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Everything posted by Anderson

  1. You work with the same nature whether is treckchod or thogal but with different aspects of that nature. It's not like, when you do thogal you discover the thigle or vissions.They are part of the same nature you've discovered. The main point is the nature.If there is no nature there can't be kadag and lhundrup .
  2. You don't need to recognize each one individually(the 3 wisdoms).In dzogchen there is no such thing as discovering the aspects of the base one by one.When you discover your nature you discover everything. The description of how the base is and everything, is for the sake of intellectual clarity and structure and has nothing to do with the actual discovery.When you discover, there is no such thing as "this is this aspect that is that aspect". If there is such thing then that is not your nature and it is just conceptual proliferation.
  3. The general consensus is that recognizing your nature without a teacher is difficult next to impossible. By trying to recognize your nature based on some reading you do, the only thing you will manage to acomplish is to replace one concept with another.Because you will always have some reference points saying "so is not this ,therefore it must be that" or "wait, is not that either, it must be the other one" and you will find yourself into an continuous state of indecision, a perpetual state of doubt. Why ? Because the state of rigpa hasn't been introduced to you in a very concrete way and you haven't been shown that directly.
  4. You also need a real teacher wich introduces this knowledge to you. I am sure you already know this . Then any dzogchen text will work better and reading such materials can very easily transport you into the state of rigpa.
  5. Dear Sir, It makes perfect sense to ask if there is Longde of Kagyu. It is similar to saying mahamudra of kagyu, sakya, gelug ...etc...
  6. I often wondered if there are any Longde remnants within kagyu since some claim that Milarepa had knowledge about longde.
  7. Hello Everyone!

    Hi from England , Been part of the peripheral audience for ages. Now have decided to become more central.
  8. Latest Meditation Experience

    Hi T.I. I follow the teachings of Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and i consider myself as his student .I have received direct transmission and pointing out instructions from him in person and also via the numerous webcast retreats he gives over the internet. I have also received transmission and pointing out instructions from other vajrayana teachers and bon as well. But primarily my practice in its entirety is dzogchen focused. To me the dissolution of kleshas by looking directly into them is different from recognizing or discovering our own state.Since with the discovery of one's state we don't have to actually deliberatelly look into the display of a klesha.And that is because the klesha will liberate on its own once we settle into the knowledge of our own state. Having said that we can recognize our state via looking into the display of a klesha and staying there in a relaxed way.The key is stay, stay, stay,....wait, wait, wait.... To my knowledge the vissions will only disolve or exhaust once the 4Th vission has been actualized. There is an actual path which needs to be crossed through these vissions, a progression through these vissions before they will come to rest and exhaust. One more thing though.The progression through these vissions can only be accomplished, AFAIK,if one renounces tottaly their mundane living and decides to retreat.The masters of the past,or at least some of them,had to undergo at least a decade of strict retreat before the exhaustion of phenomena could be successfully achieved. And lets not forget the years of training in recognition and stabilizing of rigpa before you can even contemplate the thogal path with its peculiarities. But i think is not even worth talking about these aspects since i am so far from these acomplishments.
  9. Is your Buddhism just an ego trip?

    My buddhism was my downfall. But then i looked closer and i saw that there was no buddhism anywhere.
  10. Hello Everyone!

    South East
  11. Latest Meditation Experience

    I've had this experience for some time every time i sit to rest and recognize rigpa apart from the scenery vissions you mentioned. If i put this experience into the context of recognizing rigpa and recognizing the entire display as a manifestation of our potentiality one thing i find of tremendous importance.That where these visions need to be seen ,understood, realised as manifestations of oneself and nothing more or for that matter nothing less. Because if they are not recognized as own display they are no different from seeing "things" or objects like we would see the glass of water in front. Of particular relevance to this practice i have found being aware of the presence of hope and fear and fascination while this happens. These three aspects of dualistic mind block or interfere with the manifestation of these visions . In the beginning the things that helped me getting into this display at will was using various points of instructions found in Longde.For me personally they were the key for getting into that display where the knowledge of my own state would arise spontaneously and directly.