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Posts posted by SlavaD

  1. Hi alleswasderfallist,


    (Getting flashbacks of Wittgenstein class from college, heh.)


    Thanks, I'll be happy to share my experience with 4&5 once I start practicing them. So far with vol.1-3, the energy sensations have been tangible throughout the body, similar to the way one can physically feel the static energy in dried laundry (though the quality of FP energy feels different, more "alive", vibrating and radiating). Consciousness is also expanding... hard to find the right words to describe the experience, but feels like I have a better insight into the "nature" of things. Not sure that this is one of the goals of FP, but it's a neat side effect.


    I look forward to reading about your experiences as well - especially about vol.7. I'm slowly getting through this thread... only on pg.20 so far, heh.


    Enjoy your weekend!




    Hey Slava D, I'm glad you just got volumes 4 and 5 and you're enjoying the practice. I don't have the background you do so I'm practicing 1 - 3 (and some of 7) for a few more months and then getting to 4 and 5. Looking forward to reading your experiences with the new volumes in the future.

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  2. Good morning, Sifu Terry,


    Thank you for this discussion on the nature of FP energy. It helps me better understand the method. Also, just to clarify, when I said that the FP energy feels personal, I did not mean to suggest that it felt inferior to other types of energy. (Given your responses, I fear my phrasing could have been interpreted that way?) On the contrary, FP energy right from the start felt much more potent than energy cultivation of my previous practices. The “personal” in this context referred to the sense of deep integration with my being on a tangible level, making me wonder if perhaps I was feeling a buildup and expansion of my human qi as opposed to an influx of heaven qi, earth qi, etc. Normally I can differentiate between these energies, but FP brought on a new sensation. If it WERE human energy, then the healing power that I felt would make me question the notion that one ought to connect with heaven energy or earth energy for healing purposes. (You asked what I meant by “Qi from Heaven and earth”... I was actually referring to two different types of energy – one from heaven, one from earth, not a single universal energy.) Anyways, you addressed this in your answer – thanks!


    Heh, you also anticipated what was going to be my next question - I was going to ask whether the FP healing works by displacement (qi from the practitioner displaces qi of the patient), or by entrainment (the patient’s energy assumes the “vibration” of the practitioner), or some other way. Your explanation of the advanced practices helped answer that. VERY fascinating stuff.


    You asked what I meant by “the purest forms of qi.” Hm, this was not the best wording on my part. I suppose I was referring to heaven energy and earth energy that is clear, balanced, abundant, and generated by Source. As opposed to energy that is produced by the body and is a.) unique to that particular person and b.) could potentially have qualities that don’t resonate with the patient’s energy. I like your point that “…the higher one's yogic cultivation becomes, the more "pure" one's personal healing chi becomes--regardless of from where one says he or she is "getting" the energy.” This makes sense.


    Anyways, yes - I am very interested in applying FP to my healing practice. Thanks again for entertaining my questions, despite them being similar to those others have already asked. I’m repositioning the questions from the perspective of energy healing just to do my due diligence, as it may affect others around me. Trying to be responsible ;)





    P.S. Guess what I got in the mail the other day? Volumes 4 & 5!! :D



    Hello Slava,

    Here is my completed answer to the questions in your post #2499 (recapitulating the responses I gave in my post #2506:


    I would like to ask, how will FP affect my energy healing practice (if at all)?

    • As I posted at the start of this thread and many times throughout it, Flying Phoenix Spiritual-Healing-Work--my latest English translation of "Fei Feng San Gung"--is a purely medical qigong system that will most definitely empower and even possibly supplant any energy healing method that you happen to practice.


    I'm glad to hear you're working on Volumes 1 through 3 and are about to start the Long Form Meditation in Volume 4 and the five short but powerful meditations in Volume 5. You are just beginning to feel and know tangibly what the Flying Phoenix healing energy is and how it works. And your questions about the function of the Flying Phoenix Healing Energy are understandable at this point in your training and due to the fact that you are interested in becoming proficient with energy-healing and have taken training towards that goal.


    Does FP have a specific medical qigong healing system or protocol?

    • Yes, there are specific healing procedures to employ the FP healing energy cultivated by this Qigong system but the overall method is quite simple once one is well-practiced in FP Qigong.

    In the first year of this thread, I gave an account of a conversation I had with Grandmaster Doo Wai in 1992 about how to heal with FP Qigong. I naturally spoke from a frame of reference based on my 8 years of training in Tao Tan Pai Neikung and Tui Na Acupressure and a total of 17 years in healing up to that time. GM Doo Wai made the following comment that clearly distinguished healing with FP Qigong from healing with Tao Tan Pai Neikung ("Taoist Elixir Method"), and equally powerful and profound system that dates back to the Tang Dynasty and is attributed to the Taoist Immortal Lu Tung Pin:


    "We don't manipulate energy; we just pass our hand over."


