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Posts posted by iain

  1. I have seen a few times where Chi was translated as "breath".


    (I don't personally hold to that but some do.)

    That is interesting, I wouldn't hold to prāį¹‡a as breath either as I mentioned albeit indirectly above.

    I do tend to equate prāį¹‡a to chi, rightly or wrongly, but avoiding the English which is a tricky language for these subjects due to its inherent linearity and lack of equivalent term.

    Probably "anxiety" seen only as a negative and most often hidden by alcohol; The English way, talk around the subject and all that ...

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  2. Hello IntuitiveWanderer,

    prāį¹‡a, would perhaps translate as Chi, although when we consider prāį¹‡Äyāma we are also considering perhaps the vibration of chi, an integral part of prāį¹‡Äyāma is control of apāna as well as that of prāį¹‡a, thus the reference to breath.

    One way of doing this is through physical breathing; prāį¹‡Äyāma is stilling or slowing the breath, to still the mind and slow the heart rate, or vis versa, which its self effects the prāį¹‡a.

    There are, if I remember correctly 5 types of prāį¹‡a.
    So perhaps chi is not the best translation; I don't know.

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  3. That would be my pleasure manitou,

    AUM is the primordial vibration as you have mentioned which passes though every thing, explained in some Tantra (doctrine) such as sarada tilika tantrum; it is stated that all manifests by way of śabda tanmātrā (sound), as the the first of the paƱca mahābhÅ«ta to emerge from the the vibration of this tanmātrā; tanmātrā is essentially the same thing as a sub atomic particle.

    The effect of this vibration passes through every thing, as a wave of energy.

    A = Brahma the creator.
    U = Viį¹£į¹‡u the sustainer.
    M = Rudra/śiva the destroyer.

    This can be shown also as Goddesses for wealth and knowledge still as AUM; just another manifestation of the same. This tradition is highly non-linear in, its construction which can be a little difficult to understand when we are from occidental decent in which every thing has to have a linear truth.

    A = Bramha = Self = Rajas = ka
    U = Viį¹£į¹‡u = Father = Sattva = ā
    M = Rudra = Child = Tamas = la

    Kāla = time

    The Trines in the chart can be seen in this light the ascendant as being Rudra, the 5th house knowledge and children, the 9th house showing the father or dharma. The 7th house shows us śiva and is really a reflection of the ascendant, in ways our idolisation of spouse or partner that we often seek the image of our self.

    As an indication of generations in the chart, we consider as such: the Ascendant is the present or now, the 5th house the future and child generations, the 9th house past and our parents generations. Consequent generations are reflected in further application of specific techniques; So on and so forth.

    At any moment this is all infinitely interconnected but is held back for our own limited minds to comprehend.
    Time emerges for us at a much later stage than AUM.

    We are all fully accountable for what we do, how that manifests is infinitely complicated, but we can gimps it through reflection. Many of those families descendant from the slaves in America are now in very different places from those of their families in Africa perhaps some much better relativly; humans have been enslaving each in recent history as common practise The brits have enslaved by the romans etc etc. Money to my mind gives the more dominant amongst us today, the power to do the same now indirectly; this is linked to the 2nd house and the 6th house of enmity servitude and wealth (consequently also the 10th of work) which all represent the earth trine. Very much the domain of Kubera, who's chariot is pulled by men.

    But the same link to vibration.

    I hope that this gives you some idea of the depth of the concept. Please forgive me my brief, rather limited explanation.

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  4. Glad that you find some resonance in my words manitou, they are founded in the knowledge of my guru to whom I bow in gratitude for the little so far that I have learnt. But also steeped in some very heavy experiences.


    The three generation are important when reading charts, patriarchal and matriarchal lineages both have their own strong characteristics and wisdom as we know from yin and yang; there are also mind born children to consider as reference to those who teach us rather than our blood relations; it is quickly a very complicated tapestry one that I am not yet fully qualified as a Jyotisha to comprehend, but avidly learning.

    Mirrored today, as the only the Universe can, by modern epigenetic analysis. When we think of past lives we always tend think of some famous figure or the distant past; but it is best that we start out by looking very much closer to home, for the truth of the matter.

    This is why I based upon the figure of three generations, it is also a Hindu custom to pay homage to the past generations as such, not materially by way of a tomb, but mentally; spiritually.

    If we don't we end up with crazy short destructive patterns as modern psychiatry is now discovering.


