這本書在丹道界非常有名,可以說是中醫界的黃帝內經,儒家的論語,道家哲學的道德經,具有經王的地位。 這本書應該是有英文翻譯的,可以的話,誰可以提供一下英文翻譯連結。   This book is very famous in the field of alchemy and Taoism. It can be said that it is the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic in the field of Chinese medicine, the Analects of Confucianism, and the Tao Te Ching of Taoist philosophy. It has the status of the king of Dao classics. This book should have an English translation, if possible, who can provide the English translation link.     https://web.archive.org/web/20070128012222/http://www.daoism.cn/up/data/018wzhp.htm   但是我這裡只能提供中文連結。 談了為什麼搬運法看不懂黃庭經的系列之後,接著談為什麼搬運法看不懂悟真篇。     But I can only provide Chinese links here. After talking about why those who cultivate the transfer method can't understand the series of Huang Tingjing, I then talk about why those who cultivate the transfer method can't understand the WuzhenPian.