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Posts posted by Uroboros


    I was asked to share this technique.


    I can share the two steps which I liked and continued to practice for some time. As a caveat, it is intended to start with someone who knows how to see and feel your energy flowing during the technique so you have a baseline of knowing if your sensing and feeling are correct too. Also, the key is to focus the energy to the center you are working with and at first it may be hard to know if your breath is scattering to the other centers or not.


    1. Connecting to each Center: Focus on each center

    Goal: Bring focus, energy and movement to the center in question


    a. Lay down and clear and calm yourself however you wish.

    b. Cross your hands over your chest. (I use left hand closest to the chest). Relax your arms as completely as possible.

    c. Bring your breath and focus to the chest; Let your palms connect downward to the same place. Breath several times.

    d. As you slowly breath, let your chest raise and fall. There should not be any breath going to the solar plexus nor LDT.

    e. Do about 10 times once you recognize the chest rise and fall.


    f. Repeat at LDT. Keep breath and focus to the LDT. Do not let any breath stay in the chest nor solar plexus.


    g. Repeat for the solar plexus. Employ same focus and concentration of mind, breath, and energy.


    Note: The Solar Plexus is usually the most challenging to see (or feel) if any movement is actually occurring. If you do this with another person, then the other person can at least comment on whether there is movement in that center, and also, if two centers (or three) are moving. They key is to only focus on one center and movement occurs only in that center.



    2. Connecting the Centers: Flow between each center

    Goal: Bring focus, energy and movement continuous from one center to another


    a. After step #1 above, relax with hands at your side and breath through the LDT for 30-60 seconds.

    b. Place one palm over the center of the chest and another over the center of the LDT.

    c. Focus and breath a few times in ONLY the chest as outlined in #1.

    d. When ready to connect, on the next exhale pass the energy to the LDT.
    e. Do one focused breath on the LDT as outlined in #1.
    f. On the exhale, pass the energy to the chest.
    g. Do one focused breath on the chest.
    h. On each exhale, keep passing the energy to the other center. Do for a few minutes.
    i. Change to doing the Chest and Solar Plexus. Do same as above.
    j. Change to doing the Solar Plexus and LDT. Do same as above.
    k. After step #2 above, relax with hands at your side and breath through all the LDT for 30-60 seconds.
    Notes: The order that you do which pair does not matter. Starting with the Chest and LDT is only because these two are easier for most to pass/connect at first.
    The challenge is getting the breath to completely focus to only one center at a time and not let it scatter to other centers. Also, to be able to smoothly pass the energy and keep to the tempo of a 'single breath and pass' in a slow calm manner.


    Thank you for sharing this method, Dawei!


    Working with the breath is definitely a beneficial thing to practice.

  2. Gold will work better in higher vibrations than most whites.

    Pearl essent white is ok.

    Many whites are fairly solid and do not flow well.

    Many whites are used to stop things temporarily - much of the use of whites is based on tradition or assumption.


    Most speaking of whites have little actual sight.


    For the lower centers, such as LTT, which color do you consider to be the best at transforming/ cultivating that center?


    In the tantric texts I have read, they utilize red for the navel center AND the throat. Any ideas as to why?



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  3. You aren't made of just one center.

    It's like saying that of all the organs, all you need is the lungs. Would you do away with your other organs? Or if somehow you could cultivate the lungs, make them huge and neglect all the other organs, leave them regular sized or some injured/undeveloped, that everything would solve. It doesn't work that way. Balance. Different traditions, different schools, sometimes emphasize a certain center ... but we are integral. Create imbalance and you'll ... well, you'll be imbalanced.


    Heaven ~ earth energies flow through *all* of the centers. *Each* center connects through the deep-center to the universal. The alchemy of *each* center must be accomplished, gradually deeper and deeper.


    Some traditions say that you get to the universal only through the crown. It's just not true; it's just easiest to do it in the higher centers and it often happens there first. ... but it often leads to a disorder in that the universal energies are integrated through an upper center only and the lower center/s are undeveloped and you end up with an unbalanced physical wreck in the long term, a kind of spiritual paraplegic. Especially since the lower centers are typically more difficult to open (though it varies per individual). The Taoist path typically works on development of the lower centers first as a remedy to that situation ... then when the universal energies come through a person's health is not destroyed.


    excellent perspectives.


    Then, is it not that the heart is the place of focus, but that all the centers below and above must be cultivated to merge them in the heart properly?


