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Posts posted by SecretGrotto

  1. Thank you Ya Mu.


    If I had a dollar for every person that has changed opinion after personal experience, I'll have lots of dollars. It irks me somewhat when people are so close-minded when I know, I know they'll change their opinion at the snap of a finger after one experience. With their eyes growing wide in amazement, like the horses during treatment.


    Alas, I am them, and they are me.

    • Like 4

  2. Ya Mu, someone recommended you and Chunyi Lin in a Reddit thread about cancer treatment that I found very interesting:



    I cannot recommend QiGong healers enough, especially for 'incurable diseases'. Chunyi Lin and Michael Lomax. Michael Lomax trained with Wang Juemin, a 'National Treasure' of China, an adept who run an entire hospital for decades curing the incurable without even touching the patients.

    People tend to shrug off this recommendation because they are not familiar with it, but there is ample proof for the tremendous effectivity of this treatment if done by qualified individuals. You can even do a distance healing over the phone for less than $100, and it takes 15 minutes. Can't hurt to try.


    The amount of adversity the poster faced regarding his suggestion of Qigong healing is really interesting. One person even said:



    No words in any language that I speak could aptly convey the hatred I feel towards you.


    What do you make of this?

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  3. What I have said is reality as I have directly observed it to be.


    It isn't what I believe, it's reality as it is, as I have directly observed.


    I hope all those authorities with their "half baked teachings" would follow your supreme example and observe reality directly, like you. You are so unique and special, I doubt any of these so-called masters and lineages could ever observe reality as you do.


    At most they might get a "half baked" idea of it, but never the full picture like you do. I wish you would start teaching your meditation methods, it is truly unique.

  4. You've got a spin that would make Bill O'Reilly proud.


    I never said anything of the sort.




    Sorry turtle, it isn't. It's only how your imagination works. Nature doesn't allow or deny a caterpillar the right to undergo metamorphosis based on how many of his fellow caterpillars he killed.


    You can make up all kinds of make believe things to tell yourself about why morality is what is needed to escape rebirth, but I don't see any caterpillars lined up to work in soup kitchens.


    This is a physical tangible transformation, not a moral or ethical one.


    Killing or healing has no bearing on whether or not you can undergo such a metamorphosis.



    Grace cannot be earned. Virtue is a prerequisite. Karmic bounds must be dissolved.


    It is well established in e.g. Yogic and Taoist traditions observed by liberated beings, that virtue (Te) is a prerequisite to unhindered spiritual development. Karma-'ish' repercussions, in addition to a lack of virtue, can indeed make it very hard to receive proper and enough Grace to become liberated.


    In fact, almost without exception, the Yogic masters placed first and foremost the focus on devotion in order to access Grace for liberation. Concurrently, the importance of being virtuous in addition to having devotion was underlined. Without it you cannot hope to receive proper Grace, which is the magic ingredient to liberation.


    It is possible to dissolve karmic bounds with exercises, like Kriya Yoga is notably known for.


    To quote but one of many masters, Wang Juemin: "Be a good and moral person." Arguably his most important instruction.


    Sure, it is possible to advance in spite of a lack of virtue, but you will inevitably reach an obstacle that can be overcome only through Grace.

  5. Preventing rebirth in my opinion is the only thing that matters in life period.


    I have come to profound realizations in the last week, at least intellectually:

    1. Life/incarnation is not a prison or punishment to escape from.
    2. You are embodied wilfully to experience the fulfilment of your desires.
    3. A particular lifestream does not necessarily reincarnate on a one-to-one basis, but can mix with multiple lifestreams in one embodiment.

    Robert Bruce, Aunt Claire, Teal Scott have all confirmed that the lifestream behind a previous incarnation can 'split' to embody multiple persons in proceeding incarnations. It is thus possible that what you think is your individual lifestream now, will not persist cleanly into singular incarnations in the future. It could split and/or mix with other lifestreams in future incarnations.


    So if one thinks that perceived pain or suffering experienced in this life will lessen pain or suffering in a future life, then one completely ignores the non-linear nature of reincarnation. That doesn't mean that the mechanisms of karma does not exist anymore, it is just a little more complex than a simple extension of Newton's laws.


    You become a 'vibrational match' to the behaviour that you practice or condone, so the Universe will serve it up to you, because it does not distinguish between good or bad. The Universe responds to what you think about, and this is a primary mechanism to present you with people, places and things that can fulfil your desires. If you happen to think about seemingly negative things, in hopes that you will prevent them, the Universe will still serve them up to you because you thought about it.


    In this way 'karma' seems to operate in peoples lives. If you kill somebody in this life, and you are killed in the next, then that might just be your soul's desire to experience how it feels to both kill and be killed. There is no good or bad. This physical illusion is a playground for God to experience himself, it is like an artwork or a musing.


