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Everything posted by mostly_empty

  1. Can you help this 12 year old boy?

    Wonderful news! I am sure they will know how to handle the paperwork as well. All the best.
  2. Now that would be a high standard that would require far more self-insight than is available on a regular basis. On the other hand, if I am confused and unclear, I probably am reflecting my own nature, such as it is...
  3. Can you help this 12 year old boy?

    I don't know american law or custom, but I did look at the documents at SSI etc.. The bicycle would normally be exempt as described, however 1) it would be wise not to transfer the money to the family and 2) this is only a matter of policy. If this were me, I would write a letter, not from the family, to the SSI program and ask for a ruling in advance. Failing satisfaction you could send to your local congressional office... they would win this easily for you. However, the US has a specific ABLE act designed for exactly his circumstance. So someone on this list from the US could assist the family in opening an ABLE account - the money would be transferred to this account and then is protected by law for this use. Hope this helps. Revision: your state has not yet implemented the ABLE act... so back to getting a letter that certifies that this will be understood to be an assistive device (since this category is specially exempt from "resources").
  4. Kundalini help, please?

    I am unfortunately not an expert and may not be too helpful. However, I remember that stuck feeling at the top of the head! Two things come to mind. One is that the experience suggested to me that I had blockages to energy; I worked on this with meditation that focused on relaxing in an egoless way. You do pretty much have to get out of your own way comprehensively before this opens. I remember using visualizations and focus above my head to avoid putting more energy into the blockage. The second is that some traditions represent the access to the above the crown chakra as taking place through the heart. This is more less an instruction manual - if you wish to connect to the wisdom outside of "you", you need to expand "yourself" through your heart, not your head! In context, it is much easier to defuse the blockages in your head when you focus in your heart and dissolve your mind with love of all. Since I can't claim any particular achievement or accomplishment it is difficult to be sure how parallel my experiences were, but I hope that it is at least worth considering. Bad head cold? It is the season, but kundalini is nothing to sneeze at!
  5. Body Hacks and experimentation

    Not so simple, but you can get some mileage out of this. Heart rate can be reduced/controlled through parasympathetic activation within certain limits; so relaxation controls both breath and heart. There are feedback loops so regulating the heart, the breath, or the mind affects all three. For the fakirs, however, it beats me. The heart also self-regulates on oxygen demand, etc. Slowing it consciously or hacking it through breath only goes so far unless more major changes are made across the body. Have fun!
  6. OP Just my .02 cents, but I really cannot think of a single book that fits the bill. I would instead recommend two or three. I would get A Field Guide to Western Medicinal Plants and Herbs: Flexi binding​or one of the equivalent plant guides (e.g. peterson). Mushrooms, if you go that direction require a different book! I would then get PIKHAL or something similar to give you a grasp of what to do when you get home. However, most anyone I know with this sort of interest would instead recommend that you choose one teacher at a time. That is, choose whichever seems the best based on some research and try it - you need a certain affinity even if you don't have a guide. Good luck
  7. WeiChi and AI and a bit precursor on Chess

    It was bound to happen eventually! However, it is not what the software knows that determines how this game goes There is an underlying structure from math algorithms can exploit this - don't laugh It doesn't mean that the software is smart it means that you can follow instructions without heart...
  8. Can you help this 12 year old boy?

    Dear Manitou, It is a little backwards for you to be thanking me. Thank you for presenting this opportunity for us.
  9. Putin the Gangster. But Why Now?

    Not really. But for those who remember Robert Anton Wilson summarized the equivalences between US/Russia/China fairly succinctly (see illuminati trilogy). Yes, among other things the Russian government is basically a kleptocracy. This is so completely different from the financial and power structure of the US..... Basically all government starts with the idea of "rule of law" - trading some individual freedoms for better and wider social achievement. All government leaders turn this into "rule of law", in which the ruling class decides to control the construction and application of laws. Normally these waves of demonization are connected with internal politics and are intended to reduce the freedom of certain parties to behave rationally.
  10. Can you help this 12 year old boy?

    That would be me.... but since I'm not up to much I usually keep a nom de plume for DaoBums...
  11. "signs that the world may be ending"

    I rather suspect that someone slipped up.
  12. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Oh my, this is terrible. Think of the children! Chia is for pets!
  13. The Idiotic Taoist way of getting into Chinese

