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Everything posted by Xienkula1

  1. Transmissons

    Very well? This is sort of like tree falls in the forest and one hand clapping.
  2. Ninja - Kuji In

    Didn't know about the chakra kuji connection, very interesting, because the second one, is used at beginning of transmission, and one connects the third eye center to the dan tian of the initiate. Indeed, the 6th one feels to me similar calming, centered, and poised. Yes, and I wonder are these Kuji taoist too, because I have only seen them in buddhist systems? I haven't seen them in the Hindu schools, but probably they could be hanging out in some sampradaya or another. The only Taoist Mudras I know are the sword mudra, and the Mao Shan 8 triagrams mudra... the latter feels very powerful, and much more challenging than most mudras, more so than the mount meru and four continents mudra. They are good ways to connect the brain.
  3. Ninja - Kuji In

    Hey that's one we use after completing the reiki transmission. We were told it draws all the focus onto and back into the dan tian, sort of makes sense with the fingers imploding.
  4. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Another Poem Quote: COAL I is the total black, being spoken from the earth's inside. There are many kinds of open how a diamond comes into a knot of flame how sound comes into a word, coloured by who pays for what speaking. Some words are open like a diamond on glass windows singing out within the passing crash of sun There are words like stapled wagers in a perforated book, -buy and sign and tear apart- and come whatever wills all chances the stub remains an ill-pulled tooth with a ragged edge. Some words live in my throat breeding like adders. Others know sun seeking like gypsies over my tongue to explode through my lips like young sparrows bursting from shell. Some words bedevil me. Love is a word, another kind of open. As the diamond comes into a knot of flame I am Black because I come from the earth's inside now take my word for jewel in the open light. - Audre Lorde
  5. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Ok. But don't you think what often happens is we might want to avoid dealing with death, or abhiniveshaha (desire to cling to life) (and I don't blame anyone for it, it's nearly impossible not to. ) Then we could mask it at the superficial conscious level, say it's not that, we just want total enlightenment, only that! We are all very noble cultivators. but hmm if I just do this practice then I have a exalted meal ticket out of this hell hole when the crap hits the fan, HAHA. Of course with this selfish motivation, it could never work. Opening the gate requires liberation...yet most of those who have reached that state, didn't get out with their body. In fact even in Rainbow body, they don't really take their body...but their body just rapidly dissolves...it is still a kind of death in that sense. Ramalinga says the only way out of here like that is via supreme rare compassion, which would seem to involve facing and embracing the here and now. And no matter what hidous face reality shows asking will you love me like this?
  6. Is your Taijiquan effective in combat?

  7. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Exactly, perhaps there is a reason for our lives we don't consciously know, and which can best be known through experiencing, which is gained best through presence. We are constantly disappearing, reappearing, waking, sleeping, living, dying...we just aren't normally aware of the process.
  8. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Why is everyone so eager to escape in a puff of smoke or a pan flash into never-never land, when the real work is living here and now? I include myself in this...but sheesh...how much do we hate being here and how much do we want to avoid reality? I like what Svoboda's Guru said to him "Robby, you'd better learn to live with reality, or else reality will come and live with you"
  9. Transmissons

  10. Transmissons

    Hmmm Im heared Rain makes a purdy mirror. . I was just trying to understand transmission and osmosis, and thought I sounded pretty bobo level without a trace of intellecual superiority but it seemed to me on the the reading of osmosis, it wasn't vary cleer, but then I thought transmission seemed more explainable like static electricity and induction. "trying to understand" is really the issue, and some would rather just paint walls and enjoy aesthetics, rather than look up the physics and chemistry of paint evaporation or the physics of hoola hooping for a few hours; Yes "trying to understand" can definitely side track us from the original purpose. Of course I know what I am not seeing.... neti...neti....oops watch out for boogers. ..zzzzzZZZZZZzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzziZZlingzzzzzzkizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeZzzz..
  11. Transmissons

    Oh yeah ?
  12. Transmissons

    Oh yeah does it work the same way, by the master creating a high energy salt concentration in the students cells, which then suctiones out the master water into the students cells to make the student and the master have equal amounts of water, and the pressure of water transmission, is the amount of pressure required to push the water from the student's cells back into the master?
  13. What was Before the BigBang!?

