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Everything posted by xor

  1. Quck question - shoes

    Garlic is awesome, but why did you eat so much??
  2. What are they listening to?

    LOL you're right.
  3. Taoist proof that we can't ignore

    Doing retention moderately seems to increase sex drive. What's your approach to "sex power"?
  4. Taoist proof that we can't ignore

    Regarding philosophical daoism: You ofcourse take what you can use and discard the rest. If you don't have even subjective proof of something and aren't willing to experiment it's garbage to you.
  5. Ambigrams and the Tao

    Yes you can now post on the regular areas. Should be the same way as posting here.
  6. Past Lives Just a Myth?

    You might want to check out physicist Thomas Campbell on youtube for some interesting ideas reincarnation. He's also got a good sense of humor. I'm personally not decided on reincarnation, but he's pretty much the most convincing modern speaker for pro-reincarnation so far that I've run into. From his wikipedia entry: Biography Campbell was the keynote speaker at The Monroe Institute’s twenty-second Professional Seminar, held March 20–24, 2010 (available on YouTube in English and also with Spanish subtitles), where he had previously been a member of the Board of Directors. The Monroe Institute credits Campbell as being the "TC (physicist)" described in Robert Monroe's second book Far Journeys.[3] Campbell discussed his book at a presentation to the London College of Spirituality February 22, 2008 entitled Physics, Metaphysics, and the Nature of Consciousness. Campbell is a professional physicist with expertise in large-system simulations, technology development and integration, and complex system vulnerability and risk analysis, working mostly in the context of US missile defense systems, including working with the Space and Missile Defense Command, the Missile Defense Agency and NASA.
  7. A little OT but to comment on the succubus thing, medieval europeans often thought that nocturnal emissions were caused by succubi, a type of demon that feeds on spirit of men and may result in weakening or worse. For women the demon was called incubus.
  8. Quck question - shoes

    The people taking the dangerous tanning drug called barbie look like this MD who was talking about cancer risks of smoking on Swedish TV:
  9. What are they listening to?

    Since you didn't post any song I'm going to throw in some Rameau with a harpsichord
  10. I was interested from as long as I can remember. Monty Python and the Holy Grail became my favorite movie and I didn't understand why. The idea of quest/grail is strong in the western tradition. Ordered a book on western alchemy from a catalogue when I was still a kid. That basically started me on the path. I still keep getting the same kind of inspiration from the Emerald Tablet as I get from DDJ. Don't really practice in the western trad but I have my eyes open.
  11. I actually had that kind of experience kick off my vegetarianism as a teen. I just couldn't eat chicken which was among my favorite foods before that and almost vomited. Before I knew it I had decided I was vegetarian. Maybe you were reading my mind because I was thinking about that experience when I wrote earlier about having reasons. I was undergoing extensive testing at the hospital regularly around that time including endoscopy and other unpleasant things. Strangely enough my unhealthy veg diet solved the problem then and I stuck to it for some years.
  12. Taoist proof that we can't ignore

    This really resonated with me and I'm surprised there isn't any reply to this and more than ten pages on one scammer. Sadly I don't have anything to add at the moment yet other than a thank you and a bump to maybe catch peoples attention. You have basically said the thing that got me into daoism: proof and validation here, not in a next life/afterlife.
  13. Why apple cider vinegar? Taste or something else?
  14. I know what you mean. When I went full veg for the first time as a teen my food was terrible, I was mainly eating highly processed spinach crepes and veggieburgers that tasted like salt and rice. I probably wouldn't have kept it up if I didn't have reasons. Well technically I'm not a vegetarian now, closer to pescetarian. If I stop getting a crapload of fresh fish for free every month or so I will probably go full veg once again. Gotta agree with you on the eggplants. Would only eat those if someone hid them in a salad or something.
  15. Yesterday: sunflower seeds and rooibos for breakfast. Oatmeal porridge, cucumber for lunch. Wholegrain rice in salsa sauce with beans and "stuff" for dinner. Organic banana, cheese and carrots later. Today: sunflower seeds and green tea for breakfast. Buckwheat porridge with homemade plum jam for lunch. Drinking cherry nectar today between everything. Probably going to eat avocados and beet potato vermicelli noodles with some sauce later on.
  16. What are they listening to?

    What a positive song! You could cure depression just by listening to this. Focus and power. I think I will listen to this today while working. Found this gem yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI9M6QkpsWw
  17. Flood Myths

    Great finds for sure, but it gets tiring if every sunken city is instantly named Atlantis.
  18. I think the one who is a con-artist is always worse. Blaming the victim even if you think they deserved it, helps no one.

    I'm interested also, but make a new thread please so people won't confuse it with the topic.
  20. Well hello there.

    Welcome. I think you will find this forum quite interesting.