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Everything posted by Xienkula1

  1. Superfood Moringa

    well of course it's way over-hyped....but I really like it especially when the seed pods are cooked in lentils....tastes like asparagus, it's a yummy traditional food that is richer than most.
  2. Invocation

    Yes ofcourse, but if you trace them back to their African roots to West Africa.....Elegba is a warrior aspect of Eshu, and Eshu is featured central in the Fa system, as far as I knew, so I find some overlaps, but yes there are so many different variants of this tradition, New orleans Voodoo, Louisiana Voodoo, Hoodoo, Haitian Vodou, Santeria, Palo Mayombe Condomble, Umbanda, IFA, Obeah, etc....very different, but similar roots That's it, when it is meant to happen and if... I will just admire from a distance and have fun researching in the meantime.
  3. Invocation

    It's not like I havent tried, but I am waiting for the right moment....do you know how difficult it is to find an IFA reader? In Montreal, it's tough. there's such a stigma about Vodou due to the Catholic church, Holywood and Zombies....no wonder they dont want to open up too much about it or charge a bunch of $ if they do.....especially to some white person whose ancestors were involved in an attempt to whip this resilient tradition out of existence, wants to know. I still have yet to experience IFA though I love I CHING, Ifa and I ching both share invocation as part of the divination, and they are both based on similar mathematics....I almost got to meet a Voodoo priest through his son, but son and father were on bad terms, so I never got this chance I am still waiting, but in the meantime, invocation is still readily available, and Vodou spirits have come to visit, so that's a positive sign.
  4. Invocation

    Unfortunately none with Vodou. But as soon as there's an opportunity....
  5. Invocation

    Vodou is an excellent means of invocation...and a long tradition of it
  6. Superfood Moringa

    http://www.apjtcm.com/zz/2012s2/49.pdf http://www.moh.gov.mm/file/Medicinal%20Plants%20of%20Myanmar.pdf Not surprising it is packed with micro and macro nutrients and is encouraged to be used as a counter measure against malnutrition in west Africa, and has been consumed in south east Asia for its health benefits for quite some time. In Myanmar it is known as Dant - da - lun and can help a woman produce breast milk. In Siddha medicine, it is the seeds that can purify the water, the oil from the seeds has long been esteemed for its cosmetic properties. The seeds in Siddha medicine have been used to revive male potency. benzylisothiocyanate is a class of phytocompounds known as isothiocyanates, found in all cruciferous vegetables in the mustard family and have been found to be metabolised by the liver into compounds which reduce inflammation and thus can help prevent cancer. It also allegedly has antiviral qualities. 1 tsp of moringa leaf powder a day can substitute to some degree your multivitamin pill and it is probably more bio-available.
  7. Astral projection troubles/blues

    No one is promoting drugs....sigh but we might suggest a very high dose of casgara sagrada
  8. Astral projection troubles/blues

    Yep I think Pythagorean Lotus is right, probably the only instant astral projection is Salvia, but you need a sitter and if you take too much you wont astral project you will just have a blackout and memory lapse in most cases. Or sleep walk which can be very dangerous! One of my friends did it and she became an infinitely huge fractal kaleidoscopic pattern of implosive animated geometry that was collapsing toward the centre point embedding in upon itself continuously while she had no more capacity to be in her body. She was everything in that multidimensional geometric pattern and beyond. She was screaming am I ever going to come back? She was terrified she would remain in that state forever and never regain use of her body. But of course she did, but she was forever impacted by that experience as beyond the most powerful psychedelics she had ever experienced. ¨The point being this can be harsh traumatic experience and unless you've courted Salvia she wont let you have any degree of direction over the experience and so it can loose meaning. If one takes the time to cultivate the friendship with Salvia's spirit, she will actually take your intent as to a destination into consideration.
  9. It was aimed at us all, sure your body tolerates meat well, but if you go into your heart, the idea of killing something else making someone else loose life so you can win it, is in direct conflict with your core values and violates the soul's ethic. So we must do evil to live in this matrix, that's the operational code. That is what was intended and to iterate that we have the choice for those who wish to say No up! and No down. No to the split. ''What is the intrinsic worth of two small sovereign individuals 'a mouse and a frog' right here in the physical, in their precious differences, their absolute uniqueness? Priceless. Irreplaceable. Beyond rubies!'' -B
  10. Doing harm is unavoidable in this matrix which means the matrix of Me Or You, runs exactly 180 degrees counter to our core spiritual values and that is the intolerable we all find ourselves within. We had no choice about being here and yet here we are in the chain of the matrix dependent on stealing energy from other life forms (plants and animals) so that we can survive instead of creating our own, caught between the extremes of pure + I win so those in the opposite - pollarity loose, so the - polarity follow the path of self-sacrifice, neither polar programming works and they are all symptomatic of the original split. This is the intolerable choiceless fact of this matrix, you must cannibalize your ancestors in order to live and to this operational code of the food chain we say No! No!, but we are still not out of the matrix and so we all must eat, but we can still say no to operational code and hack it!
  11. What is wrong with me?