    ¡Buena suerte!
  14. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    I have seen two direct solar to fridge systems; one is basically a rework of a classic propane design and the other is an ammonia phase change design. Although these things get build by students fairly routinely, I don't know of anyone actually using them so can't comment. Solar is not reliably great where I live... The ones I provided links to are larger scale devices simply to reply to an earlier comment that these things weren't practical. They are, but electricity is so cheap here that personal savings from making some shift makes them unpopular. The leader in practical small fridges and freezers in NA is probably SunDanzer. They use a PV panel to DC run a pretty standard electric model modified to be functional and reliable at low levels of power.
  15. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall' So... it is working and it is being deployed. And not so different then your grandparents or great grand parents who (depending where they lived) stockied enough ice each winter, by covering blocks of it with sawdust to use it all summer. Why don't people do this on a personal scale? Because 1) lazy or ignorant and 2) the cost savings is so low because the true price of energy is not often on their bill. In other countries where electric rates are higher they typically use much less refrigeration at the personal scale - they spend the energy going to a market every day or few. Freshness over refrigeration. I do, however, use a do-it-yourself scale of this by placing my freezers in a cold garage. Cheers.
  16. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    Why? Easy example The Toronto Zoo uses low nighttime electricity rates to generate ice which then supports cooling during the day. Scalable, local ... and easy to reverse if your "cheap" energy arrives during the day.
  17. New Tesla Solar set up - 'Powerwall'

    I used to believe such things. But really I don't at this point. The second point first - there is no reason why productivity needs to be tied to increased use of power. Classic examples - people in scandanvia use less energy to heat their homes than was the case a few hundred years ago - not to mention cars and airplanes (hint, productivity has meant better, more efficient vehicles produced with less....). The long term efficiencies of design, insolation, KNOWLEDGE vastly outweigh brute force. There are labs everywhere trying to learn how to use less energy and pollution - usually modelled on nature! The first point? The best estimates ecologists have been able to come up with are that functioning ecosystems outperform artificial ones. There was a lovely japanese study looking at the available nutrition from a forest vs the equivalent arable land... the forest outperformed and was rather maintenance free. The great north american prairies supported a higher sustainable yield from buffalo than they do now. The world needs to separate social difficulties (like who to properly manage commons; how to distribute food; how to plan over generations) from technical ones! Because the best technical solutions use less energy and waste than the bad ones.
  18. The Significance of Thank You

    Thank you, at its best, reflects my gratitude for you (what you are, what you have done). Like most expressions it can and is used for much more; thank you is especially susceptible to being a social formalism with little emotional content. I don't think that anything can or should be done about it.... it is just how people are with words and lack of heart. "I'm sorry", equally, may or may not be expressed in an authentic way. Why blame the words when people have neither the insight or coherence to put things together? However, "Thank you" correctly passes the focus of my thought to the person with whom I am communicating. "I'm sorry" has several linguistic catches. Presumably, Ayahuasca wished to reveal you to you and make sure that you did not attribute this state to yourself. If you had been saying "I have sorry" ... it would mean that you were, at best, in self-pity when you have wronged someone. To keep one kind of symmetry between these two phrases I might replace "I am sorry" with "I give you my remorse" (my wish that the wrong I have done you can be redressed). " I am really sorry, quite often. If for no other reason that I regret various actions, inactions and circumstances. >> If you are really sorry you wouldn't have done that.... If I were really wise I would definitely be someone else!!!!! However, I also say sorry when I do something that disadvantages another even when I think it is, on balance, the right thing to do. I say sorry to the fish I kill to eat. I doubt it lives up to the expectations and aspirations of the fish, but to express remorse is better than to ignore it. I am sorry (really, descriptively) and I offer my remorse for having nattered on when I should only be thanking all of you for your posts. Thank you.
  19. Do we live in the matrix?

    @Taomeow Is this it? Kopenawa Davi et Bruce Albert, La chute du ciel. Paroles d’un chaman yanomami If so I am happy to follow up.
  20. Do we live in the matrix?

    Terrible example! Lizot, Jacques. 1985. Le Cercle des feux: Faits et dits des Indiens yanomami,(1976)The Yanomami were still, despite this corrective reference, far more violent and prone to "war". Their methods are pretty extensive and up to the modern period about 50% of male mortality happens from direct violence. I will not go further with this because it is not like that have the massive industrialized dehumanizing "war" that european/western/modern cultures have achieved. I suspect that their culture is not much like the archaic and paleo cultures of which you were probably thinking.
  21. Bagua questions

    Check the tension in the calf especially, then kwa and also the knee.
  22. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Of correct evidence there is a dearth, we are missing the correct description of the earth. Night and day She goes gallantly on her Way, carefully ignoring the sound while this discussion goes round and round...
  23. mystical poetry thread

    Not my words, but then I'm hardly heard...
  24. mystical poetry thread

    Is that supposed to be ...uplifting? Scintillate, scintillate, globular vivific,Fain how I wonder at your nature specific,Loftily poised in the ether capacious,Highly resembling a gem carbonaceous. - Jane Taylor (then altered or improved)
  25. Bringing modern artefacts back to ancient civilizations

    I did, once, feel that Daoist writings were an excellent excuse to avoid life. Waiting for the right moment to act ... I grew lazy and fat! And it was all LaoZi's fault! We must avoid strife. This business of phyto-taoistic non-interaction is wrong - just watch a cat. And while I will admit that technology is unfortunately not always a solution it is probably our lack of wisdom - the worst pollution.