Hi,   Its come to mine (and a few others attention) that the threads in the main forum by the member awaken are basically not threads where discussion is invited or welcomed...the responses to other posters is basically to block or ignore anyone who disagrees with anything, stifle discussion and also, it is becoming bothersome to other members   I would appreciate if the mods would consider relocating these types of threads to the members PPD so that   1. They can actually delete any comments they want,  They will haven even more control of the thread (which is what they clearly want) 2 This kind of hostility and unpleasantness can be kept off the main forum (it is troublesome in more than one way).   There are a few threads like this and they are becoming little more than echo chambers for the member, and flashpoints of hostility   Consider this in light of the forum guidelines     Im all for people expressing their opinion...I like hearing what others have to say. I would think it would hold that if someone wants to have a discussion, they would post on the main board, and if someone wants to listen to their own voice, they should probably post in a PPD   Would appreciate a bit of clarity around this. Thank you