  12. is time real does it exist?

    ''Time is a double edged sword, you either cut it or it cuts you'' and here is an image of time, this is how 7 billion years of time might be conceived of as a 3 D graphical image of the Dharmata Stupa http://www.aton432hz.info/FUTENG.html
  13. Why matter holds its form.

    Possibly like this http://www.onbeing.org/program/uncovering-codes-reality/feature/symbols-power-adinkras-and-nature-reality/1460
  14. Smoking and Lung Damage causes depression

    http://bcseeds.com/salvia-seeds-salvia-divinorum-seeds-p-158.html only sorce I can find, cuttings might be more readily available polygala can help you quit if you take it frequently and it does not have psychedelic qualites.. interesting that Mazatec shamans left a gift of cocao for Salvia according to one website to Salvia
  15. Spiritual Eye (Blue Pearl) in Taoist literature

    As does Shri Kumaré
  16. Smoking and Lung Damage causes depression

    Yeah this one maybe speculatively too http://www.maps.org/news-letters/v13n1/13118han.html use common sense, please don't consider trying anything out there, unless maybe you are willing to grow Her from a seed and nurture a personal friendship with Her all the while she is growing, communicating with her life force the whole way, and then start with a homeopathic dose. She is a beautiful spirit to have around in the home anyways...She need not be consumed.
  17. What is wrong with me?

    I agree this deeply ingrained view of chemical imbalance and that some man-made chemical that has only been studied for a very short periord of time is the solution is a bit twisted not just creepy, but that isn't to say it couldn't help for a short time,but the side effects are very often worrisome. I would suggest therapy, support groups, yoga class, nutrition is not to be overlooked, avoiding smoking, junk foods, french fries....while taking shilajjit, vitamin B6, Magnesium, samE, B complex, trimethylglycine, zinc......saffron are just some easily available tools largely without side effects, eating more protein, going to the gym, exercise is so important, just jogging or rebounding on a trampoline any kind of exercise and you will feel so much better. No the connection of inside to outside, is how you treat yourself from the inside to the outside, try treating yourself with more love and start taking little steps to take care of you more, and step by step you will feel better. If your mother told you its your own fault that you are depressed and blamed you for it, she sounds like a complete monster and someone unhealthy for you to be around at this time. That's a ten carat statement that caused a lot of pain though, I suggest writing that on a sticky note, "it's your own fault you are depressed and you are the only one to blame for it, dont come to me for help" or changing the words to "its my own fault I am depressed and I am the only one to blame for it"if those are the words and put that on the mirror, take a look at it everyday, and soon you will find yourself seeing it for the BS it is. You might even find yourself laughing at its ridiculousness. That would be the best thing, "the gates of hell themselves shatter in the face of the ridiculous" In fact that was the only way I could get over my intolerable pit after being dumped by an ex-gf who was really unhealthy for me, I took the worst statement she ever said to me "You are a piece of shit and I own you" and put that on a sticky note on the mirror, I looked at it everyday, all of a sudden all the feelings of attachment and emotional turmoil began to unravel as I realised, that other side was always coming back, and that this was a relationship unworthy of me. Cuddling is also really helpful if you can find someone that also just needs a good cuddle, you can go to contact dance for body contact, affection is an emotional nutrition most of us are really deficient in, and it is so healing...
  18. What is wrong with me?

