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Everything posted by beingnature

  1. Accidental Bigu/Inedia/Breatharian

    Yes i experienced it.Practice "forced" me to go vegan, then grain free , then raw vegan (without salt but with lots of wild herbs) then i experienced short periods where i just couldnt eat, i was just full, had lots of energie and eating felt grotesque.But i somehow got frightened and forced my self to eat again.Always on the fourth day.It was really interesting the fasting periods came always 3 days before the full moon without me noticing it.
  2. Lower Dantian / Hara vs. Third Eye

    I kind of focus on not focusing.Its hard to describe.At first i focussed on the whole body ( doing zhang zhuang ) belly breathing appeared naturally. Now its more like i go into a state where i make no distinctions ( inside-outside , up-down, right-left... etc.) It kind of triggers a lot of spontaneous phenomena like movements , spontaneous hand seals... but at the end of my practice my hands always go to the major dantiens, ming men and crown to store energy there.It was all a process from just standing... to hearing get into a state of forgetting... and now its just this no distinctions state... i dont know if it makes sense to speak about but maybe someone will get something out of it.
  3. Daoist Winter practices

    Not a traditional advice, just an inspiration to go out in the snow.It was the first snow so i needed a little time to adjust...
  4. Spontaneous qigong
  5. practice videos

    Hello everyone! I thought it would be nice if we had a thread where everybody can share their practice videos. I start with a little clip of my "spontaneous" practice The movements come completely by themselves, it all started after some years of zuowang , zhang zhuang and some simple qigong exercises. Would be happy if some of you also share their stuff!
  6. Just a question... has this sweet tasting saliva anything to do with it?
  7. Grains

    That sounds like a really, really good diet to me! I am also a big fan of the instinct and methods to make it stronger then just diet advices!
  8. Grains

    That may be all true and after 10 years of being vegan , then one year on this bigu diet, meat didnt mess me up as much as grains or dairy did.But i could eat lots of nuts and felt great while doing so.I really dont know if we are supposed to eat so much meat, maybe we were different before that time... In dschuang dsi's book the true men of the old are depicted as eating only wild peaches here and there and some ginseng roots... also hermits live on pineseeds that should also contain antinutrients... For me everything was exatly like in the text: a treatise on corpse demons...
  9. Grains

    I read somewhere that before the deforestation and agriculture there where so many hazelnut trees here in germany that people could eat them the whole year(lots of calories, healthy and saturated fats).Also its said that the germanic people ate like 80 to 90 percents foods that where gathered so the correct term should be gatherer-hunters i think.
  10. Grains

    Hmm you are mostly speaking of meat eating animals and it doesnt explain why i gained weight , health and was never sick while being on rawfood... but maybe lots of qigong got me wild again
  11. Grains

    What i dont understand... all animals eat raw so they should be sick and shivering all the time... just food for thought... i also want to say that i am not promoting raw food for everyone! Whats funny is that rawfoodist say the cold symptoms are actually detoxification and it can last for up to one year for every decade you are living on this planet... so it can be really hard.i can defonetly say that my skin never looked better since then and i also never got sick, but it also had some difficult effects like being oversensitve to smells.going into citys was nearly impossible.i also think fasting is even superior to that.when i was on raw food for maybe one year with lots of meditation and qigong i had to fast once a month and it felt so great i literally couldnt eat anymore because i was so full.i wouldnt advice anyone to do it like that, i am just sharing experiences so that maybe one who gets into the same situation can benefit from it.
  12. Grains

    Ah i think its a common misconception because lots of raw foods are neutral or even warming in nature ( nuts, seeds even apples) while cooked foods eaten warm can have a cooling effect.while on raw food i didnt feel cold in the winter or under cold showers... after reintroducing potatoes (cookes or baked ) i felt the cold again.i am not saying that raw food is optimal for everybody i think if intuition gets you to it then its just right.
  13. Grains

    Very interesting topic! Somehow my practices forced me to go on grainfree diet.I was happy with grains and legumes for years then suddenly i noticed a bad smell when cooking them and when eaten i got a really strange feeling in my stomach so at first i changed to buckwheat and potatoes with salads and wildherbs and after maybe 3 months on this diet i felt like my body became very light (i didnt loose a pound ) then it went on and i was forced to rawfood its a longer story but it changed my practices so hard and everything got so intense that i now eat food again that grounds me... i am still a little confused about all of that...
  14. Best Jing restoring herbs ?

    I talked about the dried seeds! They dont contain any toxin.
  15. Best Jing restoring herbs ?

    No, you can just eat them as they are. Mix them with your food.they even taste good!
  16. Best Jing restoring herbs ?

    From what i know stinging nettle little spoon a day for a half year made the hair of a girl i know grow strong. Its said said farmers in old times gave them to their cows to make the the fur look nice to sell them at a good price. Its also said they where forbidden for christian monks because they heightened the drive for sex.
  18. One time i thought about this and my thought was like every animal and humans have a different would it be if one would put everything together back then i was into smoking lots of weed that explains this nonsense... haha nonsense is an interesting word but maybe because i had one glass to much honeywine
  19. Some mental problems are Hardware, not Software

    In my experience food can have a huge impact on how you feel... to make it it simple fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, give you more serotonin while , white sugur, meat, dairy products, and grains give you that dopamin buzz try out mono meals and look how you feel after it... A german scientist mentioned it on a tv show but i dont know anything about studies etc. I also read somewhere that cultures who dont eat wheat dont know schizophrenia. Also maybe look into ketosis and how it repairs the brain.Good fat and protein are needed. Once i did see a docu about an american school with disordered kids , after they changed diet, the kids changed behavior, more calm, less aggressive and one teacher said even more kind
  20. bigu or Daoist low carb

    After some years my practices forced me to go on this no grain/raw food diet.I did it only for nearly a year because it became so intense.The first little bit of bread was like a drug and changed perception of reality immediately.In my experiences this text on the 3 worms is absolutely right , even eating garlic or onions feels spooky to me .But i think its nothing you can do in society its more a retreat thing.
  21. Zhan Zhuang Healing

    I think what is often not talked about is how you meditate while doing zhang zhuang.It xan be done in so many different ways and so the outcomes will also differ a lot.
  22. Zhan Zhuang Healing

    I have a personal healing story... I started zhang zhuang because i had a really big depression and social anxiety and a drug addiction ( cannabis ), it took some years do really get rid of it but i remember how a blockage in my throat was healed while doing zhang zhuang, suddenly i felt big pressure there and just tried to feel it and let go , after 3 days it became really hard and a bit painful but i kept on and ot just dissolved, and i immediately felt a big emotional change and my voice became clearer(confirmed by others). I also lost my anxiety and also a few others went also away like anxiety of water and height . What i also remember from the beginning is how after 7 or 8 weeks of daily zhang zhuang (20 minutes on ball on chest level ) i suddenly felt i was needing only the half amount of force to walk, run etc. There was and is much more going on but i think enough is said for the beginning. have a nice journey while standing!
  23. Zhan Zhuang Healing

    Hello miffymog, in my experience the pelvic tilts alone when you relax your lower back, and have the feeling of "sitting in your knees" for the knees its also more like relaxing the back part of them.You can also see time and gravity as teachers.
  24. No i have a glass bottle, and the water situation here in germany is much better i think. Thank you for the informations!
  25. With all this science stuff i am out... but i somehow have the feeling voidisyinyang is really up to something! What i found out recently that when i normally drink water after practicing, it gives me a strange feeling in the stomach but when i energize it by holding my hands around the bottle and meditate on the water it becomes the finest drink i had in my life Maybe someone can also get a benefit from doing that.