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Posts posted by Sploosh

  1. Thanks Sifu Terry, that clears up a lot.


    One other question (posted above): the DVDS say to avoid practicing within half an hour of having eaten food. Is this just because digestion would interfere with the FPCK energies? If one were pressed for time and had just eaten would it be fine to do the practice anyway?


    I guess my question is: is practicing soon after having eaten detrimental, or just less-than-ideal?

  2. That did answer them, thanks!


    One other question: the DVDS say to avoid practicing within half an hour of having eaten food. Is this just because digestion would interfere with the FPCK energies? If one were pressed for time and had just eaten would it be fine to do the practice anyway?

  3. Sifu Terry,


    You're doing a great service by keeping this thread going.


    I've been doing FPCK for about a week and have been thoroughly impressed with the energy generated. One quick practice question: MUST all the seated meditations be done in half lotus? Is full lotus acceptable? For some reason I often find full lotus more comfortable than half lotus--perhaps it has something to do with stability.

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