    Good that you seeking some CBT and that takes great courage on your part! This can really help having a therapist who understands you, mirrors you, and provides that missing human social connection and can help be the example and model for healthy relationships that are mutually nurturing, just be sure to choose one with whom you feel some affinity and who you like, commit to you and follow through. I am with you there in that pit and it is not just words in a web forum, you have my full support and I would like to say our full support.
  19. P.S. Thanks for Al Green Jesus is waiting Pythagorean Lotus, his voice captures the high North pole range with the lower deep south pole and he is linking his poles!! And I forgot there's also a fair bit of tryptophan in the chocolate which gets converted to seratonine, to melatonine to etc etc.
  20. Wow some great and interesting responses from you all! Yes the cocao (ethically harvested ecocert fair trade) has a number of positive benefits it also contains anandamide and potential homologues to anandamide N-oleoylethanolamine and N-linoleoylethanolamine, our bliss endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter and contains phenylethylalamine a precursor to dopamine, so helps to create a reward high. In addition, the theobromide and other phenolic compounds help to act as a vehicle or carrier for other substances, phytonutrients and herbs to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and internal organs, so an alchemical jing chocolate is not a bad idea. I make them Besides that women often crave chocolate during their moon, and this is because it contains iron, iron itself which can become magnetic, as well as copper, magnesium and host of other trace elements, yet you can overdose on chocolate. This dude calls himself a cocao shaman and now a bunch of self-proclaimed cocao shamans are emerging http://ceremonialcacao.blogspot.ca/ Also Ananda taught me a chocolate kechari mudra amygdala bliss activating technique where you place milk or dark chocolate on the back of your palate holding it in place with your tongue as in kechari mudra and roll the eyes back up in shambhavi mudra to gaze inward toward the back of the head to be in phase with the pineal gland, and then let it melt and absorb sublingually through the upper palate and get ionized with the chi current into the pineal gland and there is a phase cancellation of outward vision of the two eyes looking to the one eye in the centre of the brain. while breathing long deep breaths and sending a beam out the tip of the tongue into the pineal from the pineal to the two optic nerves and from the optic nerves to the pineal, this also engages the medulla. Cat thanks for your feedback, and that sounds like a nice cocao you are taking with the beetroot, added antioxidant synergy with the betelains(also found in cactus pears) Drew you are right about the chocolate being dopaminergic and beta-endorphin related brain stimulus, while the DMT/harmaline MAOI combo is seratonergic stimulus and jing building, there's a reason seasoned ayahuasqueros look younger than their non-comsuming peers...and it helps to activate the inner ultrasonic sound current that can be exteriorized into UV light as per Jivaro ceremonies the icaros become luminous shimmers of ultraviolet visible to the participants. This is part of alchemical vocalisation and using the sound current for healing purposes. Some would argue exogenous shortcuts are completely undesirable and unwarranted. However, since darkness naturally results in endogenous synthesis of metatonine which is methylated seratonine which become methylated by enzymes in the pineal into DMT, 5meoDMT and pinoline, and this has been part of the alchemical tradition for quite some time. And interesting inventive magic K-, good on you for the giggling release of your little ones! There can be some side effects from doing this reclaiming work I have found, like occaisional sickness as a result, and profound tiredness and exhaustion, as these parts are integrated, it becomes easier. Some of the work is mirror work that is very powerful too. The shattering process described in the illuminati monarch MK-ULTRA program is all part of the agenda of these covert forces in the matrix. It is how they keep us captive and kidnapped bleeting for our freedom, challenging us to challenge them, and in fact now according to Bee, this is exactly what they want since they too are victims of the code, but they can do nothing but operate on the automatic of the operational code, it is their nature, yet at their core level they are disgusted with themselves. As we reclaim and say No! and light the candle in the black hole of our hearts and make the links within our own microcosm of the matrix, we start making links in the macro-matrix and the polarities will collapse. She has disclosed personal details to me that I am not sure I have permission to reveal because as far as I know she hasnt publicized it as such yet, so out of respect to her confidence, I can only say that she endured some very horrific traumas. Thanks for that link on the SHEN mission, interesting....hmmm global education of spirituality...this is also tricky. As is the Datura, as Drew notedi it would be better to avoid it in your witches salve unless you like a tricky teacher who will bring you to the point of madness and into a soporific state. Henbane has been used as has black helibore and mandrake both of which can be strong skin irritants and poisons when consumed containing molecules similar to atropine in belladona which has often been an adjunct ingredient, and is toxic to the heart muscle. Perhaps calamus, pomegranate root, acacia bark, syrian rue, salvia divinorum, and blood root would make a safer unguent that could still do the job.
  21. Kumare! A brilliant docco!