    The future and the past are AUM; but that is a whole other chapter.

  5. DreamBliss,


    Ahh, there it is; had to be something behind all that.

    You may have me on the whole my parents and I VS I and my parents thing. Never really thought about it. I guess an outside observer would have to watch me, see what the truth is. I always thought I did right by my parents, took good care of everyone. But I have felt the need to put myself first more than I used to.

    I can assure you Dreambliss that I don't have you; there is no competition here. Though I expect you are quite familiar with a competitive environment.


    You are at a stage in your path and you are making self inquiry; which is good.

    It sounds as though you are attempting to create a spiritual distance between your own self and your family, who are perhaps them selves a little domineering?

    I think you are on the right path; keep up the self enquiry.

    I cant help but wonder: are the desires for the manifestation of objects that you have, for you or perhaps some other reason?

  6. Hello Dwag,

    If you do Sandhya at dawn and dusk, it puts your mind in a good spiritual place for the day, and a good spiritual place for evening and nightā€¦ it will help you to make good karma most of the timeā€¦ the feeling it gives you is like a tiny taste of the heavenly realmsā€¦


    When you die you will go to a heavenly realm, but still have samsaraā€¦

    Thank you for your honest reflections; they are warmly apreciated. I love the these sandhys as they reveal our closest neighbours who are so often cloaked in the light of day, a time for reflection but also to make song; if you can find a group of companions who are not incline towards alcohol and debauchery.

    I am the first to admit that like to keep a foot in samsara; that I might continue to observe such wonders; after all of this, we need only sleep for a while.


    Light upon on your path :)

  7. DreamBliss,


    I am only bring this up as you have requested help in you OP, my intention is your awareness, nothing more or less; My aim is not to cause your offence.


    ... I have done something like this. I call it going with the flow. I was practicing this as well when I was trying so hard to manifest the absolute best Christmas for myself and my family, as detailed in my example. It is easy, very easy, to forget sometimes. To ask or claim then let it go. Let it flow. I need to figure out where this aspect of the process comes in.

    Just an observation; I notice that you have put your self before your family, purely grammatically speaking; this is considered bad form by some. Perhaps this form is not rooted in a rule, but something a little deeper?

    I have done something like this. I call it going with the flow. I was practicing this as well when I was trying so hard to manifest the absolute best Christmas for myself and my family, as detailed in my example. It is easy, very easy, to forget sometimes. To ask or claim then let it go. Let it flow. I need to figure out where this aspect of the process comes in.


    Pain is born in expectation and it's underlying desire, it really is as simple as that.

    Control is an illusion, why wast time even considering it, more often than not the desire for control is a subconscious manifestation of fear. How so?

    I like to use the analogy of a sailing ship here, some prefer that of a chariot and horses; You are navigating in a ship but are not controlling it, the environment is doing more than you to effect your direction if you don't learn that the environment will beat you. So how to get where you want to be? You must first relax and learn to navigate, know the tidal currents, then to predict the weather and then finally the stars.


    If you do head straight for a great Christmas; but that Christmas happens to be up wind, well you will never get their by pointing straight at it.


    The Occidental spiritual message is very confused to date, a lot of crap, vibrational wishing or preying will work for some people but will not work for all; that depends upon where you are sailing from.



  8. Imagine the undercurrents in the UK, there are entire city's built with the money from the slave trade; it was not so long ago either; We have gone from being led by Aristocratic Monsters to Industrial monsters by way of a Human meet market, and if you attend a history lesson in any "civilised" school you will hear nothing of it, as such it surprises us that those at the top, in the industrial world are high risk takers, with a very low capacity for empathy ... (in the Occident, perhaps not else where).

    There is a real need to remember, at the very least, three generations behind us; to plan for the next three who follow, if we are to get a handle upon this dynamic. Most people are so self obsessed that they don't realise that the immediate "Self" spans several generations; so great is the degradation of family "the pack" perhaps better put the village. This social entropy will I think reveal our true nature; if we all keep working on it we can only go collectively in a better direction ...

    I sinseerly hope that you find the peace that you seek manitou; sounds to me that you are going about it in a very good way that energy in the gut is only static, you can channel it I am sure, well you are doing so here.

  9. Hello DreamBliss,

    It appears to me that you are very agitated about something; though I can not quite place my finger upon what that might be, It appears to me that there is another underlying current under this post, as if you are justifying something a deed perhaps. Just a feeling, no malice intended.

