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Everything posted by lloydbaker

  1. Defining U.S. Conservatism Down

    No, restriction on economic growth cements the power of the oligarchy. That is why the big Foundations: Rockefeller, Carnegie, etc all support the Club of Rome program. Leftist are TOTALLY conned by the environmentalist meme. They have become the supine tools of the STATE CAPITALIST elite they hate! Independent, new capitalist wealth arises in times of growth and reduced economic restrictions! No, the LIMITS of GROWTH recommended RESTRICTIONS on economic growth. It did NOT just predict running out of resources or more expensive resources. If that were the case they would recommend getting rid of all governmental restrictions on development. You may be confusing the LIMITS to GROWTH (late 1960s or early 70s) with the peak oil fraud. I'll believe in peak oil if they remove all exploration and drilling restrictions and then oil production peaks! In fact, the Rockefellers (Petro Dollar Re-cylers along with Soros and Bloomberg) in league with the Saudis and BIG OIL do everything they can to limit drilling and production so as to keep the price high and their profits rolling in. . . The Koch Bros, on the other hand, profit from drilling and pipe lines: more production. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund bragged about how they defeated the pipeline recently by fundiang dozens of environmentalist groups to resist. The world is awash in oil, but the STATE CAPITALIST powers that be to keep an artificial scarcity and high price.
  2. Defining U.S. Conservatism Down

    Scientists are bought and sold like lawyers. Appealing to the authority of "scientists" is AUTHORITARIANISM! Global Warming Propaganda is a plot to retard economic development to preserve the environment AT THE EXPENSE OF PEOPLE! Environmentalism was created as a movement by the Club of Rome, a group of the world's richest Billionaires. The Club of Rome sponsored the LIMITS OF GROWTH by Meadows. It was a fake computer program designed to prove economic growth would destroy humanity when the opposite is the case. All of its predictions were wrong! Rapid economic development would endanger the power of the Billionaires behind the environmentalist movement! Evironmentalism kills!
  3. Defining U.S. Conservatism Down

    Talk about unbalanced rant! Vmarco needs to look in the mirror. There are many types of Conservatism, the best of which attempts to conserve what is good and works in a tradition of society. Since America had large doses of liberty in its founding documents, many conservative ideas are helpful. In other ways, conservatives have fallen away from the Republic's founding ideas and seek to conserve violations of liberty, the overweening power of the State. Progressives, on the other hand, would throw overboard liberty in general in favor of the all powerful STATE as long as they perceive the STATE to be controlled democratically (always an illusion).
  4. Hello Everyone

    SereneBlue just suggested I join the site. Looks real interesting.
  5. Authoritarianism - What is it?

    It seems to me that totalitarianism is the worst variety of authoritarianism. An authoritarian elite by definition has and exercises the power to control a society or, at least, its main features. The type of societal system imposed could vary from a limited democracy featuring individual rights to a totalitarianism like Communism or Fascism. You are right. A major crisis, real or imagined, is what leads a society to cede power to an authoritarian elite as the least bad alternative.