Bearded Dragon

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Everything posted by Bearded Dragon

  1. The Moral Problem

    Yeah. Am I correct in presuming that the current situation defines one single inevitable outcome? This is the only conclusion I can come to at this point. Whether using the thinking process, or extremely refined intuition I feel like the situation must be just as inevitable. And then, is love and compassion not just the unconditional acceptance of every outcome, since nobody can react to a situation other than the way at which they are able to at this time? I feel like morality is part of the system that defines the inevitability. It is not clear to me how one could ever have choice. The progression seems like an interaction between your original nature and external conditions.
  2. The Moral Problem

    The idea of thinking about which decision to make is the number crunching of an inevitable outcome based on current internal and external conditions, congruent with a mathematical formula. Is awakening, in part, not just the embodiment of this?
  3. Looking for a teacher

  4. About strength training in Traditional Wushu

    I think it's certainly valid if you have a good basic body structure first. Otherwise I presume you'd either work the wrong parts or in the case of the first 2 in that video perhaps put your back out.
  5. Please help me understand this!

    I like my own company, so I don't have any problems. The core issue is the extremely common human trait of wanting more, and when we have more we still want more. It's perfectly natural and also valid, however the problem is that you CREATE your issues by fixing your wants and needs to a reference point in the future that doesn't and will never exist. It's not an easy thing to deal with. Just know that everything is fine as it is. Then perhaps you can settle into that idea over time.
  6. Your Opinions

    Everything has to do with chi and the tao. Nothing has to do with chi and the tao.
  7. Water

    Tank water was always good. Back on tap water which doesn't taste as good but aussie tap water is nothing to be picky about when you consider that you never have to boil it.
  8. Extent of possibilities

    Yeah I 2nd that. Don't mess with the brain. You really would want someone qualified to help with that. To answer the question, yes you can do all sorts of things with the brain. The prerequisite is having the precision on such a fine scale that you alter a part of the brain without messing up others. How many people do you think could do that? On a basic level if you just work on relaxation and boosting your chi flow then you can let energy work naturally in the brain which will have perhaps a more generalised effect. Sending chi to the fist is not advanced. You just have to relax sufficiently and then put your intent in your fist or beyond. Ideally inside your opponent. If your intent is inside the opponent they won't go flying away but rather drop to the ground in a fit of pain. There are more advanced techniques to supercharge this basic feat though. If I have to mention them then you won't be able to do it.
  9. Has anyone experienced this change in energy?

    I've only felt the jelly type feeling in my own body, and only when certain parts are perfectly aligned I think. It's like a continuous melting. Probably more like melting rubber or something like that. Can you explain your techniques? Perhaps I'll play around with it.
  10. Gods created out of Fear

    I think that those who REALLY surrender to their god make some decent progress. I don't see that it could get you all the way, but nevertheless further than I used to suspect. Long-term within one life it seems to be a trap due to diminishing returns. Long-term over many incarnations I can't reasonably say.
  11. Feeling powerless and low

    It's not you who feels powerless and low. It's the perceived you. This junction is basically the red and blue pill event from The Matrix. Either you live in the dream world or put in the effort to wake up. It's up to you.
  12. easiest/ hardest thing to do...relax

    Most people have no idea what real relaxation is. I was fortunate enough to get a glimpse of a deeper layer of the relaxation onion and it feels fundamentally different to how one would normally feel. When everything lines up and connects the right way it allows your body to let go and you feel extremely heavy but very light to move, plus there is a feeling of continuous expansion or a melting/elongation. I think this is just scratching the surface though.
  13. Liuhebafa looks interesting. I saw some people practicing it when I was in Foshan. In terms of the movements it kind of looked like a mix of taiji and bagua. Keep us updated .
  14. how to gain weiight ?

    The problem is that you think it's an issue. I'm technically underweight as well and can eat whatever I want when I want and my metabolism takes care of it. It's great. One less problem to worry about. If you're healthy then then the problem is more to do with self confidence. Or maybe you're aiming to impress the wrong kind of women. Whatever it is just forget about it. You don't have to conform to any kind of social ideal.
  15. Sun Ra

    Would be his 100th earth day. The original black taoist.... maybe.
  16. Eeman Circuits - Are you experienced?

    Aluminium has maybe half as much electrical conductivity as copper. This would probably effect the results.
  17. Master Ken is awesome.

    I like Master Wong. He's hilarious.
  18. When there is nothing more to learn then you know everything. Right now there is nothing more to learn, therefore you know everything right now. I say that YOU know everything. This brings the issue of self, and the refinement of self results in less of a need to know anything. When you do learn something intellectually it's got nothing to do with your real self. It's important with respect to creation but not important spiritually. It's almost pointless to talk about. The whole point is to reside in the process of letting go. Who needs a teacher to let go? Everyone can do it. They just think they can't since it usually takes a long time to get anywhere. If you think there is anything to gain from Taoism you're sadly mistaken. You only learn how to lose.
  19. Spinning back kick of DOOM!

    It was kind of obvious that he was going to do the first kick from his weight distribution. The other guy was too much of a boxer and wasn't paying attention to the possibility of kicks. I think it's that simple. If you don't train natural reaction then you'll never be able to deal with something so fast and precise. I would intend on kicking the first kick and taking his balance. This would have rendered the 2nd impossible and anything else for that matter. In reality I would have got my ass handed to me as I'm not that good. A professional fighter on the other hand should know such basic things.
  20. Five Serviettes

    I think the original post worked really well. The words of the 4 set up the potential for a large flip to the emptiness of the remaining one. I didn't finish my sentence because I felt like there was nothing to say about the remaining serviette.
  21. Five Serviettes

    I like that remaining one. It's like an old friend sitting in the corner, dwarfed by the potential of his 4 friends, yet......
  22. Mixed internal arts - MIA

    You could evolve hurdles by taking away the hurdles, then you have sprinting. They don't do it though. The fact of the matter is that our bodies work the same. Fighting is just the interaction of moving bodies. There is no evolving and there is no mixing. There is only discovery. Discovery can be used to fill the container that is "the art".
  23. Does Dan Tien translate as 'belly'?

    Try putting dantien (丹田) into google translate and see what you get .
  24. new to tao bums

    Jeez, you could have at least given a link ... /sarcasm. The only serious advice I have is to go as slow as possible in every aspect. Then of course you can add whatever qigong stuff in as well.
  25. In my case there was enough out of place to presume that it was all a mental construction. That's still quite amazing when you think about it.