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Everything posted by IntuitiveWanderer

  1. Magic and occultism

    Then we will have to agree to disagree. P.s. although I do agree that Alan Moore is a s***y source of information. He's an actor and that was a clip from his movie about himself.
  2. Magic and occultism

    If you can logically prove to me that there is an objective reality then I might be persuaded.
  3. Magic and occultism

    So you are saying that magic is real? Magic as in the supposed ability to manipulate massive ammounts of "external" energy through the control of thought patterns and attention? It seems incredible considering that my person can't even hold my pee for longer than a few hours (maybe) or stop my heart from beating. Heck, my person can't even exist singularly!! BLA BLA Here is a good definition of magic:
  4. Magic and occultism

    Man, if I were a wizard, I would go live in a hut in Siberia in the middle of nowhere, with a tribe of silent sincere human beings that don't take crap from none and will stab you if you start being too stupid. As a matter of fact, that is where I would live if I ever could make the choice of living somewhere else than I do. There is no reason to learn magic and shwitz. I bet the peasants from 1000 years ago were 100 times happier and freer than the average consumer nowadays. We don't need magic, we need reality. The f***ing Tao man...
  5. Magic and occultism

    Well yeah. Most of it they got from the hindus and taoists and tibetans, although I dont know how much of it is genuine and how much of it is made up because even Hinduism in its actual form is very different from its original (some scholars say that Hinduism began in the 20th century) Ultimately the whole magic deal is based on exactly the same dualistic system of storytelling as the monotheistic dictatorships. The wizards are very smart, they have secret knowledge and no worries theyre perfectly at peace but they continued to struggle throught the ages and they need your support. and then you ask: why do they try so hard if it doesn't matter? and then they start making up stuff about dragons and pneumatic babes.
  6. What is life? Baby don't confuse me, confuse me, no more! Uaaah U aahhU

  7. Magic and occultism

    I know magic and occultism are connected to telekinesis because I know that the Rosicrucians tell people that they can learn telekinesis and psychic abilities at the highest levels. Eighth Temple Degree The Eighth Temple Degree explores in depth the theme of immortality—the mysteries of birth and death, reincarnation and karma, and the evolution of the soul personality. Topics include: Universal Soul and the Human Soul Divine Consciousness and Self Consciousness Spiritual Evolution of Humans Mastery of Karma Reincarnation of the Soul Memory of Past Incarnations The Mystery of Birth and Death Help to the Dying, Before and After Death Ninth Temple Degree If you have conscientiously studied and practiced the exercises and experiments of the earlier Degrees, these techniques will by now have become second nature, and you'll be well prepared to successfully undertake the advanced experiments of the Ninth Degree. This Degree gives you the opportunity to utilize the highest metaphysical powers in practical ways to affect positive conditions in your environment and your life in accordance with the greatest good. Topics include: Macrocosm and Microcosm The Four Principles: Earth, Water, Air and Fire Symbols: Cross, Triangle, Square, Circle, and Rose-Cross Mental Alchemy Telepathy, Telekinesis, Vibroturgy, and Radiesthesia Cosmic Protection, Mystical Regeneration Attunement with Cosmic Consciousness HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, but seriously...I may just be wrong
  8. What do you all do in terms of monetary livelihoods?

    I am unemployed, I spend most of my time meditating and trolling on internet forums.
  9. Magic and occultism

    So Are you a magician? Is oboe real or imaginary, is remote viewing real? What is magic and which kinds of magic are real magic and which are not real? How can I find the real path so that I avoid becoming brainwashed and lose saneness?
  10. Magic and occultism

    Well, Freemasonry is basically the star around which all other occult groups gravitate. It is the most powerful magician's school in the world. So if freemasonry isn't magical then all the other ones that imitate it are also not magical.
  11. The Truth

    Bashar is my BFF! Didn't he get channeled at a UN conference once? OMFG" his voice is amazing!!!! P.s. Actually it was Kryon that got channeled back in 2007 at a UN conference in NY. The theif stole Bashar's rightful place. GO BASHAR!
  12. Magic and occultism