    Lol I watched it...and frankly I was very disappointed, I was expecting Vikram to really push the limits, and he barely breached them, he could have taken this much further....It also could have used humour far more, been far more outrageous. But it seems Vikram developed a guilt complex fooling everyone as a Fake that he felt a need to be genuine so he could still live with himself, and this got in the way of actually proving his point. Finally, he does a service by showing how easy it is to make up a fake hodge podge cosmology and sell belief systems like brands of coffee. But in away, setting out to prove that every cultivator is just brainwashing themselves into some kind of perceived spiritual trance, has its merits and demerits, and is somewhat insulting to the real cultivators and mocks the years of dedication they invested in conditioning their bodies and minds, in such ways that can actually be documented in a repeated observable fashion...
  22. Ok but Bee doesnt like any kind of drug use as far as I know, and she never did that, rather than using substances to fragment her consciousness, it was done against her will through emotional trauma. The only substances I have ever heard her advocate for getting beyond the maintainers of the matrix and feeling good anyway interestingly enough is chocolate ;P but I doubt its as pinealizing as DMT or Ibogaine...hmmmm
  23. Hi Cat, what I did next was find fragmented parts of myself held captive by a certain mindset that has crept into us all, that is all about keeping us in a prison of self-hate and making us feel evil....and be in my center while being totally with that child trapped in that place of being judged and silenced, told to be seen and not heard, and many other programs, you see they are the maintainers of the matrix and they kidnapp us again and again every time we say No! from the center to both extremes, these guys come to get us in our thoughts and castrate us from revolting further. So we do a jig in their with them, and get those kidnapped parts of ourselves to have a laugh in their face....we then get them to notice how they feel, theyve been so numbed being ridiculed and shattered by these tyrants many times they dont even remember being asked what they feel, or know if they even have feelings. We then start a rescue mission from the center of the heart creating a link to this frozen fragment of self and light a candle where it is trapped in a magnetic wall, we get the child to realise its safe to wake up, we use humour, we ask it if it has minibar room service in that black hole, we try to get the child to belly laugh as this is when it is really able to take its power back.. then we ask if he or she is looking up or down, if down we help the child escape down through a trap door, where they are taken into the arms of the cuckolds who have horned hats that say Not you Too, silly me! and bellow them the south pole demons who then pledge vengence on behalf of the child for having been abused, tormented and kidnapped in this way. This is really exactly what is healing for this wounded part of our psyche as it believes it isnt worth being saved let alone being avenged, the fact that these beings would mount a resistance to bring justice to this little one is enough to break open a burst of love back into its heart....so there,s a whole guided reclaiming. The intolerable is the ripped gap created in the heart by the seperation of oneness into twoness of opposing forces, where the higherself bliss light in heaven continously feeds off the lowerself to fuel its bliss, while the lower self is in agony, a very sadistic spiral, the crown chakra is a great place to take a vacation but it is just the north pole of this matrix. This path is about saying No! So yeah everytime you keep saying No and make a few steps of progress, these very real forces will make all manner of moves to stop you, because they dont want to be exposed for what they are and they are feeding off your emotional pain like feasting on caviar and it is easier than shooting fish in a barrel. It originated with this medium lady I met at a party. We struck up a conversation and all of a sudden we were talking about the matrix. How did she originate it? She tells me she spontaneously understood this from being so repeatedly split and shattered through a series of childhood traumas. This profound shattering allowed her to see the north and south pole splits through the entire matrix. She says through being in her heart, she can send information outside the matrix and all the corruption is recorded. She keeps sending messages out beyond to those outside the matrix who want to fix it, but they cant since they cant get inside, but through her heart she is able to send and receive messages from them. She has been doing this work for the last decade. you can read more I just found this: http://www.spiritualeducation.org/work/conf2010/one_heart
  24. You are most welcome Yeah I realise this terminology is far out but the only one here capable of grasping it might be Pythagorean Lotus....it took me a very long time to begin to integrate this concept and experience it in action, a lot of long conversations and free healing with the woman who originated it.
  25. Sorry guys I realise I have lost you completely , however I would be curious what pythagorean lotus has to say about this, if he is so willing.