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Posts posted by xor

  1. Science daily reports:



    This sounds interesting already, but how about this:


    "For over 40 years we have assumed that DNA changes affecting the genetic code solely impact how proteins are made," said Stamatoyannopoulos. "Now we know that this basic assumption about reading the human genome missed half of the picture. These new findings highlight that DNA is an incredibly powerful information storage device, which nature has fully exploited in unexpected ways."


    The genetic code uses a 64-letter alphabet called codons. The UW team discovered that some codons, which they called duons, can have two meanings, one related to protein sequence, and one related to gene control. These two meanings seem to have evolved in concert with each other. The gene control instructions appear to help stabilize certain beneficial features of proteins and how they are made.


    So an even more complex code to be deciphered.


    Here's the original article(too bad we need access to Science-magazine to read more than the abstract):




    • Like 1

  2. Has anyone see the giant crosses? I have seen several while driving across Texas and Oklahoma. Such structures can be seen from 20 miles away. I imagine very few complain in those states.





    Does this look good in anyone's eyes? It looks so out of place.

  3. An uncaused creator is beyond cause and effect, and would have no way of interacting with our universe.


    It would be like trying to run Windows 8.1 on an Intel 286 from the 1980's.


    That's a strange analogy. So an uncaused creator is only missing some technology to be able to work...

  4. maggotcheese1.jpg


    Anyone had a taste of casu marzu? I haven't and (hopefully) never will. :)


    This, dear reader, is a medium-sized lump of ***** ****** ******. Casu Marzu is a sheep' milk cheese that has been deliberately infested by a Piophila casei, the "cheese fly." The result is a maggot-ridden, weeping stink bomb in an advanced state of decomposition.

    Its translucent larvae are able to jump about 6 inches into the air, making this the only cheese that requires eye protection while eating.

    • Like 2

  5. So maybe my habit of asking questions is not bad after all? That would be good news since I always have alot of those. ;)


    I just started reading up on Neidan starting from Fabrizio Pregadio's Foundations of Internal Alchemy and maybe find out more of the basics.


    edit: edited out parts this post possibly made that look a bit sarcastic... this was not intended

  6. I have held qigong in high regard because it was the way I found out of sickness, but I'm now seeing that it can become a crutch. Not only because of discussions here on TTB or ones I'm having outside of internet.


    I may have placed qigong higher than it really was, attaching some things to it that are really beyond it and at the same time lost some of the original goal I have perceived before I ever practiced qigong. I'm not ready to dismiss anyone's practice but it seems I have some investigating to do.

  7. I think you may have confused me with being part of somekind of consensus because I like asking questions. I still don't have a problem with there being "yin qi" defined by the book Magus of Java and another "yin qi" that has similiarities(and possible dissimiliarities) that I work with which may be "yang qi" in your books but isn't equal to the "yang qi" in mine. Maybe even SM has different "yin qi" from both as I have yet to study it.


    edit: this is a reply to mpg on one of the nested quotes

  8. Jim progressed as far as he was allowed to. This is like blaming a football team for not making the playoffs after they were all disbanded and all banned from the NFL.


    There are many places and times where something else than talent bars you from advancing. I'm not blaming anyone here, it was a further comment on what I said earlier:

    "While JC may be impressive there is not even guarantee that we are talking about things as it's taught in Indonesia. The indoor students might even have vastly different ideas than were given to westerners."


    It may be unfortunate but there is no certainty what they received is what the ideas of the indoor students might be. Usually with traditions one only knows someone can represent any school when they are given the permission to teach.


    What Jim and Kosta were taught about yin chi, it's mechanics and behaviors are crystal clear.


    Did you listen to the timemonk interview with Kosta and what he said about receiving enough "yin chi" the moment you touch the ground to balance yin and yang? That seems a bit different from needing to meditate on the ground...

    • Like 1

  9. Polite discourse? With Nungali? Are you kidding?


    Do you disagree with these things then?


    Tree of Bad Manners

    1. al-ghadabanger: considered the worst of all the negative traits. It may easily be said that anger is the source from which the others flow. The Prophet states in a hadith: "Anger (ghadab) blemishes one's belief." Controlling anger is called kāzm.
    2. al-hiqdmalice or having ill-will toward others; grows from lusting for what someone else has. You must replace hiqd with kindness and look upon your brother with love. There is a tradition that says "give gifts to one another, for gifts take away malice."

    edit: quoted from that wiki. I have no knowledge of this topic