    But this all fake because it implies that I see, when in fact there is no I. There is only what's happening. It's like a dream, when you dream you get shot and dying or somethign...and you're all panicky and tragicky and then you wake up and realize that it was all you, lol.
  13. Magic and occultism

    I was just thinking about epistemology. How much of what we commonly call "reality" is really real? and how much is it just conceptual? and what is the difference? If reality is that which exists then all that exists is this. strange...because you can't just deny everything else that is probable to be there...but there is in fact no there In fact what we call the same as it was is in fact not the same, in fact nothing is the same as it was when I started writting this sentence Panta Rhei ....Where does I begin and end??? Am I the body? but I can only control a few muscles and a few cogntive functions It would be incorect to limit my self to the body just because of the apearance of disconuity. It would be outright ignorant. My organism is NOT a closed system, it is a dynamic system so that I am either the few muscle twitches and few cognitive functions or the universe. And this is a false dichotomy between two ideas that do not in fact exist. I am time and space. What Kant called imperative ideas or something like that, are in fact all that exists, ultimately space is time, and the only thing which exists is time but if time is infinite then it already happened forever. strange
  14. What exactly is the mind and where is it located ?

    The mind is what beats your heart. Its located in time and space.
  15. When you say Taoist you mean...?

  16. The Delusion of Self & Other by Dr Miles Neale

    He seems to be on drugs in that video. Is he also a shaman? because it is not mentioned in his credentials...
  17. Magic and occultism

    Yeah, the notpassingoverthethresholdnessness.... I mean..It's quite obvious that there is no such thing as personal existence. Only delusional people who like dress-up would miss it. Did you know that abiff is not part of the name of Hiram Abiff, but it's actually just a title, it means representative or something. I've read it somewhere here: Also, another interesting thing that I've read there: "The only difference between elementary Masonry and Theosophy, is the assumption by the latter that the most spiritual of those men achieved successive reincarnations on increasing scales of Divine inspiration and possession, which led them, in the course of time, to become the founders of the world's greatest religions, and has perpetuated their conscious personalities, even to our own day, under the generic title of "the Masters." Both are children of the legendary "Secret Doctrine." " so basically Masonry is Theosophy without the fringe lunatic stuff... And I thought it was about engineering'n'shwizz.
  18. Magic and occultism

    Yes, this is what I mean. "Profane" is basically newspeak religio-beaurokratic terminology for thoughtcriminal. But, if I analyze this efficiently enough, I realize that ultimately the institution is basically an effort of the wise aristocrats to apply their wisdom to the world, and thus it is moral. When was it not moral to offer a service for a cost? The service is a fun clubhouse, it has worth.
  19. Magic and occultism

    Word magic I evoke emotions by using witty phrases to perturbate the consciousness of the receiver, and thereby reveal the unitiatednessness of the initiates.
  20. Magic and occultism

    But I guess most people just want to belong...<3 Diogenes of Sinope would have said "Get the f**k out of the way, you're blocking the sun, Pike!"
  21. Magic and occultism was just a wasn't serious. I just don't like cults ( < free will > fashion), even when they are called "brotherhoods"... The fact that there is such a term as "un-masonic" says it all.
  22. Confidence in the ability to awaken

    If you are not enlightened then how do you see? What the hell is it anyway?? It's so easy to imitate ideas that I have developed an addiction to it....
  23. What are you listening to?

    Ultimately it's all just moods and emotions, man.
  24. Steps to Awaken Humanity

    There is no such thing as "Humanity". There are many different individuals and groups of peopl with infinitely diverse levels of awareness. The only way to awaken a mass of people is to throw an ignited stick of dynamite at them, and hope that it will be effective at waking them up (although it probably won't). Most people just want to be left alone in order to do their thing (the thing being a pattern which is probably the result of information which they received from the ministry of truth). Which is just fine, so long as they don't complain about politics.