obviously. the sumerian tablets of kings rulership, the bible, very clearly mentioned lifespans....annunaki too   I assume it's a matter of inherited and dna programming. For example buddhism says the likes of nagas can remember naturally past lives, up to 14. Humans need meditation for it.   At the end of the day it's just a body. I imagine its way less effort and time consuming to obtain a cultivation that lets you house multiple physical bodies, switching about, then to perfectionize one physical vessel. Still, the same can be said about the desire to house another vessel in this TIMELINE in this point in time to stay with or finish business with whoever. It's a desire to which normal humans easily fall under it's spell. Another or a longterm vessel is not a laughing matter, for it's a vessel of life itself. Such desires (constrictions) would preferably be eliminated before starting to cultivate for such skills.   Could be my uneducated observation (meaning positively wrong) but there are more stories of body transfers than huge lifespans.