    In the yogas of naropa and other tibetan texts they utilize specific colors of light for each center. The navel/ lower tantien is red.


    Why do you/ do not utilize these colors? (question for anybody)

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  4. To go along with what Dawei posted-


    The lotus that reaches the inner part of the heart
    Is the principal one, which has eight nerve-leaves.
    The nerve that reaches the inside of it is like a lamp.
    In shape, it resembles the plantain flower,
    Leaves opened and facing downward.
    The god who dwells within it
    Is as small as the mustard seed.
    The indestructible seed—the Hūṃ,
    Trembles like the snow about to melt…


    Liezi: Tr. Linnell
    凡 物 之 精 Always : the essence of creatures –
    此 則 為 生 This then makes them live.
    下 生 五 穀 Below, it gives birth to the five grains;
    上 為 列 星 Above, it acts to arrange the stars.
    流 於 天 地 之 間 When it flows in the space between heaven and earth
    謂 之 鬼 神 We call them ghosts and spirits.
    藏 於 胸 中 When it collects in the center of the breast of people,
    謂 之 聖 人 We call them sages.
    When the cord is cut, fire arises... water descends.


    Hey, Dawei!


    I thought you would enjoy this topic.


    Is that saying that the center in the heart is where you should focus?


    In between Heaven, UTT and Earth LTT, is the MTT / Heart. The place where the Earth and Heaven merge/ meet.

  6. This is a great topic to discuss!


    It seems to be foundational and vital to the transformational process.


    The people on this forum are capable of bringing their various systems/ methods together to gain a broader understanding of who/what we are.

  7. You could look at them as sequential steps, or as integral, both useful. I'd caution against separating them too far. Don't look to perfect one aspect before moving on to the other; it's impossible. Improve from different angles, over and over again, deeper, deeper ... the different aspects support each other. I didn't write them with a sequence in mind, but you might legitimately find sequence in your training.


    All your observations, good; we're all unpacking. :)


    I agree with your view there. Its not a stage of development, even though it may sometimes be. Separation is useful as far as delving into each aspect is concerned. After that, you play with it and you see how they blend and merge.


    Sometimes you need more channel/ tissue opening, then integration. You will still be integrating by doing channel opening, even if its not your main focus.


    Blending, merging, focusing, blending...

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  8. I agree with opening the channels and tissues as the first step. Healing the organ systems, releasing trauma, etc. All of that is like clearing the muddy water.


    The second part is where I am iffy as I have little experience there.


    The third I have more experience with. From my current understanding, the way I am trained is to go at it from the 1st and 3rd, utilizing them to enter the 2nd. Thereby ending in completion.


    Opening the channels is a big deal. Learning how to press the channels and cavities is vital to developing. Slowly working them out over time does allot.


    What else do you consider to be in the 1st category, Trunk?

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  9. To all who were kind enough to lend me your ears (eyes):

    THANK YOU. :wub: :wub: :wub:




    Hi MNN,


    I subscribe to the 40-40-20 taoist view of destiny:

    40% is written in the stars and can't be changed by an individual;

    40% is the field of application of free will of the individual;

    20% is left to chance, unpredictable, and can't be foretold or pre-planned even by gods.


    An example of the first 40%: you have/don't have an older brother.


    Of the second 40%: you marry Mary or Jane.


    Of the remaining 20%: the God of Longevity walks along the road carrying a peach tree branch with a few peaches from the tree of immortality which Xi Wangmu gave him after they had a nice chat at Jade Emperor's recent picnic. Two poor village boys walking in the opposite direction bow to him respectfully as they pass, and his heart warms up to them because of that and because he's in a good mood. "Wait," he calls after them. "Come here." The boys approach, he splits one of the peaches in two and gives each a half. "Here, a treat for you," he chuckles, and proceeds on his way.


    The boys eat the peach and immediately find themselves in the palace of the Jade Emperor among gods and immortals. "Who are these boys?" everybody wonders. "They look way too young and stupid to have cultivated to immortality. What are they doing here?" The Jade Emperor frowns and says, "Let's find out." He opens the great Book of Destiny and checks all the entries for this particular millennium, year, day, hour, minute. "Oh... oops... I see, that's how it happened... well... yeah, they're here by accident, they absolutely don't deserve to be here, but now that they're here I can't kick them out, this accidental encounter they had a minute ago is already in the book. We'll have to let them stay."


    So far in my own experience, I can see how this way would be accurate.


