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Everything posted by xor

  1. Quck question - shoes

    So that's why I didn't feel like my teeth needed any cleaning. Going shopping today is going to be interesting, I hope no one faints from the garlic smell.
  2. Quck question - shoes

    Garlic day 2. Vivid dreams tonight with good recall. I needed less sleep than usual and I already have a constant pleasant buzz/turning sensation that feels coming from deep in the brain. I had no idea garlic was this potent. Too bad about the shit smell though!
  3. Qi

    I healed my back, depression and seasonal allergy with qi and diet. It's been so great that I want to expand from just helping myself to helping others.
  4. Quck question - shoes

  5. The taoist and related scene seems pretty dead in my area and I'm not that free to travel. There are some things I can learn but an IMA doesn't seem to be one of them. To give an idea of what I've found locally... there is "taoist taiji"(I know this will make shanlung cringe if he reads this!) that promises to teach the real yang family style as taught by Yang Luchan. Bagua is taught as an irregular sidedish in a karate curriculum. There's also around ½ hours a week under a chinese teacher course in bagua available... none of these sound good to me.
  6. Secrets of the chi and the spine

    Have you considered seeing a healer?
  7. what would you reincarnate as?

    Hmm is water bear, honey badger or mantis shrimp an option?
  8. Non-specific chatter banter

  9. I dare not eat meat.

    Well your experiences with vegetarianism aren't very common and seem to indicate that you were having some problems even before your diet change. What were you eating anyway?
  10. A Jolie: Breasts + News

    There's a scandal in France now about using silicone for thousands of breasts that is industrial grade and not medical grade. Maybe this move is a pre-emptive counter to the eventual backlash for the silicone salesmen... anyway whatever it is, it's pretty gross.
  11. Greeting and my work/

    Well atleast I'm interested in what you are going to say. You have 5 posts now which gives you access to the larger forum... so you can paste this stuff on the general or taoist discussion. I'm sure there will be more comments and questions if you want them.
  12. Five Elements or Four Elements?

    In short the alchemists were studying aether using chemical processes and finding it in minerals and plants to start with. Yes but if you were interested in finding god you would either belong to the church, follow it's ways or risk being tortured or executed. Depends on how you define the philosopher's stone. Not really. We looking from the point of reductionism and even if god exists we won't find it in a particle. I doubt even Higg's particle(aka God particle) can be thought of as proof. The argument that god or soul doesn't exist can't be made from science since it can't be disproven. But yes it's an opinion that is very much common in universities ofcourse. Although when I was studying chemistry what surprised me was that there were believers in christian creationism in faculty that was only obvious from some people there hosting a creationism/intelligent design groupmeet. (I'm not into that so make of it what you will) Actually you can routinely make gold and change metals these days and it's done in universities physics and radiochemistry labs. But ofcourse it isn't cost effective as of yet and the expensive equipment is probably not available to the public.
  13. This spring makes me mad!

    I used to get depressed every spring before seasonal allergies started. Now that I no longer have the seasonal allergies I feel really calm. Just something to think about...
  14. A Jolie: Breasts + News

    It's been all over the news. Wonder how much money some people will make out of this unnecessary suffering?
  15. Greetings!

    Cool blog, put it in my bookmarks.
  16. Hello

    Welcome, what esoteric things are you into?