    To have resistance to life, in the sense that one feels that it is something that needs to be escaped, is a suboptimal position to assume. That is, ironically enough, the very reason I became interested in spirituality, to escape the mundane. To escape the fact that I find no enjoyment in life. Seeking and following joy and bliss is the best thing that one can do from 'Source' perspective (hey Teal Scott), because that would result in God experiencing himself abundantly.


    Does this suddenly mean that the spiritual discoveries made become worthless or meaningless? Au contraire! They provide the tools to get rid of the middle man (people, places, things) to experiencing joy and fulfilment. And, ironically enough, even if you feel like you have to escape life and the chain of reincarnation, if you find spiritual bliss inside of yourself, then suddenly life becomes filled with a meaning and beauty unspeakable. Then suddenly you embrace life, especially when you have learned to die daily (breathlessness).


    Even if you could escape the chain of reincarnation, and reach nirvikalpa samadhi, then that one Indivisible lifestream which animated your existence, will still go back and endlessly reincarnate to experience itself.


    There is nothing you can really do now, or in this life, to eliminate future 'pain'. Yet, the masters tell us that there is a strong one-to-one series of reincarnation tied to a particular lifestream, at least 'locally', and that past effort is transferred. It is the Avatars especially that become 'split' into multiple embodiments, like a group consciousness.


    Ultimately though, your sense of identity, as tied to your 'lifestream' is ultimately dissolved into the whole, and continually recalled to animate manifestation, like the spray of the endless waves of the ocean.

  6. I always wondered, how much fluoride does one's body absorb through normal mouth contact when brushing teeth with normal fluoride toothpaste?


    I want to go non-fluoride with my oral hygiene, but most teeth whitening pastes and washes include fluoride.


    Is it possible to de-calcify the pineal gland and keep using fluoride toothpaste, by e.g. doing a daily routine like drinking borax water?

    • Like 1

  7. I've been doing Stillness-Movement meditation, and ever since I started there has been a notable increase in my body heat. The heat radiates from my lower dan tien, but my whole body feels really hot.


    Last night I removed all clothing and meditated on cold tile floor to reduce this sensation of heat, it helps a little but it still feels like my core is really hot. I knew this couldn't be a permanent solution, but I did it in any case just to see if I notice anything unusual.


    The heat is a bit uncomfortable, it makes it a bit of a struggle approaching S-M meditation time, because I know the heat is just going to flare up again. I understand that these practices can produce a lot of heat, and I've read how in many workshops there are many sweaty sessions.


    I don't know what the norm is, or whether this is supposed to be a normal state of a practitioner. I hope this heat abates, as it is getting hot here in the Southern Hemisphere and I have to wear suits a lot!


    I'm doing 5 element practice, Wu Xing Qi Gong, until I get the GOT DVD's to learn that. I do know that it is the S-M Qi Gong that produces this heat, since I've been doing the 5 element practice for a while and it never heated me up. I have also been celibate in mind and deed for more than a month now, and I did notice that increased body heat, but the Stillness Movement noticeably added onto that.


    Will this overheating normalize in time if I keep doing S-M?

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    EDIT: Disclaimer: Practicing qigong while driving is a really bad idea and I do not encourage ANYONE to do it.


    I agree, this is a prudent disclaimer, yet I would like to play devil's advocate for a moment. I have this sneaky suspicion that if one was really meditating, then the Universe/God/Guides will not allow anything bad to happen to you. Best not to test it out though, unless you can really walk in the Wu Wei.


    Funny story, I was driving in a rush to an appointment one day, knowing that I was almost an hour late. And I was really praying hard for me to get to my destination in time. Then, when I checked the time on my watch again, I suddenly realized that it was an hour earlier than I what I thought the time really was. It was like the clock turned back an hour, and suddenly I had plenty of time to get to my destination. I was so astonished, I couldn't believe it, and to this day I don't know how I read the time wrong when I was at home, because I checked the time on three different clocks before departing.

  9. Grace is the secret ingredient to spiritual development, that elusive requirement that gets you over seemingly impassable boundaries on your path. That credit that flows from Above, unearned, to speed you on your way.


    When you fully experience that Grace, and know deeply that it comes not of your own accord or accomplishment, then you will know humility, then you will truly be humble. That's how your ego becomes transmuted and that's how you approach Wu Wei.


    Or maybe I'm misinformed, but I oh so love to muse!

  10. Most people live in ignorance of their energy and spiritual bodies, because following the path of least resistance and instant gratification is so easy.


    My egotistical nature enjoys seeing people continually disregard good advice and destroying themselves, I know that is wrong and I'm trying to change that. My ego feels vindictive because it has always been disregarded and ignored when trying to give other people good advice, making it feel small and insignificant and craving human attention.


    But I know on the other hand that I cannot bring my spirits and mood down when I see people living in ignorance, but that I should remain hopeful, practice diligently, and maybe one day become a pristine example. I am too weak to care for other people when I can barely continue my own practice, always seeking ways to escape.