    •• I recommend to all FP practitioners who are interested in energy healing to write this quotation down as a FP watchphrase or by some means laminating it into your consciousness for it will guide you to first empty oneself of all pre-conceived or preconditioned theories and models of energy healing in order to fully experience the power of the FP healing energy cultivated by FP Qigong. The "specific medical qigong healing system" or "protocol" you're asking about is entirely dictated by the Flying Phoenix Healing Energy itself once it is cultivated to a superabundance. (Depending on the quality of one's meditations cultivating this healing capacity actually doesn't take that long at all compared to those very few other Qigong systems that have similar healing effects.) The basics of healing with FP Chi, as taught by GM Doo Wai, is to use massage as a delivery system in conjunction with a wide variety of herbal formulas and linaments (generally called dit da jiao). And I wouldn't even call it "acupressure" massage--but rather, just massage (Tui Na)-- because, as I've stated numerous times, FP Qigong practice and Flying Phoenix Qi healing are not based on meridian theory or acupuncture points to any degree.


    I will reveal this much about advanced FP Energy-Healing methods: they can involve taking the patient’s diseased energy into one’s own energy field (body)—depending on the seriousness of the condition-- and then either immediately or later discharging it safely. There are even specific advanced FP healing meditations and 10,000 Buddhas meditations that cultivate an oppositely charged or polarized form of FP Energy in the body. This polarized energy instrinsically and spontaneously draws out energies from human subjects (or any life form) without any conscious intent to 'draw out" as opposed to automatically infusing itself into them. When directed with the intent to draw energy out, the effect is five times as strong. This means that we don't do "wax on/was off" movements in order to move energy. We just pass our palm over. This “magnetic” or "drawing" energy cultivated by specific meditations is easily demonstrated immediately after several practitioners complete the same meditations.


    In the first 3-4 years of my training under GM Doo Wai, all the healing we did was to repair physical injuries in my fellow students created by kung-fu training or other athletic-type of accidents, and then in later years, GM Doo Wai taught specific energy and herbal treatments for specific diseases, such as diabetes.


    Would you happen to know whether it is compatible with healing as taught by J.A. Johnson (the system I was taught)?

    I am not familiar with the system taught by Mr. Johnson. But by the sounds of it--e.g., that you have been taught to use "the earth energy" for healing others rather than one's own personal energy, for fear of being drained--I would say that FP Qigong will quickly remove you from that narrow philosophy and abstract set theory the minute you feel the full effects of the Basic level of the FP Qigong training (taught in the first 4 volumes of the Chi Kung for Health DVD series). The FP Healing Energy cultivated through proper practice is compatible with virtually any Chinese "energy delivery system" or protocol, or any eastern approach to energetics.


    As I continue to practice FP, I am noticing a tangible build-up of a particular sort of qi. Not sure how to describe it - it just has a different "texture" than my prior experiences of qi. I am wondering whether this energy can be used in healing, and whether or not it's a good idea to use it that way.

    Of course the FP energy can be used in healing! That's what it was created for in the first place! That is what the Chinese name of the system connotes. Therefore, it is a very good idea to use the FP Healing Chi--the moment you have a tangible sense of it-- to heal others. For if you have the calling to be a healer, the FP energy will flow through you and heal others naturally and spontaneously.


    In my medical qigong training, I was taught that the practitioner channels qi from heaven and earth, so as not to deplete his or her personal qi. And to provide the patient with the purest sources of qi.

    Excuse my bluntness, but your medical qigong training sounds liked it is based on a fatuous and impractical theory as far as beginners and novices are concerned. I know high-level alchemists and shamans across many cultural traditions who can heal or hurt with macrocosmic energy flows such as heavenly and earth energies, but no one can discern Heavenly Qi and Earth Qi and have healing facility with those energies who is not a highly accomplished yogin. The fact that you are just beginning to feel the "texture" of the Flying Phoenix Energy from your few months of practicing Volumes 1 through 3 of the Chi Kung For Health DVD series tells me that you cannot possibly have facility with or control of "qi from heaven and earth", for if you did, you would instantly--and I mean instantly--be able to efficiently channel the transformative energy of FP Qigong through every cell of your body. You would be fully engulfed and inflamed with the Flying Phoenix Healing Energy and the healing power of the FP Qigong would be totally self-explanatory to you. For Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi is Heavenly Chi!! Is it not?? --and I want to open this question up to all FP practitioners to chime in on!


