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Everything posted by Uroboros

  1. Yin/Yang Healing Sounds?

    The system does work, I agree. Is it complete, though? Does it follow the foundational theory of Yin/Yang? Is it working thru a One creates the Two method? The One sound creates the Two organs, in a way? If it is a Taoist method, it should adhere to the foundations of Taoism Cosmogenesis. If a framework is used, it can be incredibly helpful to compare everything to it. Does it fit? If not, where is the problem? That is what I am curious about. Peace.
  2. Yin? (yang?)

    From my limited experience in Muscle Tendon Bone Exchange, the marrow/ bones are affected. There are variations of the 12 movements/ positions, Yang Jwing- Ming's being one. They are often times very similar,though. The relaxation is as important as the tension. When I relax deeply, the "qi" moves and sometimes goes deeper. Its a great practice, if taught well and a persons constitution fits it. On the subject of Yin and sexual transference. I dunno. I have been experimenting allot with sexual energy, dual cultivation, semen retention, circulating energy, etc. I do feel much stronger, healthier and energized if my partner orgasms and I do not ejaculate. I feel a deep satisfaction, even if I dont ejaculate or even have a strong orgasm. Time does not seem to be a big factor, though. It seems to be, so far, a level of open-ness and how energized you are. We can have short sex sessions and feel amazing! Then have a long one and not feel as energized/ rejuvinated. Can also be the other way around. Possibly, the Yin is strongest when the "yin" partner is feeling most receptive. The Yang when the "yang" partner is feeling most active. Maybe part of the problem is that some people are talking about about Yin as the opposite to a Yang that is more absolute. Instead of just Yin Chi, which would be in relation to something, there is a Yin Chi that is Yin in relation to the whole of our existence/ reality. The other side of our active existence. If we were to work with such a thing....could we go about it with normal methods? Would we, as MPG said, have to go into a deep, deep trance, deeper then our Yang mind is normally able to go?' Another question. Is a womans sexual fluid and or energy Yin compared to a mans? Is it always that way? I dont know. Thats half the fun! Peace
  3. Yin/Yang Healing Sounds?

    How is it different, then? Most dont talk about there being a Yin/Yang pair. Yet, there is for the organs. The Gallbladder is not the same as the Liver, etc. If each organ is similar ( same system/ opposites pair), why are the sounds singular? It seems off to me. I am not saying the singular sounds do not affect both organs. I am saying I think there should be 2 per organ systems. A Yin and a Yang sound. Peace
  4. Muscle testing?

    It can be highly accurate. I have gone to a few healers who use it to diagnose and find the best course of action to heal. They used it extremely well. Found out things that nobody else had figured out. There does seem to be a difference between a practitioner and a amateur. For example, I get mixed results. Mostly when I ask questions. If I test a substance, the answer is more consistent. You can also test muscle groups, based on their connection to organ systems. That can show you if something is "off" and what substance turned it off and what can turn it on. Some say you need to learn how to calibrate your self and the other person to neutral to get a true, accurate answer. In my experience, people who did this are more accurate. At the same time, my teacher does this and he does not do what others did to calibrate and is just as, if not more, accurate and precise. Hope that helps! Peace
  5. It can be difficult to accept and say yes to this aspect of life. Death. We kill to live and others kill to live, in one big cycle. Veggie eating animals eat the plants, the Meat eating animals eat the veggie animals, Humans eat the Veggie animals and kill the Meat eating animals.... The plants eat all of the corpses. Big circle! hah. Its quite beautiful and intricate. If you can start to see how the "painful" creates life, you may change how you feel about it and all of life in general. Without the "pain", "pleasure" would not exist as we know it. Contrast, duality. Accept both sides of the coin. The richness of life is gigantic! Its so full of wonder and texture! Not so much if you deny half of it, though. Some thoughts. Peace
  6. Hahah, too late! Oh well. Congrats to whoever got it! Peace
  7. ...

    The important thing is whether you feel its a worthy goal. You are the one who is going to be doing the work. You must feel passion and drive for this path, otherwise you probably wont put in the enormous effort to change your self. Peace
  8. .....

    When I met my partner, I instantly knew I liked this person. We "got" each other. We "blend' well. Peace.
  9. ...

    hehe, neat! Interesting how you can stimulate that channel so easily. The sacrum is very interesting. Thanks!
  10. ...

    This is extremely helpful! I have been experimenting with the udiyanbandhi and crimping/ breathing into the sacrum. I notice that if I pull the muscles around my sacrum up, I feel tinglies shoot up my spine into my head. There is also a space between the end of the tailbone and the anus that sucks inward when I do this. I had not thought of connecting the heart with the sacrum breathing. The way you explained breathing into the sacrum/ coccyx gave me a different way of working with it. Thanks for sharing! Peace.
  11. Cobra Breath & Kundalini practices

    Hah! Took me awhile to figure out how to do the raspy breath. Answered my own question! Thru the mouth. haha. Thank you for sharing the practice! Peace
  12. 30 minute 30 day mentorships

    Thanks! I have Maoshing Ni's translation. It is very interesting and helpful. Im finding it hard to learn from, though. Turtle Shell has given me some fantastic information, helping me find some direction. Thank you, Turtle Shell!
  13. 30 minute 30 day mentorships

