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Everything posted by LAOLONG

  1. Urine as Fertiliser

    If you smock cigarette butt mixed with water make a good pesticide
  4. Green dragon order
  5. on the optimistic side birth rate is dropping all over the world. on the other side the economic system ENCOURAGE consumption. and when more then 2000,000,000 Chinese and indians are becoming middle class, the consumption rise.
  7. If napoleon was not defeated in Waterloo, maybe ww1 and ww2 wouldn't have happened.
  8. Napoleon was a genius that brought the wind of enlighten to Europe.
  9. Are we here for a purpose?

    If the question was a zen quan the answer would be wu in Chinese ( no, nothingness )
  10. I can add to the nonsense of Creation the Jewish mystic nonsense of Creation by a name of 42 letters 讘 讘专 讘专讗 讘专讗砖 讘专讗砖讬 讘专讗砖讬转 讘 讘专 讘专讗 讗 讗诇 讗诇讛 讗诇讛讬 讗诇讛讬诐
  11. Classification of foods into yin or yang

    As a taoist i don't confuse my mind with theory's,even with yin yang should be natural(organic),and from my experience, the more food is cooked, the more sleepy you get
  12. it has nothing to do with qi or qigong. you can hypnotize animals, take a look at the hand movement. I had an old uncle how study it from a church priest , and put asleep a dove.
  13. The end of zen practice is empty mind.that is the base for neidan practice. Even in tai chi you should have an empty mind,if you want to master the art.
  15. Is joy (bliss) a marker on the way?

    bliss is bliss,no bliss is no bliss, that is enlightenment.
  17. In the uk there are 4144 taoist

    if worship of ancestors spirits is Taoism you are correct
  18. In the uk there are 4144 taoist chinese folk religion
  19. When one becomes arahat,he is free from Buddhist doctrine and monastic order
  20. differences Buddhism - Taoism

    Taoist fart in the open air,while Buddhist smell the farts of other Buddhists.
  21. Tai Chi time of day

    The best time for tai chi is after the sunset. It is a fact that people suffering from depression have a relief in symptoms after the sunset.the reason is unknown,i think it is an energetic change between day and is more energetic(qi, shen) when practicing tai chi after sunset.
  22. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    the nasdaq went down 1.11% yesterday.
  23. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    Black sabath reunion 11:11,11.11.2011
  24. sensory deprivation

    It reminds me the rock opera Tommy ,by the who.