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Posts posted by iain

  1. For anyone to say without proof that the planets around us do not exert forces, albeit subtle, is like saying that the seasons do not affect the clothes that we wear or the foods that we crave. It would be like claiming that our moon has nothing to do with ocean’s tides or that the orbital distribution of electrons within an atom does not influence its nucleus. Viewing astrology only through the blinders of a sciential point of view, instead of through the point of view of what is being observed, is paralogical.




    Nicely stated Vmarco,


    If I might add a thought from the perspective in which I have learned. The Planets, called graha in Sanskrit which also translates as; seizing; perceiving; or holding; grahaṇa meaning to be eclipsed but also to understand. The planets themselves do not exert a force upon us, they alter the way that light arrives in our time frame, and thus the nature of that time; simply stated, they eclipse stars and thus effect the balance of tattva and guna.

  2. Time is just another mental construct. You really need to look at the following:



    Thank you Gerard for your consideration and wonderful posting.


    I have taken your perspective into consideration and gleaned insights from it, for which I thank you.


    svātantra is I think the realm that you are describing here, of which kashmir shavism is descriptive also. abhinavagupta speaks of 118 worlds; I have come to learn a little more of another other than my own thus my participation here.


    In his work the tantraloka abhinavagupta suggests that the subtil body is said to emanate into the physical body through 72 veins or nadi, by way of prana.


    I learnt this coincidental only last night :)


    Seeking no origin for this knowledge, it is a wonder to marvel at its existence, in all of its forms.


    At which point it is probably best that we stop any further derailment of this thread; perhaps consider starting another thread that highlights this fascinating parallel; Please excuse my interruption Dawg, no distraction was intended.

  3. As an experiment, I have drawn up the birth chart of Charles Whitman, as He is cited in this lecture: Given that both the event and the tumour, are reflected in his chart; my current understanding of "free will" is not at all challenged by this happening. I would hypothesise though, that the thought and actions may have created the tumour; we might well imagine a Feynman diagram in order to visualise this relatively simple concept, should it be difficult to cognate.

  4. We have will but it is not free.

    I would agree that free will is an illusion, that "will" is little understood in Western thought; as the MRI left right panel experiment plainly shows. Our hormones make most of our decisions for us, or rather; they tip the scales and then let us decide.
    The more we think we have free will, all the more we will tend towards following our desires, thus; the more we fall into highly predictable patterns.

    I have no problem with hedonism; but the likely result of this mechanism upon a large community, such as the Occident, might be massive communal mood swings that are consequently reflected by the economy,
    perhaps inversely.

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  5. Hi Ian, Thanks for addressing my name and using a real one instead of hiding under a nick. Courtesy and good manners are also traits of moral people. The problem I find with the Hindu system is that's linear...Taoism discovered as the world's oldest Science that there is nothing linear about it, it's actually a huge sphere with countless mini-spheres within. Even though progression to the Source seems linear, it is not they simple. It involves purifying all the internal organs/5 elements within the energy-body/body-mind to the pre-heaven state and then rising their combined strength to the head and in that upper cauldron shooting off the power of the Heart using the Liver as a slingshot. That force will enable the original mind/spirit enter the Tao. :) Of course this is a natural process that will take place without forcing anything as one can't forced nothing in this process or it will result in serious stagnation/burn-out. It will happen when one is ready, close enough to the Source.

    I hear what you say Gerard and thank you for your encouragement; I will have to disagree upon your conclusion of any type of linearity in that which has arisen from Vedic origins, sanātana dharma, the description of the nature of time that I have just had the pleasure to read in Chuang Tzu is undoubtedly most eloquently stated. However, it is similar to the vedic perception of time also; both are very different from the linear view, that of the Occident.

  6. The best telling of this concept, IMO, is from James Legge. It is in Chapter 17 - The Floods of Autumn


    The story is Section 8 of Chapter 17 of this link:





    Note that the story ends short and does not speak to the "eye" or the "mind" but if we take the process to conclusion the eye is faster than the wind and the mind is faster than the eye.

    Thank you for directing me towards this work; it is quite beautiful.

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  7. In one of his stories, Chuang Tzu implied this but stopped short of saying it.

    I hesitated before writing that, but chose to say it based upon knowledge of the pairing of particles; I have heard it said by swami Lakshman Jū also.


    That's wonderful to discover, might I ask which one and if you could recommend a translation; perhaps even a pdf? I would love to have a read ...


    Coincidentally, I was just pondering a story that I heard in childhood, the tale of a Chinese boy with a magic paint brush who painted things into existence; are you familiar with this story, just a random enquiry?

    • Like 1

  8. perhaps te most damaging thing is lack of natural sunlight with long office hours screen time

    I agree with you here, but view it just a little differently, feel a slight change of perspective is required.


    Belief is directly relative to sunlight, thoughts travel faster than the speed of light as if linked to mind by a quantum pairing, within electro chemical signals. Thus they are not yet definable within the standard model. The standard model can not explain white light either. I fully agree with the assertions but in a different temporal domain than the linear physical one specified.

    Radiation is also comparable to entropy; to assume that the electromagnetic spectrum, is the be all and end all of the physical model, is rather out of date; best we keep clear of this terminology when defining this effect.


