin-Sheng . I've been certified by my Sifu to teach Yang Style Tai Chi Quan, which I've done for close to 5 years. Since 1999, I've also taught weekly classes in qigong, theurgy, meditation, stress management, and nutrition to the general public, and corporate clients. I've won the following awards: 1999 1st Place – Lightweight Division Push Hands 1999 Bronze Medal – Push Hands 1998 1st Place – Lightweight Division Push Hands I'm continuing the work to be certified in all aspects of the Wu-tan system. I'm a frequent contributor on the lonemanpai forum, and count SOTG, joeblast, Trunk, & others as both Brothers, and fellow travelers on the path. I was very impressed by TTB posters TheLerner, GrandmasterP, Brian, Balance., & silent thunder, who gave such thoughtful, nuanced, & funny replies on a mopai thread here. I thought, "these guys are cool. I could hang with these guys". So I've registered here. My philosophy can be broken down to: "Does It Work?", "Can You Show It?", and "Can You Teach It?" Thanks to my wonderful teachers, I can answer yes to all three. If you can't yet, that's cool. Practice DOES make perfect. I'm here to help others who need, and ask for help, to gather additional information, see if it works, and apply it to my knowledge base. I look forward to interacting with folks that are doing the work. When I'm not practicing Cheers!
  7. Hello Everyone

    Thanks Grok. Good to see you too. I'll be posting more today. Cheers!
  8. Hello Everyone

    Thanks my Brother. As do you. Cheers!
  9. Hello Everyone

    Thanks Soaring Crane. Done, and done. I look forward to posting. Cheers!