    **Again, please excuse my bluntness--and I hope you to read this as a constructive warning**: your theoretical foundation is impractical and potentially delusional at your level of yogic cultivation and understanding of Qi--in that the preference to heal with macrocosmic energy rather than personal energy refers to energy-healing skill at the highest level. Even then, there are very few healers--other than saints and bodhisattvas-- being so pure in consciousness that they can channel the "purest forms of Qi" outside of oneself to his/her patient without changing that energy and making it very "personal".


    The "Purest forms of Qi"--if there are such a things-- have no potential to heal without the compassionate consciousness of the healer, and hopefully, the healer's mind unified with the highest Consciousness, or Divinity.



    This "Qi from Heaven and earth" is also a confused term. Taoism sees the world structured with three types of energies: Heavenly Qi, Earth Qi, and human Qi. But you seem to be talking about one energy from heaven and earth--i.e., some form of Universal energy that pervades both. Unless it is a spiritual energy, I don't know how a "Qi from Heaven and earth" can effect any healing if the healer is not contributing to or positively "tainting" this macrocosmic energy in some way.


    Also, what exactly do you mean by “the purest forms of Qi”? Energies untouched by human consciousness? I'm most curious. "Purest forms of Qi" according to whom? Mr. Johnson?


    The purest forms of Qi that heal that I have direclty experienced--outside of yogically cultivated "personal" energy such as FP Healing Energy, and the energy cultivated by the Tao Tan Pai Neigung--have been consecrated by the sacrifice of living saints, bodhisattvas, and their disciples and devotees. One example of a “Pure Form of Qi” is the Oneness Meditation of Sri Bhagavan that I happened to spontaneously channel upon reading a posting on this thread from Tao Stillness (back in June) in which he described deeksha Eric Isen's remote reading of the future effects of on me certain advanced Flying Phoenix Meditations on me.

    At any rate, when one correctly completes just the basic level of the Flying Phoenix Qigong, one is channeling a purest form of healing Qi--one from a divine source.


    But qi from FP practice feels more "personal" - as opposed to energy drawn purely from heaven/earth.

    Yes, the Chi cultivated by FP Chi Kung feels totally personal in the beginning because it is healing and transformative of body and mind. Later, with mastery of just the Basic level of FP Chi Kung, the energy being conducted through one’s body will feel part of something much, much greater--the “trunk of FP energy” that I described earlier in this thread. Btw, I don’t know what “energy drawn purely from heaven/earth" means. I have experienced my own internal energy cultivated through Tao Tan Pai Neikung, Tai Chi Qigong, Eight Sections of Energy Combined (Bot Dim Gum), Flying Phoenix Chi Kung, Ten Thousand Buddhas’ Meditations (54 parts), energy drawn from Heaven, and I have also experienced energy drawn from earth and ”below earth.” But I have never experienced an “energy drawn purely from heaven/earth” that has any healing potency. Please explain what that is and how the medical qigong system that you are trained in channels that energy.


    The basic fact is: the higher one's yogic cultivation becomes, the more "pure" one's personal healing chi becomes--regardless of from where one says he or she is "getting" the energy.


    If one subscribes to the philosophy that one should heal only with the pure energy drawn from Heaven/earth, for fear of having one’s personal energy drained, I would say two things: (A) First, make sure that one has actual demonstrable command over such macrocosmics energy flows before one does any healing. ( B) Second, regarding holding fears of draining oneself of one's Chi or vital essences, I would say "man up" or "woman up" and take a little risk, make the absolute minimum personal sacrifice to heal your fellow person. And if one's intent and will to heal is weak and unfocussed such that one becomes drained of one’s personal energy, or else causes one to catch or take-on the patient’s symptoms, thus becoming a “sin-eater”, then one is ready to do healing work. Instead, one needs to practice a lot more Qigong and Kung-fu with superior instruction—to attain the “impeccability of the warrior” (per Castaneda)—before trying heal others. For by its definition, the “impeccability” of the warrior means that one has mastered the art of preserving one’s energy. If one is not whole and strong physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually to begin with, then one starts out as a wounded healer who will gradually and inevitably become drained, worn down broken. Castaneda put it quite simply.

    “A warrior who drains himself cannot live.”


    So, will using qi from FP practice deplete my energy in any way?

    NO. Unless you are mentally and/or emotionally unbalanced and unstable.


    And is it safe for my patents?

    Yes. Assuming, of course, that you are fully healed of any physical or mental afflictions.


    I suspect that with continued practice and cultivation, that energy will touch my patients anyways, whether I intend it or not.

    That is a very accurate speculation. As you continue to practice the FP Qigong through to Volume 5, please read my earlier postings about the spontaneous healing effects of FP Energy both upon the practitioner and those in his/her proximity. You will see that as the cumulative effects of FP Qigong training increases your “normal” energy level, and connects your nervous system more to the Universe, everyone around you—depending upon their natures--may be positively influenced.