    If that in which you chose to immerse your mind in front of your screen stops you from sleeping, then it will create the symptoms specified; as I have already stated, it is the wave frequency and their modulation, not the energy its self that creates the effects mentioned.


    I agree that there is a link, but have doubt that radiation of physical energy is the cause; it is to my mind, the rate of edition which is the cause, an whole another matter. śakti as energy explains this but an Occidental definition of energy does not, so we need to tread carefully.


    This effect happens in the space that is the short fall of the standard model; and as such is not detectable by the same methodology.


    The emissions from your monitor are indirect sun light, so are your neurons.

    It is a discordance in the integral system that causes the ill effect not the system of transmission, I think that this manifests temporally, quite probably effecting the production of melatonin.


    So I agree with the assertions but not the resolution of its explanation.

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  9. Hello Brian,

    ... I am not a Christian, merely a student of many subjects, each of which shapes my essence and my beliefs daily. As such, I would likely be considered rather heretical by most religious followers of all traditions (including, but not limited to "Christianity" and "Science").


    One of the things which draws me to TTB is the sense that I am not alone in this regard...

    I did wonder briefly; though you seem to me to be far to learned to ascribe to any one particular denomination.

    Simply ancient Greece.


    Mark Twain once said that history doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes...



    Wonderful, thank you for that; A quote that I shall remember with remarkable ease, I can feel my highly selective memory auto activating.


    If only I knew where the switch was ...

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  10. Hello Gerard


    I find Taoist cosmology and energetic mapping system a lot deeper and more accurate than the Hindu chakra system. Baguazhang work has opened my initially conditioned mind with that regard. The Taoist and shaman Fu Xi was a genius for revealing this universal truth.

    Surely that which is described is the same, regardless of the system?

    sanātana dharma (Hindu to some) , systems are based in the understanding of tattva, the cakra simply help to map these higher principles to our perception.

  11. Hello Dwag,

    Nice to meet you and thank you for elaborating such rich posts; your path sounds wondrous to me, full of delight.

    I thought that I might reflect upon a few of my own experiences pertaining to mind, from my own experience; I should be interested to hear your thoughts upon consideration.

    I still my mind and the universe is moving, I feel it. Now the world sees me as mobile in kind, whilst I am actually very still. I wonder, should I best be still in relation to the wheel of Saṃsāra or to the background of the stars?
    I notice interesting phasing effects of time when in sandhyā, shifting between the two.
    This happens when I am awake, in broad daylight with eyes open; correlation of events harmonious in time.

    I can't help but wonder, If not in the mundane world; will I still see this beautiful effect of mind?

  12. I would like to know who decided upon the name "Hellenistic" for the period around the start of Christianity; that baffles me ...
    Is this reference to a Hell or to Helen, or both? A curious etymology.

    Or simply ancient Greece?

    Interesting conflict going on in the adjoining area between Mesopotamia and Egypt at that time; which seem to be in rinse and repeat mode at the moment.

  13. If you look beyond the notion of marble palaces in the clouds and pits of fire which were layered on later, you'll find the biblical "heaven" and "hell" to be entering the Light of God and being completely outside that Light, respectively -- and that it is a choice.


    I heard an interesting explanation of how Dante's "vision" of hell was adopted by the mass consensuses as being Hell; of course embellished by the imaginations of stone masons and wood carvers over the years; So I do hear what you are saying Brian. I tend to be rather flippant about the belief systems of my home country though, due to a natural disdain for both the way I have been treated there, and for the apparent state of the "community" and its position in world affairs; which is arguably proof of the failure of the belief systems of dharma. Please forgive me, I mean no offence.

    The belief and educational systems are in a serious need of a clean out; Including the current educational structure which is an even worse indoctrination than that of a sleepy country village Sunday school. To my mind belief, study's and science are quite inseparable; always have been always will be. It has become ridiculous from every angle and I have personally suffered rather the brunt of that.


    Not to mention the worlds ecology; the hedgerows would bustles if there were any left, for a spring clean for the may queen ...


    Bhakti is a fantastic path most admirable indeed; to truly know and understand ones place before God; I respect that fully.

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  14. Not sure how I missed that! I am a member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences but I (obviously) don't follow everything they sponsor.


    I found this one, though, to be particularly intriquing: http://www.noetic.org/blog/double-slit-in-physics-essays/

    Fascinating paper Brian; thanks, duly placed in in my research folder.


    Its a curios situation; these things are obvious to those who are not self obsessed, yet those scientists who are aggressive enough to be heard; are quite self obsessed: catch 22.

    Thankfully there are some who listen to wisdom before blind economic/political proof.

  15. That is superb, iain.


    As an aside, can you point me towards the RNG experiment you mention?


    Thank you Brian; glad that you are interested in such wonderful science as this. The experiment is part of "Global Consciousness Project" run by Roger D. Nelson of Princeton University.


    Only just found out about it myself; exciting as it correlates beautifully with some areas of study that I'm currently investigating.

  16. ^^^^ Yep but I know how to control it now, how to fire it up and shut it down.

    I wonder Mike: would you be so kind as to share your relativistic details with me (birth date, time & place); that I might seek a probable cause for your majestic nature?


    Space time and Geography do play an important part in this dynamic; as do the relativistic details of the place in which we live and those with whom we live.