    The life situations I was born into play a certain hand. Then, what I do with those can drastically change the outcome.


    Then, there are more...random events. Such as befriending one person, who happens to know someone who knows someone who's teacher is your future cultivation teacher...

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  10. I recommend the work of this man. I have worked with him and he is the real deal. He doesn't speak much about "white tantra" in his videos but I can assure you that he is working within that framework.




    Ah, I like Igor. He seems to be a neat and aware guy. Quite a few times listening to his videos I have heard him say things that are not often talked about so clearly yet make other things work....


    Good stuff.

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  11. So you mean real tantra vs internet tantra? :D


    I thought real Tantra was about Desire in general. Utilizing what you are going through and making it a Path.


    Sure, deepening into the experience is one way I have heard of tapping the transcendent. Awakens presence, cultivates clarity and such.


    Other then that, I dont know much about authentic Tantra. Internet tantra is just....cum one, cum all!

  12. I found the hand pictures in the wikipedia article as a really helpful reference while becoming familiar with the hand positions. They were *so* foreign to me, so strange, that - at first - I would be somewhat confused getting my fingers woven correctly, then would forget how almost as quickly as I separated my hands, lol.


    Trunk, you brilliant Trunkanator!


    Those are fantastic mudras! I love how they feel..


    Thanks for sharing.

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  13. I think with experience you can tell. You start to know what to look for. When new though, not possible really imo.


    I think that along with this, if you experience real benefits that last, then there is something there.


    Does that mean it is real/ authentic and complete? No. Just that it has substance.


    Its tough to know how far your system goes....


    and if you were taught incorrectly so that later on, you have to start over.

  14. The physical location of the points, it's all about the physical. Beyond that I'm not so sure. They do talk about channels...


    They probably talk about it from the perspective of "fluids" in the body and the nervous system. Tied in with some muscular theory.


    That seems to be, from what little i have heard, the way they do it when they "west wash" it all.


    Take away the subtle, the sacred, the traditions.....You know, cus we know better now.


    Not like those Ancients of ours! Primitives.

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  15. Hello, All!


    I have been participating in SonOfTheGods NeiGong Forum/ PPF for a bit now and I have noticed an interesting pattern that I think may be worth sharing/ talking about.


    The pattern is that more people read then share.


    These are active, participatory, organic processes we are learning..so why not participate?


    Does it have to do with the method of teaching (internet/ forum)?


    How is that different, outside of the visual, from videos?


    It is often difficult for those interested in these methods to learn from a skilled teacher and so many turn to videos and books.


    Could a forum format such as this not be the next step up of that format?


    If it is not so much about the quality of the format, is it the quality of the teachings?


    I have enjoyed and experienced some good results from trying out what SOTG has shared with me. I also think that his theoretical knowledge is sufficiently deep.


    Do others have different opinions? Yes. Does that mean that one is wrong? Maybe, maybe not.


    That is the beauty of the forum format! All sides can share their objections, why they object and what they do differently!


    Of course, there are many things that are dangerous and should not be shared so freely.


    Does that mean we should share nothing at all?


    There is a break, a schism, a disconnect between many who follow these Paths....We are often most blind to our own ignorance and failings then those of another. We will judge and criticize another before we look at our selves. Responsibility can be a jagged pill when filled with Truth.


    To not just object, to clarify. This would be a far greater use of our time and the potential that is here.


    I hope we can Accept Truth and open up avenues for betterment and Cultivation.



  16. If the internal systems are healthy, strong and coordinated, the external will show signs. Same if there is disease.


    Does he look healthy? Not to me, no. Do I know enough to say, clinically, whether his body is showing signs of health or disease? No, I do not.


    Another thing to consider is that he may have the knowledge and not apply it. Also, the things he knows may not be enough to counter-balance the toxicity of our environment/ there are missing pieces to the puzzle of health that he does not know.



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  17. You are welcome!


    If you are going to go the path of celibacy, of constantly conserving and circulating your sexy qi, I would recommend that you have a cultivation practice of some sort already going. Otherwise, much frustration may occur.


    Another thing to keep in mind is this- these are lifetime practices. Not something you do and master in a month or even a year. Take your time. Focus on consistent progress. Allot of people mess themselves up by expecting it to go perfectly right away and when it does not, they feel so ashamed and afraid!! OHH, the jing I lost! Oh, the horror!! Yes, you will spend some energy. Yes, you will fail and succeed. Try to be as realistic with your expectations as you can.


    Good luck!

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