    Cool! It kind of reminds me of the title of a great book: Zero: The Biography of A Dangerous Idea.
  14. Ganesha

    He can appear as grace unbidden as He is unconstrained and transcended. Be there yes, and it may boad well to be there with pure devotion. Perhaps approach as not doing, and simple opening and FEELING, then let go. if you can't, you can always pray that obstacles be removed such that you can.
  15. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Mais pourquoi c'est tres degoutant? Santa = Satan = Satnam = Saturne = Satya
  16. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Santa =Satan
  17. Transmissons

  18. Transmissons

    Yes, agreed to an extent Taomeow. Im doing biochem right now, and I feel our lab training experience is about as mindless as the crash prep-course for working the McDonald's express counter. When I went to ask my question of the professor about Kervran's biological transmutations, not surprisingly, he had no idea who he was, laughed when he read on wikipedia that the man had received the ignoble prize for physics, and mused that this is most likely sheer quackery. Yet when you read the experiments and the data, the theories don't seem to be that outlandish. I have read that the results he obtained weren't repeatable, but the chicken experiment should be easy. Get a control, feed hens a normal diet, feed hens calcium deficient diet with high potassium, feed hens high calcium, low potassium, feed hens low potassium and low calcium....observe health of chickens, measure bone density, and structural strength of egg shells. Forget the chicken experiment, look at the distilled water and sprouts experiment, with levels of minerals measured after sprouting, that apparently were not present in the seed itself, nor were they present in the water. The professor thinks it is not biological transmutation, just bad science, that there is something going on that is not understood, but that certainly does not give anyone the license to dare contradict the, 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics, energy is constantly conserved, and an open or closed system (a teacup, body, a universe) must accumulate mess on a constant basis or expend energy to maintain order. I doubt I'll ever be in a position to repeat these experiments but I would love to see what happens when enough people actually do. Either my teacher will be right, or maybe some really cool as yet undiscovered enzyme is really catalyzing a nuclear addition reaction between potassium and hydrogen to make calcium. These seems so weird though, why has no one studied these enzymes? Why the massive academic suppression and taboo? Quackery. You wanna study that, you're an idiot or a quack. People thought Tesla was an idiot and a quack, but he came up with alternating current electricity ahh...but he did other insane things like causing massive power outages and used high voltage equipment on himself, lived off milk, and tended to white pigeons. Science has provided us great comforts, which we often take for granted as we complacently type on our keyboards, as much as it is a tool for controlling mass appeal.
  19. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Not your experience are key words...people can experience things in different ways...different bodies react differently to different foods, some bodies produce more enzymes, some less, different minds respond differently to different ideas... a wise old Kahuna said "the Divine is equally present in the Righteous man and in the evil doer....so Beware!" here's some info on the Kunlun entity phenomenon (Here Mantra says entities are already there, but Kunlun cleans out the pipes, so all the nasty soul sediment is given an opportunity to clear when you float into Kunlun gear: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?showtopic=3799 P.S. My clairvoyant friend has a rare gift for "the sight." She was able to see the aura of the T1 takyon capsule remotely by phone thousands of miles away...most psychics do not properly see the aura, but the proponent of the technology attested to her highly accurate ability, and was impressed, since few "clairvoyants" he had met could correctly perceive this vaccum energy.
  20. Posture improvement

    I would pay good money to see a video clip of this instance.
  21. Honest Food Discussion

    This is definitely a food turn off: http://en.epochtimes.com/news/4-6-30/22191.html
  22. Honest Food Discussion

    I reckon upfromtheashes might develop an appetite for vibhuti
  23. Ganesha

    Pathi=Lord, yes! Actually that seems to make sense if He is each human CNS, with it's elphants head and trunk. In what else dwells the power to control the senses? I did not know about the Vainayakas, and the 7 Ganesh chakras. I had tried a kind of meditation where I visualised on seperate occaisons in the anahata (heart), and muladhara (base) chakras, where upon He sat upon the yantra and seed syllable of that chakra and then visualised the yantra 3D around the body of the Ganesh, the outer square with four gates being the fortress platform, wherein the center is a beautful 12 petaled lotus vibrating with 12 seed syllables, and upon a moon disk is the hexagram, and around Ganesh is the merkaba star, and in his heart flames the Gam bija, he rides his vahana of rat, he holds his modaka sweet, and other hand in chin mudra, and his other two hands holding aloft respectively, a goad and noose. His splenderous golden crown is bejeweled, while his third eye is decorated with an aum, and an auspicous vermillion swastika adorns his trunk. One recites the mantra with devotion to the Ruler of the senses, the bestower of all superphysical and supernormal powers, the ultimate liberator, and message deliverer, lord of Dharma, and before you are all enemies, all spirits, souls in need of divine intervention. The mantra swirls in the mind centered in the heart, around the gam bija, and mental offerings of milk, ghee, sugar, honey, yogurt, all five nectars, water, are poured onto his head. His third eye and trunk are painted with sandalwood paste, enlivened with vermillion. Betel leaves, incense, a lamp, burning camphore, fly whisk and fan, all manner of delicacies and sweets, flowers, fruits, are offered to the presence of Ganesha in mentally your heart and to the hearts of all beings, each mantra an offering into the Presence of Ganesha indewelling within the yantra. The light radiates from the heart to all beings as an infinite cascade of Gams seed syllables, and then returns magnefied as you continuously chant upon the mala.
  24. Ganesha

    Ganesha is part of the Tibetan Tradition in his own right. http://imageserver.himalayanart.org:8087/f...1,1&hei=400