    I want to learn more about TCM Theory. How the acupuncture points connect/interact and the systems/organs/channels work together. I want to understand the system from a healer/ clinical viewpoint. The thing I am having difficulty is in understanding how to understand a persons unique pattern of imbalance and then how you would piece a healing plan together using the acupuncture points. Learning to penetrate the deeper knowledge of TCM Theory. I hope that makes sense. Thank you! Peace
  14. Help with stagnant qi liver / depression

    Anger is about protection and establishing boundaries. It is- Action Now. Very important emotion. Peace
  15. Help with stagnant qi liver / depression

    Marucs2013- In my experience, its not that your body can never handle some alcohol or sugar, its that your body is weak/ highly sensitive right now. So, if you eat it now, your body probably cant handle it, which means you get sicker. You have to reach a point of health where the body can handle it so the negative effects are minimal. Until you reach that threshold, I would stay away from sugar and alcohol. You might want to consider getting some probiotics and enzymes for your gut health. If your gut is not healthy and happy, nothing will be. Sugar, specifically sugar that is not in a fresh fruit, messes with your insulin which messes with your metabolism and can create some wild problems. Humans only ate about 22 tbsp's of sugar a year, couple hundred years ago. Now, we eat that in a week or a few days. Sometimes a single day! Imagine what that does to your body? Not good. Do you drink filtered water? Meaning, the water is filtered to remove sediment, heavy metals, pesticides and such? Reverse osmosis is good. You can get a good filter for about 200 dollars, replace the filters for 80 to 120 once a year. 10,000 gallons or so based on the filter I use. Do you drink enough water? Half your body weight in ounces? Do you feel thirsty often or rarely thirsty? How much vegetables do you eat? All things that greatly affect your overall health. Your liver included. If your liver is having problems, its probably not just the liver. We are a systematic system. One thing does not just "go bad" by itself. Hope this helps! Peace
  16. The MCO is Taoist fundamentalism

    It seems to be pretty common for people to say that this thought/ feeling/ desire is "bad" and this is "good". To me, it seems to create/ be created by a split in a person. They have "shadow" aspects and repressions that have not been dealt with so they make it "bad". Its really easy to say, I dont know how to deal with this so its bad. Is that the most holistic way? I dont think so. Do I know what the way is? Nope. I do not. We so often demonize and try to destroy our emotions and desires, without understanding them. Emotions have such....wisdom and power to them, if we could spend some time, we might experience that. I feel that there is a way to cultivate and have sex. Sex is a beautiful thing. Two people, merging together, explosions and joy abound! Lots of energy is created. Its hard to channel that energy in the middle of sex. Maybe that is why so many do not use it as part of their practice. How can you (still the heart) without ejaculating? Why do you "need" to abstain to (still the heart)? I feel like its important to really ponder our beliefs ,our ways of doing things, our self's. Otherwise, we may not see whats possible and what is.... Hmm.... Enough of my ramblings. Peace!
  17. Cobra Breath & Kundalini practices

    On the inhale and exhale of the Cobra Breath, do you use the mouth or nose? Peace
  18. Grain free diet suggestions?

    Do you happen to remember any of the other aspects to the old chinese immortality diet? Sounds pretty interesting! I understand your struggles. My body does not tolerate dairy, wheat/gluten or soy well. I can eat goat cheese and feel just fine. Coconut milk is my savior!! So delicious. The sprouted grains bread, Ezekial, I do use. I still feel a bit fuzzy with it, nowhere near as bad as regular bread. Im not a celiac, just sensitive with a damaged digestive system. What I do to get my nutrients in, is make smoothies. I put kale, celery, apples, blueberries, strawberries, avacado, beets in my blender and have at it! Awhile ago I got a Blendtec blender because my regular blenders kept breaking. I went thru 5 of them in 2 years. Blendtec is pricey, about 500 dollars. If you use it to make liquid meals as I do, its completely worth it. To get a nice, tasty energy boost, I use two tbsp's cacao powder, a bannana, tablespoon of peanut butter, add honey to individual taste, added to 2 and a half cups of coconut milk. Very tasty and gives a nice boost. Peace
  19. ...

    Who?! I dunno. The cosmic, wonderous, mysterious who, indeed! haha. Okie! I wanted you to know I was not jabbing at ya, just adding a point of view. Tongue tied?! ......make a scarf with your tied tongue!
  20. ...

    I was not criticizing you, Malikshreds! Just pointing towards how words and meanings combine to create "things" that may not be apparent. If you know what they mean to you, thats all that matters! Peace.
  21. ...

    Both involve a breaking down/ release. The attatched meaning is somewhat different, though. Destruction is a getting rid of, a battling. Completely breaking something down until it no longer exists. Relaxing is simply letting it go. Letting something be. An expanding. Fluidity. This may not be how everyone sees these words. My point is that words are given meaning and the words we use are important. Each time we say destruction, we conjur into our minds the other meanings. Its a somewhat subtle distinction that can be important. Peace
  22. Fear

    I forgot the guys name, he was a body worker, I think. He said that fear is excitement without the breath. By infusing fear with deep breathing, it becomes excitement. It does work, if you can breathe deeply. Peace
  23. More Pie Guy's Tips On Saving Money

    Congratulations! Glad you like the company you work for. Good luck with moving onto a different step ladder! It would be far harder if you did not like your job/ company. Peace
  24. Are you saying that Kairos is an aspect within Chronos? What is the monkey wrench? Individual consciousness? If the mind of god is all things, which it must be to be in and of all things, then how could it be a monkey wrench? OH, are we talking about different gods/ aspects of god?! So much to ponder here....Jeez, Taomeow. Just open that can of snake worms, why dontcha!?