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Posts posted by Cerisier

  1. Hello !

    I'm Cerisier, in french it means "cherry" (the tree, because we have various words ;)) So i'm french and not really good for speaking english. I hope you will excuse me for my bad grammar !


    I'm here because I live a weird energetics phenomena this last years. And in france we don't have lot of forums who speaking of energy.


    There 3 years, I was a really sceptic person. One day i did of meditation "just for try". I began to feeling physically the energy on my body, like of "balls" localised in some places (back, buttock, knees...) Over time, it moved for follow a way inside me. The most part of time upwards, and all the night when i was relaxed.


    I will pass the three last years because it's too long but for resume : Now I feel a hundred way and I feel the energy all the time (day and night). It's not annoying, but actually it's not pleasant too. I never need meditation, but when i'm relaxed and i breathe through the belly it's more strong.


    During a long time I was thinking it was kundalini because it's the only concept of "spontaneous" energy to I found in france. But someone have speak to me about pranotthana and thats seems more be that.


    So, my english is really not good (I'm speaking and I read with the help of a translator online) but I will like know if pranotthana, chakra, ect... are subjects who can be addressed on this forum because I really don't know things about tao (but i'm open to discoverd of course).


    (stupid question: what means Bums? :blink: ).