    Thanks for your questions. Some were quite perplexing to me, and in trying to figure out what you were asking and what assumptions caused you to ask those questions, I was led to write this contrasting description of how FP Healing Chi generally works.



    Sifu Terry


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  3. Hi Sifu Terry,


    Thank you for your reply. I see a lot of references to FP as a personal healing practice, but not much about how the method can be applied to treating patients (or I just haven't gotten to those posts yet). I know there are many different medical qigong healing systems out there, all with different theories and approaches. Some of them seem to be compatible with each other, but figured I should ask about FP, just to be on the safe side. If at any point my interest in energy healing becomes too much of a tangent, please let me know, and I would be happy to move the topic to a separate thread or PM.


    I look forward to your "dissertation" response to my other questions :) No rush, and thank you for taking the time to address them.






    Hi Slava,


    Here are answers to your question in the order that they appear inyour post:


    I would like to ask, how will FP affect my energy healing practice (if at all)?

    • As I posted at the start of this thread and many times throughout it, Flying Phoenix Spiritual-Healing-Work--my latest English translation of "Fei Feng San Gung"--is a purely medical qigong system that will most definitely empower and even possibly supplant any energy healing method that you happen to practice.


    I'm glad to hear you're working on Volumes 1 through 3 and are about to start the Long Form Meditation in Volume 4 and the five short but powerful meditations in Volume 5. You are just beginning to feel and know tangibly what the Flying Phoenix healing energy is and how it works. And your questions about the function of the Flying Phoenix Healing Energy are understandable at this point in your training and due to the fact that you are interested in becoming proficieint with energy-healing and have taken training towards that goal.


    Does FP have a specific medical qigong healing system or protocol?

    • Yes, there are specific healing procedures to employ the FP healing energy cultivated by this Qigong system but the overall method is quite simple once one is well-practiced in FP Qigong.


    I am wondering whether this energy can be used in healing, and whether or not it's a good idea to use it that way.

    Of course the FP energy can be used in healing! That's what it was created for in the first place!


    I'm going to stop here temporarily and come back later and complete this post--because I have to attend to hours of business matters-- with probably a pretty long dissertation in response to all your other questions which are very interesting to me...because I'm going to address the strange teachings you have acquired that have greatly imprisoned your mind in terms of what real Qigong is, what Flying Phoenix Qigong in particular is for, and what the nature of energy healing is, including its spiritual dimensions. So thanks for your questions and i look forward completing this post!



    Sifu Terry

  4. Hi Sifu Terry,


    I would like to ask, how will FP affect my energy healing practice (if at all)? Does FP have a specific medical qigong healing system or protocol? Would you happen to know whether it is compatible with healing as taught by J.A. Johnson (the system I was taught)?


    As I continue to practice FP, I am noticing a tangible build-up of a particular sort of qi. Not sure how to describe it - it just has a different "texture" than my prior experiences of qi. I am wondering whether this energy can be used in healing, and whether or not it's a good idea to use it that way. In my medical qigong training, I was taught that the practitioner channels qi from heaven and earth, so as not to deplete his or her personal qi. And to provide the patient with the purest sources of qi. But qi from FP practice feels more "personal" - as opposed to energy drawn purely from heaven/earth. So, will using qi from FP practice deplete my energy in any way? And is it safe for my patients? I suspect that with continued practice and cultivation, that energy will touch my patients anyways, whether I intend it or not. Anyways, would appreciate your thoughts!


    (Apologies if these questions were already addressed in this thread. I am still making my way through the 157 pages, heh.)





    P.S. Just purchased volumes 4 & 5! Very excited :D

  5. Sifu Terry,


    I wanted to thank you for making the videos available, and for the wealth of information you provide in this forum. I haven't read through all 155 pages, but in time... :)


    Also, I wanted to mention that I have been practicing volumes 1-3 for the last 6 months, and it has been a beautiful experience. Prior to FPCK, I was practicing MCO, the qigong workout series as taught by J.A. Johnson, and various other exercises and meditations. These involve a decent amount of mental activity, visualization, and focus. With FPCK, I pretty quickly realized that the exercises need to be done with a still mind, sans agenda. I still catch the intellect trying to sneak in and stir up trouble during practice, heh. But returning to stillness is quite something! Amazing flow of energy, increased sensitivity and intuition... especially when practiced in some secluded spot in the hills, out in nature :)



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  6. Greetings, everyone!


    I'm new to the forum. Have been practicing meditation for about 15 years and practice Qigong daily. I was trying to search to forum for discussions on Xin Yi Dao, but the search doesn't seem to recognize words under 4 characters :[ Has anyone had experience with this style? Any past discussions about it on this forum?