    ... I think, that if who we truly are, beyond our egos, our "I's", is the same energy or force in everything and everyone else, we have a right to claim whatever it is we need or want, because we already are that! We have a right to live prosperously as well as spiritually. We should not be cut off from any good thing. Tree does not ask for sunlight, or water. But tree's requests are simpler than man's.

    The energy or force beneath ego has shape which is more often than not tied up in knots (gandanta) I'ness has many facets, it is this which hides the knots and consequently our true selves from our selves; it is only when the ego is subdued that the real work begins, thus it is not the goal but the path. Diminishing attachment to objects might help as a vehicle, but is not obligatory.

    If you love a sport fine, but don't let it ruin your life, or worse, the life of those aground you; because your favourite team lost, don't be so attached. That does not mean don't follow the sport.

    I hope this helps in some way.

  10. The world progresses by the vision and work of genius ... not by the decision and delusion of the masses or those that want to profit from them.

    Most of them so far advanced that they go entirely unnoticed; The inability of human nature to recognise its own nature is paramount to its facility for following ridiculous subconscious directives.


    It is time that reveals a few of these masters, and not by their doing.

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  11. A Jyotisa or relativistic temporal study of the event can greatly help; when it becomes apparent that the timing of the event is intricately related to our moment of birth and our consequent flow of time; it then becomes apparent to us that that there are other forces at work, other than those of the moment its self; if we understand the implication of this, we then automatically detach from the event its self, or, we are better able to understand its cause and thus find peace.

  12. Hello Manitou,

    Congratulations on your commendable efforts and honesty with both your self and with us here. I think what you are doing is a very good start, but also that this thought is manifesting due to a very real femanin instinct; that of protection.
    Your cultural background will be also responsible for this knee jerk, three generations prior to your own self are to be considered when contemplating such things as experiances, it is inherent.
    That which you are doing is conducive to ironing out this wrinkle for future generations; so just don't perhaps ask for the reasons whys, they may have been in the lives of your ancestors, simply keep with it and know that what you are doing is good.

    We are born with these inherent memory's, they are not our fault; we should neither act upon them nor hide from them, especially when they are of this kind, if they are not of any use in our current existence for well being then they may well be detrimental instead.

    Phobias of many things install them selves in this way over generations it is part of our defence mechanism of inherent memory; those are my thoughts upon your situation.

    Kind regards.

  13. Seers; one very distinguishing characteristic by which they are known other than their vision, is their kindness and their humility. As such they are always walked upon in the West; by blind contriving idiots. Who are arguably the very cause of today's environmental catastrophe.

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  14. Naah, just trivia... Mostly...


    I'm not saying the planets have no influence over individuals on Earth or that gravitation is the only significant mechanism in play but inverse-square relationships tend to wreak havoc on such ideas.


    EDIT: Outside of the Sun's electromagnetic output, the Earth itself is the dominant player on Earth. The Moon's gravitational influence is 0.0003% of the Earth's and Jupiter's is only about 1% as strong as the Moon. No other body really comes into play at all, from a gravitational perspective.

    Ah yes here, nope nothing to do with Gravity; it is about time and its construct or rather its emergence. And the way the Guna interact with the 25 (some say 36) tattva.


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  15. well, yeah, Mars is dinky. Not sure what to make of the stat ... ? Just interesting trivia or something more meaty?


    Mangala is beautiful, such a lovely colour red, well worth a regular viewing.

    Always invoked when starting an auspicious work in my tradition; he has a very deep significance to a yogi.

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  16. In the "for what it's worth" category, the average gravitational pull of Jupiter on a person on Earth is roughly the same as that of a fully loaded tractor-trailer (semi, transfer truck, whatever you call it in your locale) at a distance of about 10 feet.


    Who said anything about Gravity?

    Gravity is not used when constructing a rasi chart, time is.

  17. Many were influenced by Swami vivikinanda, he spoke of the manifold nature of space and time in one of his talks in either America or Europe, before Einstein wrote his paper on relativity ... No proof that Einstein read it, but then that is not how the mind and knowledge work.

    Tesla was pure genius, it is unfortunate that thinkers such as he are so very often misunderstood by the more dominant yet less intuitive economical minded folk. I am amazed still by the clarity and precision of the mans vision; He has truly shaped the 20th century and is still shaping the 21st.

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