    "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself" - Rumi


    "Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Gandhi

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  11. I can only speak of my own journey. I found out about astral projection when about 16, then studied Robert Bruce's work and frequented Astral Society. Studied a lot of stuff to do with ap and mysticism, kept reading and reading. Man I read so much, trying to convince myself to start a serious practice, for a decade just trying to get the will power.


    Daily Jing depletion since my teens obstructed all serious effort, time and again the lack of results disappointed and will power dwindled. I kept reading though, and eventually found the Autobiography of a Yogi, which blew my mind. I ordered the SRF lessons and within a year received initiation at Hariharananda's ashram, because I detest stiff organizational culture.


    Still Jing was depleted frequently, I just wish that this point was emphasized more, it is so key. Had little success with Kriya Yoga as I had Jing depletion and the mental process of 'willing' the MCO to happen without the feeling left me feeling dry and empty. I still have great faith in the Kriya Yoga lineage, and I love those masters because they were true examples of what a real master looks like. I just felt like I needed to know more, I wanted to know the real mechanics behind spirituality.


    Had some great experience with Steven Sadleir and 3xSri Shivabalayogi, and became really excited and fascinated with the ever-new joy and bliss aspect of meditational practice. I still have high regard for them, and want to go and sit with SS, because he really nails the bliss aspect of meditation. Another shaktipat master in India caught my eye, and I also plan on sitting with him in the future.


    Born to be a healer was also a ground breaking read for me, and whilst I am not good with people I do believe that being a healer is a fantastic way to cultivate Te, so I'm keeping this in the back of my head.


    I then discovered the correspondence between Kriya Yoga and the Daoist MCO, and when I began really understanding Daoist Inner Alchemy and the detail it has on the mechanics of spirituality, I really knew that this is the closest I have come to being satisfied intellectually. I then read the Dragon Gate biography and my highest aspiration now is to train with Wang Liping.


    I'm doing the 5 element Qi Gong standing practice daily, with 1.5 hours half-lotus meditation. Still working on retaining Jing, managing longer and longer now. My goal is to get the 100 day gong with Jing conservation and meditation, and to sit 2 hours full lotus on the floor eventually, because I know that would be a requirement to train with Wang Liping.


    I know that I have to keep Te cultivation in mind, and have deeper appreciation for what the higher powers are doing for me. The ego is a big problem for me, it gives me so much discomfort, but I know that with consistent practice I will change and bloom and bear fruit of Te.


    In the past I had impulses to run away to a monastic life, but I have come to realize that a good practice can be maintained whilst living in the world and that it would be better for building virtue. I just know that it comes down to my diligent practice, need to get that 100 day gong milestone.

  12. In 2004, there were rumors about Kostas Danaos to have prostate cancer and he got medical treatment. Is it a coincidence for both western students of Mo Pai to develop same kind of cancer? Interesting.


    "Cancer and Yang Qi:


    One of the most difficult problems and one which plagues those who work only with Yang Qi, is cancer. There are many well known masters of Yang Qi who died of cancer... In the end, they could not absorb enough Yin Qi from sexual partners to keep up with their ever-increasing Yang Qi... We must thus, seek to balance our Yin Qi proportionate to our absorption of Yang Qi... if this is practiced correctly, Mo Pai Nei Kung should eliminate the possibility of cancer in the individual." - Shifu Lin, Overcoming sickness with Nei Kung.


    Mo Pai also seeks to compact qi in the LDT, withdrawing it from the rest of the body, which is sort of unnatural. So when one attempts to do that with Jing deficiency then a lot of health problems are created.

  13. Do you have any links to any healings he's done?


    No I was just wondering, in general, I'm not saying that Liping sends Yin spirits out of his head. But I did read somewhere that Liping is quite famous in Dalian for dealing with various issues which do not have conventional remedies, like energy body imbalances etc. Yet I would bet my bottom dollar that he has done healing and the full gamut of spiritual feats, I suppose it just comes with the territory.


    You gave some really interesting info, thank you.

  14. I think it's a matter of how much healing a master is doing - sending out yin spirts out of the skull all the time is probably going to burn off the hair growth or something - -I mean if the bones are expanded to create an opening, the hair would be affected also I think....


    Very interesting. I wonder how Wang Liping keeps his full head of hair :P

  15. Well Chunyi says his goal is to do one year of cave meditation so I'm sure his hair would grow back for that. Right now he is healing people all day long of serious diseases.


    I think that realized masters who have attained Wu Wei don't really care what they themselves look like cosmetically. I'm thinking also of Lahiri Mahasaya, highly realized, but bald.


    Yet, stranger things have happened than full hair regrowth, and I believe that these masters fully have the ability to 'cure' baldness.


    It is a petty subject, cosmetic enhancements, the least of the concerns of one seeking Divinity. The human side of me has always wondered about this though.


    I have the highest regard for master Lin, so my question was very tongue in cheek. I would not likely ask a healer to 'cure' baldness, just seems petty.


    Yes, it helps one to recover faster from tissue that was damaged during sickness, something immune-boosters cannot do (I think).